The Send Notification action sends a specified e-mail message to a given recipient or group of recipients. You can define the recipients as users (people with user profiles in the Profile repository) or e-mail addresses. Use the Send notification to people… option if the recipient is part of your system and has a profile; use the Send notification to address option if the recipient does not have a profile in your system.


Send notification with path Example Corps Web App:/news/update.jsp to
people Mary Garcia
Send notification with path Example Corps Web App:/news/update.jsp to

The profile associated with the message is by default the profile of the recipient. For that reason, any content in the message that uses a profile will refer to the recipient’s profile. For information on other options, refer to the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

Page developers use the Pages and Components > Pages area of the ATG Control Center to create the text for the e-mail messages. For more information, see Working with Targeted E-Mail.

This element is designed for business situations in which you want to notify a person or group in response to an earlier event in the scenario. For example, you might want to notify your Sales department if a site visitor displays a page showing pricing information about a new product. By contrast, the Send E-mail action (see below) is designed for situations in which you want to send a message as part of an e-mail campaign to a targeted group of site visitors.

For information on how to send an attachment with the e-mail message, see Sending Attachments with Scenario-Based E-Mail Messages in the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

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