A ScheduledJob component has a threadMethod property that indicates what threading model should be used to execute the scheduled job. The threadMethod property can have one of the following values:


The job is run in the Scheduler’s own thread. This is the most efficient thread method, but it blocks the Scheduler from performing any other jobs until the job is complete. Therefore, use this thread method only for jobs that do not take a long time to run. Jobs that use I/O should probably avoid using this option.


Each time the job is triggered, a new thread is created to run the job. The thread is destroyed when the job completes. If a job is set to run periodically at a rate that is faster than the job itself can run, new threads are created to handle those jobs.


A separate thread is created to handle the job. Whenever the job is triggered, that thread is directed to run the job. When the job completes, the thread stays around waiting for the next time the job is triggered. If the job is still running when it is scheduled to begin to run again, it does not start again until the next time around. With this method, the Scheduler thread is not blocked by executing jobs, and threads do not multiply out of control if the job is triggering too quickly.

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