Common Profiles vs. SA Owned Profiles

Interval Profiles are segregated into two categories:

  • Profiles that are SA Owned are linked to a single "owner" SA. For example data related to the SA's interval meters. This data may be available for calculations on other service agreements. For example, maybe you have separate service agreements for distribution and transportation and both service agreements use the same data for calculations.
  • Profiles that are Common typically contain data that is not related to a specific SA and can be used by many SAs. Some examples are:
    • Contract Demand or Subscribed Demand
    • Hedge Cover
    • Maximum Demand
    • Deemed (estimated) Profile

SA owned profiles reference a service agreement that is considered the owner of that data. Only SA owned profiles may reference data derivation algorithms. These algorithms are run for the owner SA.

Refer to Interval Profile Maintenance to understand how profiles are created and maintained.