A RequestServer typically needs to be configured with a port and a handlerCount property. For example:


This declares that the server runs on port 8832, and spins off 20 handler objects, meaning that it can handle up to 20 simultaneous requests.

You can also set the handlerCount to 0, which represents a special case. In that case, the server creates no handler objects when it starts. Instead, each incoming connection results in a new handler object (and corresponding thread). The handlers are used once and destroyed after each connection.

In order to start your server, you probably need to include a pointer to your server in the initialServices property of some InitialService object. See Starting a Nucleus Component in the Nucleus: Organizing JavaBean Components chapter to review how to do this.

A RequestServer has a connectionAcceptor property. This property specifies a Nucleus component (atg.server.tcp.SimpleConnectionAcceptor) that regulates how client connections to the server are accepted. Each RequestServer should use a separate connection acceptor component. The default connection acceptor component allows the requesting thread to wait on the server socket, adjusting its priority as configured by the priorityDelta property of the connection acceptor.

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