Tunnel Option - Profile Types

Create Profile Types

This example will use the HEDGE30 and MEAS30 Profile Types that were created for the simple Hedge Cover example.

Instead of the profile type for the Difference between Measured and Hedge, this example needs the following profile types.

Set up a Profile Type INTUN30 for the Amount of Measured Usage that Falls Within the Tunnel, with the following attributes:

  • Subtype is SA Owned
  • Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes
  • Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI
  • Profile Algorithm Type is Creation with an appropriate creation algorithm. A new algorithm type will need to be created by the implementers. See Tunnel Option - Data Derivation Algorithm for information about this algorithm.

Set up a Profile Type OUTTUN30 for the Amount of Measured Usage that Falls Outside the Tunnel, with the following attributes:

  • Subtype is SA Owned
  • Minutes Per Interval is 30 minutes
  • Specify an appropriate UOM/SQI

Although this is a derived curve, it does not have its own data derivation algorithm. Instead, the algorithm linked to the INTUN30 profile type populates this curve because the calculations for both derived curves can be done with one algorithm.

Update Profile Relationship Types

Now that you have created profile types, go back to each profile relationship type and link the appropriate profile type as valid.