Customer 360 - Customer Insights

The Customer Insights Zone contains messages highlighting a variety of insights related to the customer (person, account, premise) in context. Insight Types associated to the Insight Class of Customer Insights are displayed.

Note: For more information about Insight Types and Insight Groups, see Contextual Insights.
The following provides high-level steps to define insight types that can be associated to the customer insights zone:
  • Define new Insight Types. For the customer insights zone, the insight types are intended to be defined with a visual structure of List or Card. Specify an insight algorithm that receives person, account or premise as input context values. The base package provides algorithm type C1CIALERT (Contextual Insight - Control Central Alert) for exposing control central alerts as contextual insights.

  • Define an Insight Group that references the Customer Insights insight class. Configure the valid visual structures as List or Card.

  • Associate the insight types to the insight group.

In addition to the Customer Insights zone, contextual insights can be configured to potentially render within certain areas of the other Customer 360 zones. The following table lists the available insight classes included in the base package and the associated UI placement within the corresponding customer 360 zone that insights can render. Additionally, the intended valid visual structures are listed as a guideline when defining the associated insight group. Follow the steps as described above to define insight types and insight groups for these zones.

Insight Class Zone UI Placement Input Context Valid Visual Structures
Customer Context (Upper) Customer (dashboard zone) Upper section of the zone, under person name field PER_​ID, ACCT_​ID Badge
Customer Context (Lower) Customer (dashboard zone) Bottom section of the zone, under person name field PER_​ID, ACCT_​ID Inline
Financial History Financial Activity Upper section of Financial History tab, above the financial history fields ACCT_​ID Inline
Usage and Billing Financial Activity Upper section of Usage and Billing tab, below the filters ACCT_​ID Inline
Payment Agreements Financial Activity Upper section of Payment Agreements tab ACCT_​ID Inline
Credit and Collections Financial Activity Upper section of Credit and Collections tab, above the credit and collections trees ACCT_​ID Inline