Refund/Write Off Request

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing allows you to refund and write off amount to the account. If the amount received from the payor account is matched against the suspense or excess credit contract, the system facilitates you to refund the amount to the payor. In addition, you can refund the amount of a credit bill line item, such as credit bill segment or adjustment, if required. To refund the amount to the account holder, you need to create refund adjustments through a refund request. While creating a refund request, you need to specify the refund request type using which you want to create the refund request. It is the refund request type which helps the system to determine:

  • Whether the refund request must be approved before creating refund adjustments in the system

  • Approval profile using which the refund request must be approved

  • Whether multi-level or single-level approval is required while creating refund adjustments in the system

  • Tolerance limit for refund (i.e. minimum refund amount)

  • Adjustment type using which the write up adjustment must be created when the total refund amount is less than the minimum refund amount

  • Default adjustment type using which refund adjustments must be created

The system allows you to create refund adjustments only using those adjustment types where A/P request type is defined. Once the refund adjustments are created, the A/P Extract process will extract the information and accordingly refund the amount to the payor. During the refund request process, a refund request goes through various statuses in its lifecycle. For more information about the refund request statuses, see Refund Request (Without Approval) Status Transition and Refund Request (With Approval) Status Transition.

Note that the lifecycle of a refund request is driven by the business object using which the refund request is created. A refund request business object named C1-RefundReq is shipped with the product. The refund request feature explained in this document is articulated based on the lifecycle and logic defined in the C1-RefundReq business object.

Similarly, the system facilitates you to write off the amount to the account through a write off request. While creating a write off request, you need to specify the write off request type using which you want to create the write off request. It is the write off request type which helps the system to determine:

  • Whether the write off request must be approved before creating write off adjustments in the system

  • Approval profile using which the write off request must be approved

  • Whether multi-level or single-level approval is required while creating write off adjustments in the system

  • Default adjustment type using which write off adjustments must be created

The system allows you to create write off adjustments only using those adjustment types where A/P request type is not defined. During the write off request process, a write off request goes through various statuses in its lifecycle. For more information about the write off request statuses, see Write Off Request (Without Approval) Status Transition and Write Off Request (With Approval) Status Transition.

Note that the lifecycle of a write off request is driven by the business object using which the write off request is created. A write off request business object named C1-WORequest is shipped with the product. The write off request feature explained in this document is articulated based on the lifecycle and logic defined in the C1-WORequest business object.

For more information on how to setup the refund and write off request processes, see Prerequisites.

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Refund/Write Off Request Type screen Refund/Write Off Request Type
Refund/Write Off Request screen Refund/Write Off Request
Refund Request screen Refund Request
Write Off Request screen Write Off Request

Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Generic Business Processes