For a multisite application, each URL in a sitemap must identify the site it is associated with. The same product can have multiple URLs if it is available on multiple sites.

StaticSitemapGenerator and DynamicSitemapGenerator components invoke the getSites() method of the SitemapGeneratorService to determine the sites to generate URLs for. To configure the SitemapGeneratorService so it can obtain this information, set the following properties:




The site URL manager component. This should be set to /atg/multisite/SiteURLManager.


The site context manager component. This should be set to /atg/multisite/SiteContextManager.


If true, indicates that URLs should be generated only for active sites. Default is true.


If true, indicates that URLs should be generated only for enabled sites. Default is true.

Note that if activeSitesOnly is set to true, enabledSitesOnly is ignored, because an active site is always enabled, but an enabled site may not be active. If both activeSitesOnly and enabledSitesOnly are set to false, then URLs are generated for all sites.

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