Enrolling a Product Enrollment


To enroll a product for an enrollment, you should have:

  • Status of the product defined as Pending or Validated.

  • Account Information defined in the application.

  • Enrollment Channel defined in the application.

  • Product defined in the application.

  • Characteristic Type defined in the application.


To enroll a product for an enrollment:

  1. Search for the product in the Search Enrollment zone.
  2. Click the link in the Enrollment ID column, corresponding to the broadcast icon.
    The Product Enrollment screen appears.
  3. Click the Submit button in the Product Enrollment zone.
    The product status gets changed to Enroll.
    Note: Once the submit button is clicked the ORMB application validates the account information, enrollment channel, product, and characteristic type field to ensure that they contain appropriate data. If any information is missing then an error message is displayed.

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