Update the following properties as needed. This table contains the complete set of properties available for promotions.:

Property Name and Location


Automatically apply to all orders

In the Target Audience grouping on the Distribution tab

Indicates whether the promotion applies for all visitors who meet the discount rule (true) or to a restricted grouping of visitors based on additional promotion property values (false).

If you set this property to true, all visitors who meet the criteria in the promotion’s discount rule defined in the Conditions tab and offer rule in the Offer tab (if specified) qualify for the promotion. That means, the promotion is offered an unlimited number of times, to all visitors (including anonymous visitors), for use on an unlimited number of orders, for as long as the promotion is enabled.

If you set this property to false, you can specify values to the following properties in order to restrict who will receive the promotion:

- Give to a customer more than once
- Give to anonymous customers
- Number of uses allowed per customer
- Usage period
- Redeemable for
- Usage start date
- Usage end date

Also, if you set this property to false, you must create a scenario that offers the promotion to the appropriate visitors.

Closeness Qualifiers

In the Promotion Upsell grouping on the Distribution tab

Holds the Closeness Qualifiers associated with the promotion. A Closeness Qualifier is an upselling incentive that’s made visible to visitors who nearly qualify for a promotion.

- Replace one Closeness Qualifier with another by locating the Closeness Qualifier in the table and clicking the Edit button beside it in order to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the Closeness Qualifier replacement, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Disassociate a Closeness Qualifier from the selected promotion by clicking the Delete button beside the Closeness Qualifier.

- Create a new Closeness Qualifier that will be associated with this promotion by clicking Add New. The Details pane contains properties for creating and defining a Closeness Qualifier. Provide a name and other necessary information, then click Create.

- Add an existing Closeness Qualifier by clicking Add Existing to open the Select an Item Dialog box. Locate all Closeness Qualifiers by clicking Find. Navigate to the Closeness Qualifier you want to add, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

Creation date

In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds the time and date that you created this new promotion. This is a read-only text box, and ATG Merchandising provides a value to it automatically.


In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds a short display name for this promotion. You can use this name to identify the promotion to visitors on, for example, a checkout page or an order form.

Discount amount

In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds the amount reduced from the price. Do not include a currency symbol. This property exists for amount off promotions only.

Discount percentage

In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds the percentage that will be deducted from the total when the promotion is applied. Do not include a percentage sign. This property exists for percentage off promotions only.

Discount price

In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds a discounted price. Do not include a currency symbol. This property exists for fixed price promotions only.

Discount type

In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds the type of promotion you specified when creating the promotion. The value in this property corresponds to the name of the Promotions repository item type that represents this kind of promotion. This is a read-only text box, and ATG Merchandising provides a value to it automatically.

Distribute starting

In the Schedule grouping on the Distribution tab

Holds a date and time. This property does not affect promotion distribution unless you configure a scenario to use to it. For example, you can set up a scenario that gives a promotion when the current date is after the Distribute starting date.

Distribute through

In the Schedule grouping on the Distribution tab

Holds a date and time. This property does not affect promotion distribution unless you configure a scenario to use to it. For example, you can set up a scenario that stops distributing a promotion when the current date is after the Distribute through date.

Enable Closeness Qualifiers

In the Promotion Upsell grouping on the Distribution tab

Indicates whether Closeness Qualifiers are currently available to visitors (true). A Closeness Qualifier is an upselling incentive displayed to visitors who nearly qualify for a promotion.


In the Basics grouping on the General tab

Indicates whether the promotion is active (true). See Specifying When a Promotion is Active for more information.

Give to a customer more than once

In the Multiple Uses grouping on the Usage Limits tab

Indicates whether a promotion may be offered to a visitor more than once (true) or one time only (false).

Note that a visitor who has several copies of a promotion can apply it to a given order once, by default. You can permit such promotions to apply multiple times to a given order, if you change this behavior as described in the Using and Extending Pricing Services section in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide for more information.

Note: This property is applicable only if the Automatically apply to all orders property is set to false.

Give to anonymous customers

In the Target Audience grouping on the Distribution tab

Indicates whether the promotion is offered to all site visitors (true) or logged in visitors only (false).

Note: This property is applicable only if the Automatically apply to all orders property is set to false.


On the General tab

Holds the media assets associated with the promotion. Use the buttons beside it to:

- Associate a media asset to this promotion by clicking Add Existing to add a row to the table. Provide a label that identifies the media asset’s usage in the Key column, and click the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the media asset, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Create a new media asset that will display as media for this promotion by clicking Add New, selecting a media type from the Select Asset Sub-Type dropdown list, entering a label for media asset’s usage in the Key text box, and clicking Next. The Details pane displays with empty media properties that you should fill in as described in Creating Media Assets and Folders.

- Disassociate a media asset from the selected promotion by clicking the Delete button beside the media asset.


In Basics grouping on the General tab

Holds the name that identifies the promotion in the ATG Merchandising UI and ATG Control Center.

Number of uses allowed per customer

In the Multiple Uses grouping on the Usage Limits tab

Holds the number of orders for which a visitor can use this promotion. Setting this property to infinite, for example, permits the promotion to be used in a limitless number of orders.

Note that this property does not restrict the number of times a promotion is applied to a given order. You can enforce that limitation to shipping promotions only. See the One use per order property to learn more about that restriction.

Note: This property is applicable only if the Automatically apply to all orders property is set to false.

One use per order

In the Multiple Uses grouping on the Usage Limits tab

Indicates whether a shipping promotion can be applied once per an order (true) or multiple times to the same order (false). Note that this property is available for shipping promotions only.

Order of application

In the Priority grouping on the Usage Limits tab

Holds the order in which this promotion should be applied if a visitor qualifies for multiple promotions.

If a visitor qualifies for more than one promotion, the system applies each promotion cumulatively, calculating the new price for the order by combining the various discounts. The order in which the system combines the discounts might be important in situations such as the following: You give two discounts to the same visitor, one (Promotion A) offering $10 off any product and another (Promotion B) offering 50% off any helmet. Suppose the visitor orders a helmet that usually costs $30. If the system applies the promotions in the order A-B, the final price of the helmet is $10. If the order is B-A, the final price is $5.

Note that if you give the same order of application number to more than one promotion, when the system cycles to that number, it calculates the discounts for those promotions randomly.


In the Info grouping on the General tab

Holds the unique identifier for the promotion. In the ATG Merchandising UI and the ATG Control Center, a promotion is identified by its name, not ID.

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