
A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • Access Control Lists (ACL)
    • adding and deleting security group members 14.6.3
    • available security groups 14.6
    • setting NTFS ACLs manually
    • setting on Net Service directory objects 14.6.2
  • accessing Active Directory 14.1.2
  • ACLs
    • adding and deleting security group members 14.6.3
    • available security groups 14.6
    • setting NTFS ACLs manually
    • setting on Net Service directory objects 14.6.2
  • Active Directory
    • adding and deleting security group members 14.6.3
    • automatic discovery of directory servers 14.2.2
    • how Oracle directory objects appear 14.2.7
    • integration with Oracle objects 14.2.3
    • managing Access Control Lists 14.6
    • managing security groups 14.6
    • testing connectivity with SQL*Plus 14.2.4
    • testing database connectivity 14.2.4
    • user interface extensions 14.2.4
  • adding and deleting users
  • adding executables
    • firewall exceptions for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM
    • firewall exceptions for Oracle Database
    • firewall exceptions for Oracle Database Examples
    • firewall exceptions for Oracle Gateways
    • firewall exceptions for other Oracle Products
  • administering external roles 11.1
  • administration tools prompting for password
    • Domain User Account 2.2
    • Local User Account 2.2
    • password not stored in Oracle Wallet 2.2
  • administrator
    • starting ASMCA tool
      • member of ORA_ASMADMIN 2.2
    • starting DBCA tool
      • member of ORA_DBA 2.2
    • starting DBUA tool
      • member of ORA_ASMADMIN 2.2
  • Administrators group
    • running configuration tools 2.2.2
  • advanced replication
    • about 5.10
    • configuring
      • adding and modifying initialization parameters 5.10.2
      • checking tablespace 5.10.1
      • monitoring data dictionary tables 5.10.3
  • alert logs
    • monitoring a database 7.1
    • using 7.3
  • archiving mode
  • archiving procedures
  • archiving redo log files, 6.7
  • AUDIT_FILE_DEST 7.2.2, 15.4
  • audit trail
  • Authenticated Users 5.3
    • permissions for Oracle Database Client Oracle home
    • permissions for Oracle Database Oracle home
    • permissions for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Oracle home
  • Authenticated Users group
  • authentication
    • automatically enabling during installation 10.4
    • enhancements 10.3
    • OSAUTH_PREFIX_DOMAIN parameter
    • overview 10.1, 14.4
    • using a password file 6.5
    • using Windows native authentication methods 14.4
    • using Windows native methods 10.1
  • auto-starting Oracle Database services 6.1.4
    • using Control Panel 6.1.4
    • using Oracle Administration Assistant 6.1.4



  • command-line tool
  • commands
  • configuration parameters
  • configuring
    • advanced replication 5.10.1
      • adding and modifying initialization parameters 5.10.2
      • monitoring data dictionary tables 5.10.3
    • Named Pipes Protocol Adapter B.5.2
    • Oracle Multimedia 5.7.1
    • Oracle Spatial and Graph 5.9
    • Oracle Text 5.8
    • Windows firewall exceptions
    • Windows firewall postinstallation 5.1.2
  • configuring Oracle Net Services for external procedures 17.1.2
  • configuring Oracle Text
    • using Database Configuration Assistant 5.8
    • using DBCA 5.8
    • connecting without a password 10.4
    • using 6.2
  • connecting
    • LOCAL parameter B.4.1
    • to active directory using Windows login credentials 14.2.6
    • to a database 6.2
  • CREATE LIBRARY command 17.1.5
  • creating
    • an Oracle Context 14.3.2
    • external operating system users 11.1.1
    • external roles manually 11.1.3
    • ORACLE_SID parameter 4.3.10
    • Oracle Schema objects 14.3.1
  • custom database


