RF Sort and Receive

The RF Module for Sort and Receive is 'rf.inbound.cwrfsortandrecv.' The following are the parameters for RF Sort and Receive:

Figure 6: RF Sort and Receive Parameters

Parameter Parameter Choice Description
qty-entry-mode None|Sku Scan|Sku Qty

When the parameter is set to 'SKU Qty', users are required to scan SKU and quantity to sort and receive

When the parameter is set to 'SKU Scan' or none, users need to scan the SKU alone, which in turn sorts whole inventory of the scanned SKU into a tote.

Default value- Blank (acts as Sku Scan)

scan-shipment-load None|Scan Load|Scan Shipment

This parameter allows you to scan the shipment number or the Load number depending on whether they want to receive by shipment or the Load.

Default value- Blank ( acts as Scan Shipment)

When the parameter is set to 'Scan Shipment' or none,you need to scan the shipment number in order to proceed with the Sort & Receive transaction.

When the parameter is set to 'Scan Load', you need to scan the Load number before scanning the SKU code

allow-inv-exp-override None|Allow Inventory Expiry Check Override

This parameter allows you to block the receiving of expired LPNs.

When the parameter is set to 'Allow Inventory Expiry Check Override',the system allows you to receive LPNs with expired inventories within the product life days.

When the parameter is set tonone, the system will not allow you to receive expired inventories.

Default Value: Blank

allow-rem-exp-override None|Allow % Remaining Expiry Check Override

When configured to 'Allow % Remaining Expiry Check Override' , inbound SKUs with an expiry date earlier than inventory already present in the warehouse for the same SKU can be received.

When not configured(blank value), inbound SKUs with an expiry date prior to inventory already present in the warehouse for the same SKU cannot be received.

Default Value: Blank

capture-date-type None|Prompt for expiry date|Prompt for manufacture date

For lot controlled inventory, this parameter determines if the RF prompts for the manufacture date or the expiry date. Accurate Product Shelf Life data is required for manufacture date (Active only for Items managed with Expiry Date).

Default value- Blank

Use the RF to scan the sku in the ASN and the system will run the sortation rules and take you to one of the receiving stations based on whichever rule fires. Next, you can put the sku into an existing LPN or open a new LPN. As soon as the break condition is reached, the LPN will be ended and received. Then a new LPN can be scanned.

The initial RF Sort and Receive screen looks like [NJ1] the following:

Figure 7: RF Sort and Receive

If the SKU is a batch or Expiry tracked item, the RF Sort and Receive prompts for the batch number and expiry date:

Figure 8: RF Sort and Receive

When you select a Sort and Receive rule for the pack station, you can drill down to see the matching values populated for the criteria fields selected and the corresponding tote present for each unique combination of the criteria fields. When you close the tote records, the corresponding tote will be deleted.

Figure 9: Sort and Receive Rule Details

When you are performing sort and receive on Receive Station “RS-09-09-09” and the scanned sku corresponds to the Inbound Shipment detail whose Criteria 1 value is “Item barcode” then the system puts the SKU to existing or new LPN “RVSPLPN01”. If you scan a sku that corresponds to Inbound Shipment detail where there is no matching record, the system prompts for a new LPN. Once you confirm the sku to a new tote or LPN, a new record displays for the scanned tote against the Pack Station.