What's New in Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide, Version 7.7, Rev. A

Table 1 lists changes in this version of the documentation to support release 7.7 of the software.

Table 1.  What's New in Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide, Version 7.7, Rev. A

Run-Time Architecture of Workflow

Revised this topic by adding subsections titled Administration and Monitoring, Recovery.

Siebel Tools and Workflow Processes

Added this topic.

Process Designer Palette Items

Revised this topic by adding a graphic and modifying descriptions in Table 5.

Modifying Existing Process Definitions

Revised this topic by adding a sequence of steps for this task and modifying the surrounding text.

Tutorial: Using Process Designer in Siebel Tools

Added this topic.

About Process Properties

In Object ID and Non-7.0 Workflow Processes, added a note explaining the need to update the Object ID process property when you change the active row in a step of a workflow.

Field Descriptions: WF Step Branch Applet

Added a note to the Description for the Event Cancel Flag field in Table 7.

Field Descriptions: Compose Condition Criteria Dialog Box

Revised this topic by adding a graphic and a note.

Defining Conditions and Values for Branches, Decision Steps, and User Interact Steps

Added a note to this topic.

Field Descriptions: WF Step Recipients Applet

Revised this topic by adding field descriptions to Table 11.

Field Descriptions: Subprocess Applet

Added a note to the Possible Value for the Subprocess field in Table 12.

Defining a Stop Step

Added a note to this topic.

For Developers: Understanding How Workflow Processes Are Designed

Added this chapter, which contains content that was previously in other chapters.

Generating User Events with the User Event Business Service

Revised this topic and added a note to the task.

Configuring Long-Running Workflow Processes to Wait for User Events

Added this topic.

Using the Validate Tool to Correct Errors in Workflow Processes

Revised this topic by adding a list of possible errors and fixes.

Activating Workflow Processes

Added this topic.

Siebel Application Response Management (Siebel ARM)

Added this topic.

Siebel Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Files

Added this topic.

Defining Workflow Policy Actions

Added a note to this topic.

About the Recipients Applet

Added a note regarding Recipient Name in Table 41.

About the Conditions Applet

Revised a note in this topic.

Passing Parameters to and from Workflow with the Workflow Process Manager Business Service

Revised this topic by adding information on passing inputs to Workflow, and passing outputs from Workflow.

What's New in Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide, Version 7.7

Table 2 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support release 7.7 of the software.

Table 2.  New Product Features in Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide, Version 7.7

Workflow Process Designer

See Using Process Designer in Siebel Tools.

The Workflow Process Designer has been moved into Siebel Tools. The Process Designer in the run-time client has been made read-only to facilitate upgrade of pre-7.7 workflow processes. In the next release, the Process Designer will be removed from the run-time client. The Workflow Process object type is a new top-level object type in Siebel Tools.

Workflow Process Simulator

See Testing Workflow Processes with the Process Simulator.

The Workflow Process Simulator has been removed from the run-time client and is now hosted in Siebel Tools.

End-to-end business process framework

See About Workflow Persistence and About Workflow Process Monitoring.

Using enhanced persistence and monitoring, you can create a single workflow process to handle an entire business process transaction and coordinate between multiple short and long-running subprocesses. For example, rather than use short workflow processes that trigger every time a service request is updated and which together over time accomplish a larger business process, you can maintain the state in the service request record, and create a longer workflow with wait steps and persistence. This provides a comprehensive view from which you can maintain the workflow state and monitor the progress of the workflow at the instance level.

New deployment scheme

See Deploying Workflow Processes.

This release includes a new deployment scheme that is used to move Workflow objects from the repository to the run-time environment. This does not require recompiling the SRF.

Workflow modes

See About Workflow Processing Modes.

Workflow processes are now categorized into four different modes, each offering a specific set of capabilities and a specific quality of service:

  • 7.0 Flow
  • Long-Running Flow
  • Interactive Flow
  • Service Flow

Interactive workflow processes

See About Interactive Workflow Processes.

You can configure your workflow processes to allow parking of interactive workflow processes in the user's Inbox. (Inbox is a single screen in Siebel eBusiness applications that shows all approval and notification items assigned end users regardless of the screen where the item originated.)

You can configure free-flow navigation through the use of synthetic events, allowing the user to navigate backward and forward between views and to suspend and resume a process.

User Interact step

See About User Interact Steps.

The User Interact step has been enhanced to take process properties as input arguments. In this way, you can dynamically set view names as you design your interactive workflow processes.

Workflow User Event business service

See About the Workflow User Event Business Service.

A high-level event mechanism has been introduced for use by Siebel Workflow. This allows interaction as well as data transfer into workflow processes and instances.

User events can be generated anywhere in the Siebel enterprise (wherever a Siebel business service is used) by calling the Workflow User Event business service.

The event model also introduces the capability of correlation to ease communication with external entities.

Long-Running workflow processes

See About Long-Running Workflow Processes.

You can now define collaborative workflows (such as approval processes) that route tasks across users. Long-running workflow processes use user events.

Workflow persistence

See About Workflow Persistence.

Workflow persistence is now a quality of service and is not related to workflow monitoring. Workflow persistence is available to all workflow modes (as a configurable option) and is automatically enabled for long-running workflows.

The 7.0 workflow persistence level and frequency settings are now replaced with a single flag: the Auto Persist flag.

Monitoring of workflow processes is now a separate feature.

Administration of workflow processes

See Administering Workflow Processes in the Run-Time Client.

There is now increased accountability of executed processes using the new Workflow Admin view. The Workflow Admin view allows the administrator to see the persisted status of workflow processes and provides recovery features.

Monitoring of workflow processes

See About Workflow Process Monitoring.

There is now extended process monitoring, including enhanced error notification and execution tracing, using the new Workflow Instance Monitor view. The Workflow Instance Monitor view allows monitoring of all workflows (regardless of persistence setting). Monitoring level is a deployment parameter, not a design-time parameter.

Recovery of process instances

See Recovering Workflow Processes.

Workflow processes marked as recoverable can be automatically and manually recovered after server failures.

Palette Designer edit features

See Using Process Designer in Siebel Tools.

You can copy and paste Palette Designer shapes within a process. The Palette Designer also features:

  • Properties window and Object List editor to enter process properties as well as input and output arguments
  • Pop-up dialog box to enter conditions
  • Zoom, copy drawing, print
  • Show and hide labels and exception branches
  • Define shape colors, lines, fill colors, fonts and sizes

Seeded workflow processes

See Upgrading Siebel Workflow.

All seeded workflow processes have been moved from run-time tables to repository tables.

Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide