All REST Endpoints

The operations from the businessobjects category.
Retrieve Business Object Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/businessobjects/{id}
Retrieve all Business Objects
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/businessobjects
The operations from the cmis category.
Create Content Stream for the specified object
Method: post
Path: /cmis/stream{repositoryId}
Creates a child object in the specified repository
Method: post
Path: /cmis/children{repositoryId}
Delete Document
Method: delete
Path: /cmis/document{repositoryId}
Delete Document using POST
Method: post
Path: /cmis/document{repositoryId}
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /cmis/folder{repositoryId}
Delete Folder using POST
Method: post
Path: /cmis/folder{repositoryId}
Deletes the children of the specified folder
Method: delete
Path: /cmis/descendants{repositoryId}
Gets the list of properties of a document
Method: get
Path: /cmis/document{repositoryId}
Gets the type definitions of specified repository
Method: get
Path: /cmis/type{repositoryId}
Queries a service document for the specified repository
Method: get
Path: /cmis/query/q{repositoryId}
Queries a service document for the specified repository
Method: post
Path: /cmis/query{repositoryId}
Retrieve Actions for an Object
Method: get
Path: /cmis/allowableActions{repositoryId}
Retrieve Child Objects
Method: get
Path: /cmis/children{repositoryId}
Retrieve Content Stream for an Object
Method: get
Path: /cmis/stream{repositoryId}
Retrieve Folder Properties
Method: get
Path: /cmis/folder{repositoryId}
Retrieve Object by ID
Method: get
Path: /cmis/objectbyid
Retrieve Object by Path
Method: get
Path: /cmis/objectbypath{repositoryId}
Retrieve Parent Node
Method: get
Path: /cmis/parents{repositoryId}
Retrieve Type Definition for the Repository
Method: get
Path: /cmis/typebyid{repositoryId}
Returns a list of available CMIS repositories
Method: get
Path: /cmis/repository
Returns information about a CMIS repository
Method: get
Path: /cmis/repository{repositoryId}
Returns the list of object types defined for the specified repository
Method: get
Path: /cmis/typesChildren{repositoryId}
Returns the nested properties of the specified object
Method: get
Path: /cmis/nestedProperties{repositoryId}
Returns the nested property of the specified object
Method: get
Path: /cmis/nestedProperty{repositoryId}
Returns the set of descendant object types defined for the specified repository
Method: get
Path: /cmis/typesDescendants{repositoryId}
Set Content Stream for an object
Method: put
Path: /cmis/stream{repositoryId}
Update Document Properties
Method: put
Path: /cmis/document{repositoryId}
Update Folder Properties
Method: put
Path: /cmis/folder{repositoryId}
The operations from the dptaskflows category.
Download DP TaskFlow
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/dptaskflows/{id}/archive
Retrieve DP Task Flow Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/dptaskflows/{id}
Retrieve DP TaskFlow
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/dptaskflows
Upload DP Taskflow Metadata file
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/dptaskflows
The operations from the layouts category.
Download layout
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/layouts/{id}/archive
Retrieve Layout Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/layouts/{id}
Retrieve Layouts
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/layouts
Update layout by short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/layouts/{id}
Upload Layout Metadata File
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/layouts
The operations from the lists category.
Create a row in a list
Method: post
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({id: .+})/rows
Create list
Method: post
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists
Creates a column in a list
Method: post
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/columns
Delete a column in a list
Method: delete
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/columns/({columnid: .+})
Delete list
Method: delete
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({id: .+})
Deletes a row in a list
Method: delete
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/rows/({rowid: .+})
Retrieve a column in a list
Method: get
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/columns/({columnid: .+})
Retrieve list by compound ID
Method: get
Path: /lists/({compoundId: .+})
Retrieve list by ID
Method: get
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({id: .+})
Retrieves a row in a list
Method: get
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/rows/({rowid: .+})
Retrieves all columns in a list
Method: get
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/columns
Retrieves lists in a portal based on search criteria
Method: get
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists
Retrieves rows in a list based on search criteria
Method: get
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({id: .+})/rows
Updates a column in a list
Method: put
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/columns/({columnid: .+})
Updates a list definition
Method: put
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({id: .+})
Updates a row in a list
Method: put
Path: /spaces/{spacename}/lists/({listid: .+})/rows/({rowid: .+})
The operations from the navigationnodes category.
