Notification Upload Staging - Sample Upload Extension Record

The Notification Upload Staging page is used to maintain notification upload records.


Refer to Process X - Populate Notification Upload Staging for more information about these records.

Open this page using Menu > Workflow and Notification > Sample Upload Extension > Search.

Description of Page

Receive Date and Time are just that.

Response is used when the notification is an indication of the acceptance or a rejection of an earlier notification request. If specified, this must be either Accept or Reject.

Sender's Customer's Account ID is the customer's account ID in the sender's system.

Receiver's Customer's Acct ID is the customer's account ID in your system.

Sender Record ID is a transaction identifier supplied so responses to this record may be identified. The contents of this field will be returned on notification download records that respond to this notification upload record.

Receiver Record ID is the transaction identifier received in a previous request record. This field is only populated if the notification being uploaded is an acceptance / rejection of a previously sent notification download record.

Billing Option defines the billing relationship between the service provider and your organization. This value is used in conjunction with Billing Calculation Option to determine the service provider associated with the sender's external system (stored on the related notification upload staging record). Valid values are: Dual Billing, ESP Consolidated, UDC Consolidated.

Billing Calculation Option defines the bill calculation method used when your organization provides billing services for the service provider. This value is used in conjunction with Billing Option to determine the service provider associated with the sender's external system (stored on the related notification upload staging record). Valid values are: Bill Ready and Rate Ready.

Meter Number is the customer's meter number. This is used to help identify the service agreement associated with the notification.

Billing Date is the day of the month used to derive the service cycle define on SA relationship records associated with service providers who provide meter reading services.

Postal is the service address's postal code. This is used as a cross check to ensure the notification is referencing the correct customer.


You will notice that the extension data may be modified even when the parent NUS record is Complete. This is to enable a user to correct problems with this data as detected by the validation event. Refer to Validation of Data Related to the Notification Upload Staging Records for more information.