  • database administrator (DBA) privileges
  • database connection error messages D.6
  • database monitoring
    • with alert logs 7.3
    • with trace files 7.3
  • database operator privileges
  • databases
  • database tools
    • operating system compatibility 2.1.1
    • running with administrator privileges 2.2.2
    • running with Windows User Account Control 2.2.2
    • starting ASMCA 2.2.3
    • starting DBCA 2.2.3, 4.2
    • starting from the command line 2.2.4
    • starting from the Start Menu 2.2.3
    • starting in multiple Oracle Homes 2.2.1
    • starting Microsoft ODBC Administration 2.2.3
    • starting NetCA 2.2.3,
    • starting Oracle Directory Manager 2.2.3
    • starting Oracle Net Manager 2.2.3
    • starting Oracle Wallet Manager 2.2.3
  • data dictionary tables 5.10.3
  • Data Pump Export, starting 2.2.4
  • Data Pump Import, starting 2.2.4
  • DBCA prompts for password
    • Domain User Account 4.2
    • Local User Account 4.2
    • password not stored in Oracle Wallet 4.2
  • debugging external procedures 17.3
  • deleting database files 4.3.2
  • directory naming software requirements 14.3.3
  • directory servers
    • automatic discovery of directory servers 14.2.2
    • features integrated with Oracle Database 11g 14.2.1
    • how Oracle directory objects display in Active Directory 14.2.7
    • managing Access Control Lists 14.6
    • user interface extensions 14.2.4
  • DLLs
    • compared to UNIX shared libraries E.5
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters 16.4
  • dnfs_batch_size parameter
    • default value is 4096 1.1.4
    • recommended setting 1.1.4
    • to control the number of queued asynchronous I/Os 1.1.4
  • duplicating a database
    • creating a nonstandby database from shadow copies 9.8.1
    • creating a standby database from shadow copies 9.8.2


  • encrypting, database passwords 6.6.2
  • enhanced security 5.4.5, 5.5.1
  • enhancing Oracle directory object type descriptions 14.2.5
  • error messages
    • DIM-00000 to DIM-00228 D.5
    • ORA-01102 4.1
    • ORA-09275 D.1
    • ORA-12560 D.6
    • ORA-15252 to ORA-15266 D.2
    • ORA-15301 to ORA-15302 D.3
    • OSD-04000 to OSD-04099 D.4.1
    • OSD-04100 to OSD-04199 D.4.2
    • OSD-04200 to OSD-04299 D.4.3
    • OSD-04300 to OSD-04399 D.4.4
    • OSD-04400 to OSD-04499 D.4.5
    • OSD-04500 to OSD-04599 D.4.6
  • Event Viewer
    • defined 2.4.1
    • for monitoring a database 7.1
    • integration with Oracle Database 2.4.1
    • logging operating system audit trail 2.4.1
    • managing 7.2.2
    • reading 7.2.3
    • starting 2.2.5
  • EXECUTE privileges, on a PL/SQL library 17.1.5
  • exporting
  • Export parameter mode 4.3.1
  • Export Wizard 2.1.2
  • extended partition A.1
  • EXTERNAL clause 17.1.5
  • external operating system users
  • external procedures
  • external roles
    • administering 11.1
    • authorization on client computer
    • authorization on Oracle database server
    • creating manually 11.1.3
  • EXTPROC agent
    • authentication using CREATE LIBRARY extension
    • example 17.1.3
    • responsibilities 17.1.2


  • failure to modify ownership, group, and permission of open files D.3
  • features supporting large user population
    • Oracle Database Shared Server Process 1.2.1
    • Oracle Net multiplexing and connection pooling 1.2.1
    • Oracle RAC 1.2.1
  • file I/O enhancements 1.1.4
  • file permissions 5.4.5, 5.5.1
  • files
    • maximum number for each database 15.7
    • maximum size possible 15.7
    • sample init.ora 15.2
    • trace 7.3
  • FSEEK line terminators 17.4


  • hiding password file
    • using command prompt 6.5.1
    • using Windows Explorer 6.5.1


  • importing
  • Import Wizard 2.1.2
  • initialization parameter file
  • initialization parameters
  • instances
  • integration with Windows
    • Oracle Services for MTS 1.3.2


  • large page support
  • listener requirements B.3
  • LOCAL networking parameter B.4.1


  • manually migrating external operating system users 11.1.4
  • maximum file size of control files 15.7
  • memory usage 8.4
  • Microsoft Active Directory 14.1.1
  • Microsoft Certificate Services 13.2.2
  • Microsoft Certificate Stores 13.2.1
  • Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
  • Migration Utility tool 2.1.2
  • MMC
    • See: Microsoft Management Console
  • modifying executable images
  • monitoring
    • alert logs 7.1
    • Event Viewer 7.1
    • Management Pack 7.1
    • trace files 7.1
  • monitoring data dictionary tables 5.10.3
  • multiple instances, running 6.4
  • multithreaded agent architecture 17.2


