Local JMS is a JMS provider supplied with Oracle ATG Web Commerce. Messages sent through Local JMS can travel only between components in the same Oracle ATG Web Commerce process. Local JMS delivers messages synchronously. This means that when a component sends a message, the sending component blocks until the receiving components receive and process the message. In fact, the entire message sending and receiving process occurs within a single thread. As a result, both the sending and receiving of the message occurs in the same transaction. Also as a result, Local JMS has extremely high performance, adding very little overhead to each message delivery.

Local JMS does no queuing. When a message is sent, Local JMS immediately finds out who the receivers are and calls the appropriate methods on the receivers to deliver the message, waiting for each receiver to process the message before delivering the message to the next receiver. Only when the message has been delivered to all receivers does control return to the sender. In this way, Local JMS works more like Java Bean events than like typical JMS implementations; when a Java Bean fires an event, it actually calls a method on several registered listeners.

Local JMS is also non-durable; all messages are non-persistent. If a message is sent to a queue destination that has no listeners, the message disappears. Also, durable subscriptions to topic destinations act exactly like non-durable subscriptions—if a subscriber is not listening to a topic, it misses any messages sent to that topic whether it is subscribed durably or not.

Local JMS is most often used to pass data around to various components within a single request. For example, a user might view content on a certain page, thereby causing a message to be sent. A listener might be configured to listen for that message and update a value in the user’s profile as a result. The profile must be updated in the same request, or the updated value might not take effect in time for the next request. To make sure the sender and receiver both carry out their actions in the same request, the message should be carried over Local JMS.

Of course, the same effect can be achieved by using a single component to watch for the user to view content then update the database. But by decoupling the two actions into separate components joined by JMS, the system allows new senders or receivers to be added to the system without changing any existing code.

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