Stock Location Inventory - Item Inventory

This page is used to display the individual items of a given type that are stored at a stock location. Refer to The Big Picture Of Asset Inventory for more information.

Open this page using Menu > Meter > Stock Location Inventory and navigate to the Item Inventory page.

Description of Page

This page displays the individual items that are stored at a Stock Location as of a given Date/Time.

The easiest way to display inventory for a given Item Type at a Stock Location is to navigate to the Stock Location Inventory - Main tab and find the Stock Location. Then, click on an Item Count line.

You can restrict the list using the following filter options:

  • Use the Item Type filter to restrict the meters to those of the given meter type.
  • Use the Badge Number filter to restrict the list to meters that have a badge number beginning with or matching this value.

Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters.

The Select All / Clear All buttons are used to select items to be transferred to another stock location. These buttons are enabled if at least one item is displayed in the grid.

The grid contains the item inventory at the selected stock location on the given date/time that match your filter criteria. The following information is displayed in the grid:

  • Select box. Use this checkbox to select items that you want to transfer to another stock location. This checkbox is enabled if the item is currently stored at this location and location is tracked for the item's item type. Refer to How to Transfer Assets To Another Location for more information.
  • The description of the item's Item Type.
  • The item's Badge Number.
  • The item's Serial Number.
  • The Manufacturer/ Model of the item.
  • The Location Date/Time when the item was added to this stock location.
  • If the item was subsequently removed from this stock location, the Subsequent Location column shows either the stock location it was transferred to or the service point it was installed at.

Pressing the Transfer Location button enables you to transfer the selected items to another stock location. This button is enabled if at least one meter in the grid is selected. Refer to How to Transfer Assets To Another Location.