  • Named Pipes Protocol Adapter B.5.2
  • Named Pipes Protocol Adapter with an Oracle Names Server B.5.2
  • naming conventions for multiple Oracle homes 6.1.1
  • Net Service Objects security group
  • networking parameters
  • noarchiving mode
  • NTFS file system permission setting 5.4
  • NTLM (NT Lan Manager)
    • authenticating Windows domain users 10.2
    • authenticating Windows local users 10.2
    • deprecation 10.2
  • NTS
    • See: Windows native authentication


  • operating system authentication
    • automatically enabling during installation 10.4
    • connecting as SYSDBA without a password 10.4
    • OSAUTH_PREFIX_DOMAIN parameter
  • operating systems
  • OPER privileges 11.1.2
  • ORA_DBA local group 10.4
  • ORACLE_SID 4.3.9, 6.4
  • Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) 2.2.2
  • Oracle ASM File Access Control
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM)
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) 2.2.3
  • Oracle Database
    • connecting remotely using SYSDBA privileges 6.6.1
    • connecting to 6.2
    • password encryption 6.6.2
    • shutting down 6.2, 6.3
    • specifications 15.7
    • starting 6.2
    • verifying remotely 6.6.2
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) 2.2.2
    • preferred tools 2.1.2
    • registering a database object in a directory server 14.2.6
    • starting 2.2.3
  • Oracle Database services
    • auto-starting 6.1.4
      • using Control Panel 6.1.4
      • using Oracle Administration Assistant 6.1.4
    • naming conventions for multiple Oracle homes 6.1.1
    • Oracle VSS Writer
      • command-line syntaxes 9.4
      • installing and uninstalling 9.4
      • integrating with third-party requester applications 9.7.1, 9.7.2
      • options 9.4
    • privileges
      • SeBackupPrivilege C.1.2
      • SeBatchLogonRight C.1.2
      • SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege C.1.2
      • SeLockMemoryPrivilege 8.2.1
    • run under
      • LocalService Account 3
      • NetworkService Account 3
      • Windows User Account 3
    • shutting down a database 6.3
    • starting 6.1.2
      • using command prompt 6.1.2
      • using Control Panel 6.1.2
      • using Oracle Administration Assistant 6.1.2
    • stopping 6.1.3
      • using command prompt 6.1.3
      • using Control Panel 6.1.3
      • using Oracle Administration Assistant 6.1.3
  • Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) 2.2.2
  • OracleDBCreator security group
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Management Pack 7.1
  • OracleHOMENAMEClientCache B.2.1
  • OracleHOMENAMECMAdmin B.2.1
  • OracleHOMENAMECMan B.2.1
  • OracleHOMENAMETNSListener B.2.1
  • OracleHOMENAMETNSListener service B.5.2
  • Oracle Home User
    • comparison with Linux/UNIX Oracle User E.13
    • permissions
  • Oracle Home User Control tool
    • command-line tool 2.3
    • updates password of Oracle Home User 2.3
  • Oracle Installation User
  • Oracle Locale Builder 2.2.3
  • Oracle Managed Files 4.3.6
  • Oracle Multimedia
    • about 5.7
    • configuring 5.7.1
    • enabling Oracle Database to store, manage, and retrieve images 5.7
  • OracleNetAdmins security group
  • Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    • configuring Oracle software with a directory server 14.2.2, 14.2.6
    • creating Oracle Context 14.3
    • creating Oracle schema object 14.3
  • Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) 2.2.2, 2.2.3
  • Oracle Net mutiplexing and connection pooling 1.2.1
  • Oracle Net Services
    • advanced configuration B.5
    • running CMADMIN B.3.1
    • running CMAN B.3.1
    • running Oracle Listener B.3.1
  • Oracle Public Key Infrastructure 13.1
  • Oracle RAC 1.2.1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
    • See: Oracle RAC
    • allows multiple server computers to access the same database files 1.2.1
    • increases the number of user connections 1.2.1
    • registry values 16.4
  • Oracle Scheduler 5.6
  • Oracle Spatial and Graph configuring 5.9
  • Oracle Text
    • about 5.8
    • configuring 5.8
    • enables text queries through SQL and PL/SQL 5.8
  • Oracle VSS writer
  • Oracle VSS Writer
    • shadow copies
  • Oracle Wallet Manager
  • Oracle Wallets 12.3
    • creating
    • for Oracle Database Services
    • storing in the registry 12.3
    • storing private keys and trust points 12.1
    • accepts operating system user name and password if no /ospass option after osusr 4.4, C.1
    • command syntax errors D.5
    • creates Oracle Database service 4.4, C.1
    • creates Oracle Scheduler service 4.4, C.1
    • creates Oracle VSS Writer service 4.4, C.1
    • moving or copying password files 6.5
    • preferred tools 2.1.2
    • starting 2.2.4
    • using operating system user name and password 2.1.2
    • creating password files 6.5
    • starting 2.2.4
  • OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX parameter
  • OS_ROLES parameter
    • using with external roles 10.3



