Class: atg.appassembly.ant.CreateUnpackedEarTask


This Ant task invokes the application assembler, which combines Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform libraries, Nucleus component configuration, J2EE applications, and J2EE application components to create a single J2EE application, in the form of an unpacked (open-directory) EAR file.

Required Task Parameters




Specifies the path of the EAR file to be created


Specifies the Oracle ATG Web Commerce modules to include in the EAR file, as a comma-delimited string


Specifies the path to the Oracle ATG Web Commerce installation directory

Optional Task Parameters




Specifies an existing EAR file whose contents are added to the assembled EAR file.


If true, the JAR files and directories in the CLASSPATH are collapsed into a single JAR file in the assembled EAR file.

The default is false.


Specifies a Java properties file to be used to override the context-root values for any web applications included in the assembled EAR file. In this properties file, each line has the format:


This assigns the specified context root to the web application indicated by the module URI.


Specifies the value to be used for the <display-name> tag in the application.xml file in the assembled EAR file.


Specifies the X Window System variable declaring where any X display should be sent. For example, :0.0)


Specifies a file that supplies Oracle ATG Web Commerce environment properties to be added to dynamo.env in the assembled EAR file.


Enables one or more Named Configuration layers for the application. This switch can take multiple arguments, each representing a named configuration layer. This option must immediately precede the –m switch.


If true, liveconfig mode is enabled in the assembled EAR file.

The default is false.


If true, overwrites an existing EAR file; if false, stops processing if the EAR file already exists.

The default is false (do not overwrite.


Includes the comma separated list of jar files on the classpath. This attribute is useful for applying hotfixes. For example:

runAssembler –prependJars hotfix1.jar,hotfix2.jar myEarFile.ear –m DCS

Note: Special characters appearing in jar file names can cause that file to be ignored. When naming files, it is best to use only alphanumeric characters and the underscore.


If set, specifies the Oracle ATG Web Commerce server (for localconfig, etc.) to be used by the assembled EAR file. If unset, the default server is used.


If true, the EAR file is created in standalone mode, where all necessary resources are imported into the resulting EAR file, and the EAR file does not reference the Oracle ATG Web Commerce installation directory. If false, a development-mode EAR file is created, where Nucleus configuration and other runtime resources are used directly from the Oracle ATG Web Commerce installation.

The default is false (development mode).


To use CreateUnpackedEarTask in an Ant build file, you must first declare it, using the taskdef element:

<taskdef name="assemble-jar"

You can then create a target that assembles an Oracle ATG Web Commerce application EAR file:

<target name="create-quincy-ear">
   <-- It's a good idea to delete any old directories
       before assembling... -->
   <delete dir="QuincyFundsEar"/>

   <assemble-jar dynamoRoot="c:/ATG/ATG10.1.1 "
                 overwrite="true" />

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