Premise Geographic Types Are Populated In An Unusual Way

A premise's geographic ID's are used by Control Central when you look for a customer / premise using geographic identifiers.


Geographic coordinates are optional. An installation option controls whether at least one geographic coordinate is required on every premise.

The following points describe how the geographic ID's are populated on premises that are created when an order is completed:

  • If a postal default exists for the new premise's country / postal code, any geographic identifiers on the postal default are copied onto the new premise.
  • If a postal default hasn't been setup for the new premise's country / postal code, the premise will have a single geographic identifier. It is constructed as follows:
    • The geographic type is defaulted from the campaign.
    • The geographic value is set to ***.

Potential error. If neither the campaign nor the postal defaults results in a geographic type AND the installation record indicates at least one geographic type is required on a premise, an error is generated explaining that either postal defaults or the campaign should be populated with default geographic information.