The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

8.4 Creating Additional Containers

To clone an existing container, use the lxc-clone command, as shown in this example:

[root@host ~]# lxc-clone -o ol6ctr1 -n ol6ctr2

Alternatively, you can use the lxc-create command to create a container by copying the root file system from an existing system, container, or Oracle VM template. Specify the path of the root file system as the argument to the --templatefs template option:

[root@host ~]# lxc-create -n ol6ctr3 -B btrfs -t oracle -- --templatefs=/container/ol6ctr1/rootfs_snap

This example copies the new container's rootfs from a snapshot of the rootfs that belongs to container ol6ctr1. The additional container is created in /container/ol6ctr3 and a new rootfs snapshot is created in /container/ol6ctr3/rootfs.


For LXC version 1.0 and later, you must specify the -B btrfs option if you want to use the snapshot features of btrfs. For more information, see the lxc-create(1) manual page.

To change the host name of the container, edit the HOSTNAME settings in /container/name/rootfs/etc/sysconfig/network and /container/name/rootfs/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-iface, where iface is the name of the network interface, such as eth0.