FA Log Entry Events

Log entries are generated either manually by a user or via a "plug-in". The system provides some sample plug-ins that may be configured to populate the table.

  • The sample FA integration algorithm may be configured to create log entries for certain conditions.
  • The sample FA response application services provided by the system create log entries for positive or negative responses to outgoing messages.
  • The sample FA completion application service provide by the system may create log entries under certain conditions.

The table below indicates the log types provided by the system and which sample "plug-ins" may create them.

Log Type

Generated By

Content of Details

Appointment Book - Negative Acknowledgement

FA Response> application service for a negative response to Appointment Book NDS message.

Negative Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2. Error (%3) %4

Where %1 is message ID

%2 is the Notification Download Type description

%3 and %4 are the external message code and its corresponding base message category/number, if the external message code has been specified.

Appointment Booked

FA integration algorithm

Appointment booked for <appointment start date/time > - <appointment end date/time>.

Appointment Canceled

FA integration algorithm

Appointment for <appointment start date/time > - <appointment end date/time> has been canceled.

Appointment Canceled - Negative Acknowledgement

FA Response application service for a negative response to any Appointment Cancellation NDS message.

Negative Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2. Error (%3) %4

Where %1 is message ID

%2 is the Notification Download Type description

%3 and %4 are the external message code and its corresponding base message category/number, if the external message code has been specified.

External Message Received

FA completion application service if action is Update Log

Message received from %1. Message text: %2

Where %1 is the description of the external system feature configuration

%2 is the message sent from the external system.

FA External ID Change

FA integration algorithm

FA External ID changed from <FA External ID - Before Change> to <FA External ID - After Change>

FA Intermediate Status Change

FA integration algorithm

FA Intermediate Status changed from <Intermediate Status Description - Before Change> to <Intermediate Status Description - After Change>

FA Status Change

FA integration algorithm

FA Status changed from <Status Description - Before Change> to <Status Description - After Change>

Order Cancellation - Negative Acknowledgement

FA Response application service for a negative response to FA Cancellation NDS message.

Negative Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2. Error (%3) %4

Where %1 is message ID

%2 is the Notification Download Type description

%3 and %4 are the external message code and its corresponding base message category/number, if the external message code has been specified.

Order Cancellation Confirmed

FA Response application service for a positive response to FA Cancellation NDS message

Positive Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2.

Where %1 is message ID and %2 is the description of the NDS type of the original outgoing message.

Order Change - Negative Acknowledgement

FA Response application service for a negative response to FA Changed NDS message.

Negative Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2. Error (%3) %4

Where %1 is message ID

%2 is the Notification Download Type description

%3 and %4 are the external message code and its corresponding base message category/number, if the external message code has been specified.

Order Change Confirmed

FA Response> application service for a negative response to Appointment Book NDS message.

Positive Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2.

Where %1 is message ID and %2 is the description of the NDS type of the original outgoing message.

Order Completion

FA completion application service

FA is completed by External System

Order Creation - Negative Acknowledgement

FA Response> application service for a negative response to Appointment Book NDS message.

Negative Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2. Error (%3) %4

Where %1 is message ID

%2 is the Notification Download Type description

%3 and %4 are the external message code and its corresponding base message category/number, if the external message code has been specified.

Order Creation Confirmed

FA Response> application service for a negative response to Appointment Book NDS message.

Positive Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2.

Where %1 is message ID and %2 is the description of the NDS type of the original outgoing message.

Order Reschedule - Negative Acknowledgement

FA Response> application service for a negative response to Appointment Book NDS message.

Negative Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2. Error (%3) %4

Where %1 is message ID

%2 is the Notification Download Type description

%3 and %4 are the external message code and its corresponding base message category/number, if the external message code has been specified.

Order Reschedule Confirmed

FA Response> application service for a negative response to Appointment Book NDS message.

Positive Acknowledgment. Message ID (%1) - %2.

Where %1 is message ID and %2 is the description of the NDS type of the original outgoing message.

Outage Call Interfaced

Processing Outage Call NDS message

Outage call has been sent.