The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

8.2.1 Installing and Configuring the Software

To install and configure the software that is required to run Linux Containers:

  1. Use yum to install the btrfs-progs package.

    [root@host ~]# yum install btrfs-progs

  2. Install the lxc and wget packages.

    [root@host ~]# yum install lxc wget

    This command installs all of the required packages, such as libvirt, libcgroup, and lxc-libs. The LXC template scripts are installed in /usr/share/lxc/templates. LXC uses wget to download packages from the Oracle Linux Yum Server.

  3. Start the Control Groups (cgroups) service, cgconfig, and configure the service to start at boot time.

    [root@host ~]# service cgconfig start
    [root@host ~]# chkconfig cgconfig on

    LXC uses the cgroups service to control the system resources that are available to containers.

  4. Start the virtualization management service, libvirtd, and configure the service to start at boot time.

    [root@host ~]# service libvirtd start
    [root@host ~]# chkconfig libvirtd on

    LXC uses the virtualization management service to support network bridging for containers.

  5. If you are going to compile applications that require the LXC header files and libraries, install the lxc-devel package.

    [root@host ~]# yum install lxc-devel