UI Sort and Receive

The Sort and Receive module is available via UI and RF. The Sort and Receive Config (SortReceiveHdrView) header provides you an ability to outline the pattern in which you want to sort and receive the SKU in your warehouse.

Sort and Receive Rule Header

The Sort and Receive Configuration screen allows you to create criteria columns for each Receiving Station:

Note: you can create, edit, or delete Sort and Receive rules. Options to Add/Edit/Delete are available based on your group permissions for the screen. To view or enable, go to Group Configuration UI > Click Permissions to view/enable the available permissions for Sort and Receive and to set group permissions.

When you click Create, the following screen displays:

Fields Description
Receive Station Enter the receiving station from where you want bring the items from.
Criteria 1* Define the rule by selecting from the drop-down box.
Criteria 2 You can define an additional criteria by selecting from the drop-down box.

NON_EMPTY_FIRST: Value configured in the criteria field 1. If the value is blank then try to match the value from criteria field 2 next to get to corresponding Tote.

MATCH_EITHER: Value from criteria field 1 or value from criteria field 2 is verified to get a corresponding Tote. If either one of the column value matches then the corresponding Tote is fetched

MATCH_ALL[s1] : Value from criteria field 1 column and value from criteria field 2 is matched to get a corresponding Tote or Inbound Container.

Break Rule Select the Break rule from the drop-down box. For more information, See Sort Break Rule section.
Close LPN Location Enter the drop location to where you want to locate your items to.

Receiving Station Location Type

When you Sort and Receive, usually there will be sort stations with totes. You can configure the sort stations in the application as locations. The Location Type “Receiving Station” allows you to differentiate these locations from others. When you create or edit a Location from the Locations UI, you will see Receiving Station as an existing Location Type option.

Configure Sort Criteria

For every Receiving Station, you can configure the sort criteria to determine the tote being sorted into. If Receive Sort Rules are not configured, then Sort and Receive will not be able to determine the tote, and placing the scanned item into the tote becomes user directed.

Sort and Receive allows you to configure two candidate columns (criteria fields) from the Inbound Shipment detail along with the Break Rule. You can configure both the criteria fields or the first criteria field. If both the criteria fields are configured, while determining the inbound tote, the system looks into the first criteria field for matching against the appropriate Inbound Shipment detail. If a match is found then the appropriate tote is picked, if not then the second criteria value is matched. If both the criteria fields are configured the intention is not to match both the fields together.

Sort Break Rule

The Sort Break Rule screen allows you to configure break values for closing the totes. Totes that you are sorting to will have capacity in terms of weight/volume or number of units. For a tote, if the associated break criteria value is reached, you will be prompted to end the tote. The following section details how to configure a Sort Break Rule. It isn’t mandatory to configure a Sort Break Rule. If a Sort Break Rule isn’t configured, the system does not do any validations for closing the tote. You will have to end the tote manually through the RF Program.

Some of the typical columns exposed for configuring the Break Rules are based on the tote’s weight, volume, number of distinct skus, or number of orders.

You can configure as many Break Rules as you like.

Sort Break Rule Header

The Break Rules screen allows you to create break rules and associate the rule details with the criteria you specify.

Figure 4: Sort Break Rule Header

For an individual rule, you can configure more than one of the above columns. While doing Sort and Receive if any one of the thresholds are reached, the system prompts you to close the tote.

  1. Go to Sort and Receive UI > Click Break Rules
  2. Click (+) to create a new rules
Fields Description
Break Rule Displays the name of the rule

Select the type of criteria:

  • Weight
  • Volumn
  • Sum(curr_qty)
  • Count(distinct(item_ID))
  • Count(distinct(cust_field_1))
Value Define the value for the selected criteria.

In the following example, the Break Rules detail screen shows the break criteria configured based on the number of distinct items (2), weight (200), and current quantity (5.)

Figure 5: Sort Break Rule Detail

In the above example, if the Inbound Tote that is getting sorted reaches a weight of 200 or the count of distinct itemsreaches 2 or the sum of the current quantity is 5. Next, You are prompted to close the tote. If multiple attributes are configured and any one of the break criteria is met, the Inbound Tote being sorted will be closed or prompted to close.