Alternate Sequential Bill Numbers

Each bill is uniquely identified by its bill ID. Bill ID is a random system-generated number. In some locales, bills have an additional identifier known as alternate sequential bill number. Alternate sequential bill numbers are system-generated sequential numbers. For example, the first bill generated by the system is assigned a sequential bill number of 1, the next bill is assigned a value of 2, and so on.

If you want to generate alternate sequential bill numbers for the pending or completed bills, you must select the Use Sequential Bill Numbers option in the Billing tab of the Installation Options screen. You can configure the application to generate alternate sequential bill numbers which are either unique throughout the system or within the division. The Assign Sequential Bill Numbers (ASSGNSBN) batch allows you to generate alternate sequential bill numbers for the completed or pending bills. You need to configure this batch such that it is executed at regular intervals. For more information about the batch, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide.

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Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Generic Business Processes