The LDAP security mechanism includes an option to enable caching of security information.

By default, caching is disabled to minimize potential security breaches. When caching is enabled, if you make changes on the LDAP server, there is a delay in propagating those changes to an Oracle ATG Web Commerce server because the view is not reloaded until the cache expires or is reloaded. You can manually reload the cache as described in the following section, Refreshing the Cache. To enable caching, set the memberOfCacheEnabled property of the following component to true:

Active Directory


Oracle Directory Server


Refreshing the Cache

The AdminAccountManager gets its information from /atg/dynamo/security/LDAPRepository. By default, caching is enabled for this LDAP repository. If you make any changes to the LDAP directory, be sure to refresh the LDAP repository cache before propagating the changes to the AdminAccountManager.

To refresh the cache, do the following:

Scheduling Cache Updates

The cache is a schedulable service. You can configure the AdminAccountManager to never look in the cache, or you can configure it to reload itself periodically.

To configure the frequency of cache updates, specify the frequency (in minutes) in the cacheReloadFrequency property of the following component:

Active Directory

Oracle Directory Server

For example, to specify that the cache should be updated every 60 minutes, set cacheReloadFrequency as follows:


For more information about configuring LDAP caching behavior, see the ATG Repository Guide.

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