Mass Pricing Update

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides the ability for mass price item pricing update. In other words, the system enables you to update multiple active price item pricing assigned to a person, account, price list, or product at the same time. You can search for the price assignments which you want to update using the following fields:

  • Price Item

  • Price Item Parameters

  • Account ID

  • Person ID

  • Division

  • Update Date

  • Pricing Entity Type

On specifying the search criteria, the system fetches the number of entities on which the price item pricing is defined and the number of price assignments on a particular type of pricing entity. Once you select one or more price item pricing, you can create the mass pricing update request by clicking the Mass Pricing Update button. While creating a mass pricing update request, you need to specify the mass pricing update request type using which you want to create the mass pricing update request. It is the mass pricing update request type which helps the system to determine:

  • The business object using which the mass pricing update request should be created in the system.

  • Whether the approval is required for the mass pricing update request.

  • Whether the mass pricing update must be performed in the deferred mode when the number of price assignments in the mass pricing update request exceeds the defer processing count.

Once the mass pricing update request type is selected, you need to specify the mass pricing update criteria, mass pricing update type, and rate value. Once a mass pricing update request is created in the Draft status, you can submit the mass pricing update request. On submitting a mass pricing update request, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to either Deferred Processing or Updating Price Assignments depending on whether the number of price assignments in the mass pricing update request exceeds the defer processing count. If the status is changed to Deferred Processing, you need to click the Submit Batch button. On clicking the Submit Batch button, the system automatically creates a batch job using the C1-GENRQ batch control. While creating the batch job, it uses the values defined for the Thread Count and Thread Pool Name option types in the C1-MASPRI feature configuration.

Once the batch job is executed, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to Updating Price Assignments. If a price assignment is referred in past, the existing price assignment is end dated and a new price assignment is created. However, if a price assignment is not yet referred in the system, the existing price assignment is updated. Once the price assignment is newly created or updated, the status of the record in the mass pricing update request is changed to Processed. However, if a price assignment is referred for a future date, the status of the record in the mass pricing update request is changed to Error. In addition, if any error occurs while updating an existing price assignment or creating a new price assignment, the status of the record in the mass pricing update request is changed to Error. Finally, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to Processed.

You can optionally configure the approval workflow for the mass pricing update request. If the Approval Required field is set to Yes in the mass pricing update request type, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to Approval In Progress when you submit the mass pricing update request. Once the approver approves the mass pricing update request, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to either Deferred Processing or Updating Price Assignments depending on whether the number of price assignments in the mass pricing update request exceeds the defer processing count. However, if the approver rejects a mass pricing update request, the status of the mass pricing update request is changed to Rejected.

For more information on how to setup the mass pricing update process, see Prerequisites.

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Mass Pricing Update Request Type screen Request Type
Mass Pricing Update Request screen Mass Pricing Update Request (Used for Searching)
Mass Pricing Update Request screen Mass Pricing Update Request (Used for Viewing)

Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Generic Business Processes