The simplest form of transaction demarcation is to create a transaction at the beginning of the demarcated area, then end that transaction at the end of the demarcated area. However, there are several transaction demarcation modes, which are defined as follows:




Indicates that a transaction must be in place in the demarcated area. If a transaction is already in place in the area, nothing further is done. If no transaction is in place, one is created when the demarcated area is entered and ended when the demarcated area ends.


Indicates that all activity within the demarcated area must occur in its own separate transaction. If no transaction is in place in the area, a transaction is created at the beginning of the demarcated area and ended at the end of the demarcated area. If a transaction is in place when the demarcated area is entered, that transaction is suspended, and a new transaction is begun; at the end of the demarcated area, the new transaction is ended, and the original transaction is resumed.


Indicates that a transaction must not be in place in the demarcated area. If no transaction is in place in the area, nothing further is done. If there is a transaction in place when the demarcated area is entered, that transaction is suspended, then resumed at the end of the demarcated area.


This mode does nothing. If a transaction is in place when the demarcated area is entered then that transaction remains in place. Otherwise, the area is executed without a transaction in place.


Throws an exception if a transaction is not in place when the demarcated area is entered. This mode does not create a transaction; it is used to verify that a transaction is in place where the developer expects.


Throws an exception if there is a transaction in place when demarcated area is entered. This mode does not end or suspend any existing transactions; it is used to verify that a transaction is not in place where the developer does not expect one.

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