Deleting Inactive Customer or Closed Account Information

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to delete all records of a person or account from the system. A new batch named C1-GDPR is introduced in this release. It enables you to delete all records of a person or account from the system. You can either delete the records of a particular person or account using its ID or delete the records of a set of persons or accounts at once using its characteristic. A new characteristic type named C1-GDPRE is shipped with the product. While executing the batch, the system first checks whether the person or account ID is specified in the batch. If so, the batch deletes the records of the respective person or account from the system. You cannot specify both the person and account ID at the same time while executing the batch.

If the person or account ID is not specified while executing the batch, the system checks whether the Delete Characteristic Type parameter is defined in the C1-GDPR batch. You can define the C1-GDPRE characteristic for the persons or accounts whose records you want to delete from the system. If you set the Delete Characteristic Type parameter in the C1-GDPR batch to C1-GDPRE, the batch considers those person or accounts for deletion where the C1-GDPRE characteristic is set to Y.

The system deletes all records of a particular account only when the following conditions are met:

  • account's closing date is earlier than or equal to system date

  • All contracts of the account should either be in the Closed or Canceled status

The system deletes all records of a particular person only when the following conditions are met:

  • The closing date of all its accounts is earlier than or equal to system date

  • All contracts of all its accounts should either be in the Closed or Canceled status

The C1-GDPR batch contains the following parameters:

  • Account ID - Used to indicate the account whose records you want to delete from the system.

  • Person ID - Used to indicate the person whose records you want to delete from the system.

  • Delete Characteristic Type - Used to specify the characteristic type. Here, you must specify the C1-GDPRE characteristic type. The system then considers those person or accounts for deletion where the C1-GDPRE characteristic is set to Y.

  • Clear CLOB Data - Used to indicate whether you want to delete the references of the persons or accounts considered for deletion from the CLOB data. The valid values are Y and N. Note that if you set the value for this parameter to Y, the performance of the batch would be impacted when there is voluminous data.

  • Thread Pool Name - Used to specify the thread pool on which you want to execute the batch.

The C1-GDPR batch is a multi-threaded batch. The multi-threading is based on the person or account ID and chunks for multi-threading are created based on numerical distribution of person or account ID.

Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Generic Business Processes