While the examples above demonstrate how to create EmailEvent objects describing simple email messages, they do not show you how to create messages with different recipient types, multipart messages, or messages with file attachments. These more sophisticated capabilities can be achieved using JavaMail’s javax.mail.Message class to describe the email message.

You can create Message objects yourself via method calls to one of the Message child classes, such as javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage. Alternatively, you can use the atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils helper class to create and fill in MimeMessage objects. For example, here is how one might use MimeMessageUtils to create the simple email message shown in the previous section:

Message msg = MimeMessageUtils.createMessage();
MimeMessageUtils.setFrom(msg, "dynamotester");
msg.setSubject("I'm just testing the e-mail sender");
MimeMessageUtils.setRecipient(msg, RecipientType.TO, "test@example.com");
msg.setText("Sorry to bother you, but I'm testing the e-mail sender");

or, alternatively,

Message msg = MimeMessageUtils.createMessage
   "I'm just testing the e-mail sender",
   "Sorry to bother you, but I'm testing the e-mail sender");

MimeMessageUtils can also be used to create much more complex Message objects. For example, here is how one might create a multi-part message with a text/plain part and a text/html part, a file attachment, and several kinds of recipients:

// create a Message with the given From and Subject
Message msg = MimeMessageUtils.createMessage("dynamotester",
                                             "more complex test");
// set the To and Bcc recipients
MimeMessageUtils.setRecipient(msg, Message.RecipientType.TO, "test@example.com");
MimeMessageUtils.setRecipient(msg, Message.RecipientType.BCC, "dynamotester");

// set the Cc recipients
String[] ccAddresses = { "fred@example.com", "jane@example.com" };
MimeMessageUtils.setRecipients(msg, Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddresses);

// set the message content: multipart message + attachment
ContentPart[] content =
  { new ContentPart("this is plain text", "text/plain"),
    new ContentPart("this is <b>html</b> text", "text/html") };
File attachment = new File("attachment.html");
MimeMessageUtils.setContent(msg, content, attachment, false);

After you have a Message object, you can use it to set the email event’s message property:

EmailEvent em = new EmailEvent();

Or, more simply,

EmailEvent em = new EmailEvent(msg);

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