Add Child Node To The Navigation Node
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/navigationnodes/{id}/childNodes
Remove Child Node
Method: delete
Path: /v1/portal/navigationnodes/{id}/childNodes/{nodeId}
Retrieve Child Node
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/navigationnodes/{id}/childNodes/{nodeId}
Retrieve Child Node for a Navigation Node
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/navigationnodes/{id}/childNodes
The operations from the pages category.
Create a page
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/pages
Retrieve Content Items for a Page
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pages{id}/contentItems
Retrieve page details by short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pages{id}
Retrieve Pages
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pages
Update Pages by Short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/pages{id}
The operations from the pagestyles category.
Download page style
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagestyles/{id}/archive
Retrieve Content Items for a Page Style
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagestyles/{id}/contentItems
Retrieve Page Style
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagestyles
Retrieve Page Style Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagestyles/{id}
Update page style given its short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/pagestyles/{id}
Upload Page Style Metadata file (page and pageDef)
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/pagestyles
The operations from the pagetemplates category.
Create Page Template
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/pagetemplates
Download Page Template
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagetemplates/{id}/archive
Retrieve Page Templates
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagetemplates
Retrieve Page Templates by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/pagetemplates/{id}
Update Page Template by short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/pagetemplates/{id}
The operations from the portalTemplates category.
Retrieve Portal Templates
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portaltemplates
Retrieve Portal Templates Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portaltemplates/{id}
The operations from the portals category.
Add Member to a Portal
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/members
Create a Portal
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals
Create Page in a Portal by Short ID
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/pages
Create Page Template for a Portal
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/pagetemplates
Delete a Member
Method: delete
Path: /v1/portal/members/{memberId}
Delete a Portal
Method: delete
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}
Export Portal to a PAR File
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/archive
Import Visualization Template
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/visualizationtemplates
Import Content Presenter Template(s) at Portal or Shared level
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/contentpresentertemplates
Import Data Presenter Taskflow(s) at Portal or Shared Level
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/dptaskflows
Import Layout(s) at Portal or Shared Level
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/layouts
Import page style(s) at portal or shared level
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/pagestyles
Import resource catalog
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/resourcecatalogs
Import Skin
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/skins
Retrieve Data Presenter Taskflows of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/dptaskflows
Retrieve Content Presenter Templates of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/contentpresentertemplates
Retrieve Data Presenter Business Objects of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/businessobjects
Retrieve Layouts of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/layouts
Retrieve Members of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/members
Retrieve Page Styles of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/pagestyles
Retrieve Page Templates of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/pagetemplates
Retrieve Pages of a Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/pages
Retrieve Portal Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}
Retrieve Portals
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals
Retrieve Resource Catalog
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/resourcecatalogs
Retrieve REST DataServices
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/restdataservices
Retrieve Skins
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/skins
Retrieve SQL DataServices
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/sqldataservices
Retrieve visualization templates
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/visualizationtemplates
Update Portal by Short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/portals/{portalId}
The operations from the preferences category.
Provide values for general preference settings
Method: put
Path: /preferences/general
Retrieve General Preference Settings Values
Method: get
Path: /preferences/general
The operations from the resourcecatalogs category.
Download Resource Catalog
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/resourcecatalogs/{id}/archive
Retrieve Page Style Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/resourcecatalogs/{id}
Retrieve Resource Catalogs
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/resourcecatalogs
Update Resource Catalog by Short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/resourcecatalogs/{id}
Upload Resource Catalog metadata file
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/resourcecatalogs
The operations from the restdataservices category.
Retrieve REST Data Service
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/restdataservices
Retrieve REST Data Service Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/restdataservices/{id}
The operations from the skins category.
Download skin
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/skins/{id}/archive
Retrieve all Skins
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/skins
Retrieve Skin Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/skins/{id}
Update skin given its short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/skins/{id}
Upload Skin metadata file
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/skins
The operations from the sqldataservices category.
Retrieve SQL DataService
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/sqldataservices
Retrieve SQL DataService by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/sqldataservices/{id}
The operations from the visualizationtemplates category.
Create a Visualization Template
Method: post
Path: /v1/portal/visualizationtemplates
Download Visualization Template
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/visualizationtemplates/{id}/archive
Retrieve all Visualization Templates
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/visualizationtemplates
Retrieve Visualization Template Details by Short ID
Method: get
Path: /v1/portal/visualizationtemplates/{id}
Update Visualization Template given its short ID
Method: put
Path: /v1/portal/visualizationtemplates/{id}