  • querying background processes



  • services 6.1.1
  • SET ROLE command
  • setting file permissions
    • Database Upgrade Assistant 5.5.1
    • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 5.5.1
    • Oracle Universal Installer 5.5.1
  • setting registry parameters
    • for starting Oracle Database 6.3
    • for stopping Oracle Database 6.3
    • optional
    • ORA_SHUTDOWN 6.3
    • ORA_SID_PFILE 6.3
  • Shared Server Process 1.2.1
  • shutting down databases 6.2, 6.3
  • SQL*Loader
  • SQL*Plus
    • connecting to a database through Active Directory 14.2.4
    • preferred tools 2.1.2
    • shutting down the database 6.2
    • starting 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 6.2
    • starting the database 6.2
  • SQL*Plus Worksheet
  • sqlnet.ora file
  • starting
    • Oracle Database 6.3
    • Oracle Database services 6.1.2
      • using command prompt 6.1.2
      • using Control Panel 6.1.2, 6.3
      • using Oracle Administration Assistant 6.1.2
    • SQL*Plus 6.2
    • TKPROF 2.2.4
  • starting an Oracle Database instance 4.3.5
  • starting Oracle Database 6.3
  • stopping
    • Oracle Database 6.3
    • Oracle Database services 6.1.3
      • using command prompt 6.1.3
      • using Control Panel 6.1.3, 6.3
      • using Oracle Administration Assistant 6.1.3
  • stopping Oracle Database 6.3
  • storing an Oracle Wallet 12.3
  • SYSDBA privileges
    • connecting without a password 10.4
    • member of
  • SYSTEM user


  • Task Manager
  • testing connectivity
  • thread-based architecture
  • threads
  • TNS_ADMIN networking parameter B.4.2
  • tools, starting
  • trace files
    • for monitoring a database 7.1
    • using 7.3
  • troubleshooting
    • ORA-12560 error D.6
    • ORA-28575 error D.6
    • TNS-12203 error D.6
    • Windows firewall exceptions 5.1.3
  • tuning Windows Server operating system 8.1


  • UNIX and Windows, Oracle Database differences E
  • USE_SHARED_SOCKET networking parameter B.4.3
  • user authentication
    • description 10.3
    • enhancement methods 10.3
  • user group privileges
  • user replacement failure on Windows D.2
  • using Oracle Administration Assistant
    • start Oracle Database 6.3
    • stop Oracle Database 6.3
  • using ORADIM
    • creating an Oracle Database instance 4.4.1
    • modifying an instance 4.4.4
    • starting an Oracle Database instance 4.4.2
    • starting services 4.4.2
  • using UTL_FILE 17.4
  • using VSS


  • viewing password file
    • using command prompt 6.5.1
    • using Windows Explorer 6.5.1
  • Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) 9.1.1
  • VSS
    • Oracle VSS Writer 9.2
    • VSS provider 9.2
    • VSS requester 9.2


  • Wallet Resource Locator 13.2.3
  • Windows
    • and UNIX, Oracle Database differences E
  • Windows 32-bit operating system features
    • large user populations 1.2.1
  • Windows domains
    • administering external users and roles 11.1
    • basic features 10.3
  • Windows firewall exceptions
  • Windows firewall postinstallation 5.1.2
  • Windows local groups 10.4
  • Windows local groups with DBA privileges
  • Windows native authentication
  • Windows-specific
    • audit trail 7.2.3
    • initialization parameter file 15.1
    • parameter file location 15.1.1
    • parameter filename and location 15.1
    • password filename and location 6.5
    • role syntax
    • trace file names 7.3
  • Windows tuning
    • applying latest service packs 8.9
    • closing unnecessary foreground applications 8.12
    • configuring server to be an application server 8.4
    • disabling unnecessary services 8.5
    • foreground applications 8.3
    • multiple striped volumes for sequential and random access 8.10.1
    • multiplex windows server virtual memory paging file 8.11
    • overview 8.1
    • removing unused network protocols 8.6
    • resetting the network protocol bind order 8.7
    • setting the order of multiple network interface cards 8.8
    • using hardware and operating system striping 8.10
  • Windows utility tool