When you configure a promotion, you define the promotion’s lifecycle. Click the promotion’s name and update the properties that determine when a promotion is active, delivered, and usable.

The Enabled property on the General tab is the most important of a promotion’s properties because it governs the promotion’s availability. If a promotion is disabled (enabled=false), the promotion is not advertised or useable despite the values provided to its other properties. An enabled promotion is visible to visitors only when you’ve implemented them in a JSP or scenario. By default, promotions are enabled.

If you want to specify a range of dates during which promotions may be applied, you need to do three things:

  1. Keep the Automatically apply to all orders property in the Distribution tab set to false. This property is set to false by default, indicating that values you provide to promotion properties are used. For more information about this property, find it in the table in the Updating Other Promotions Properties section.

  2. Set the Usage period property on the Usage Limits tab to true.

  3. Use the Usage start date and Usage end date properties on the Usage Limits tab to define the date range during which the promotion can be used. Or, if you want to make a promotion available for some number of minutes, use the Redeemable for property, also on the Usage Limits tab.

Promotions that don’t have usage dates expire only when they are disabled.

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