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BEA Tuxedo Release 8.0

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The CORBA Programming

Describes the tools, commands, services, and components that are central to developing CORBA applications that run in the BEA Tuxedo environment.

Developing CORBA Applications

Describes the steps involved in developing, building, and running CORBA applications in the BEA Tuxedo environment.

ActiveX Client Developer's

Explains how to create ActiveX client applications that interoperate with the BEA Tuxedo system (PDF file).

Creating CORBA Client

Explains how CORBA C++, CORBA Java, and ActiveX client applications access CORBA server applications and describes advanced client programming techniques such as Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) and events.

Creating CORBA Server

Explains how to create scalable, high-performance CORBA server applications using the BEA Tuxedo software.

Using Security in CORBA

Provides an introduction to the concepts associated with the CORBA security features, a description of how to secure your CORBA applications using the security features, and a guide to the use of the APIs in the CORBA security service.

Using CORBA Transactions

Explains how to use transactions in CORBA applications.

Using the CORBA
  Notification Service

Defines the concepts associated with using the CORBA Notification service and describes the development process for CORBA applications that use events. In addition, instructions for building and running the Notification sample applications and descriptions of the Notification Service APIs and administrative tasks are included in this topic.

Using the CORBA
  Name Service

Introduces the features and concepts of the name service, describes the commands and APIs for the name service, and details the administration and programming tasks required when using the name service with a CORBA application. In additon, a sample application that stores and retrieves object references in a namespace is included.

Using CORBA Server-to-Server

Explains how to build and deploy CORBA joint client/server applications. Joint client/server applications allow you to use callback objects to handle invocations from other CORBA objects.

Using the CORBA idltojava

Discusses the relationship of Java IDL-to-CORBA and explains how to use the idltojava compiler to convert IDL files to Java stub and skeleton files. CORBA Java client applications and joint client/server applications use the Java stubs and skeleton files.

Using CORBA Request-Level

Decribes how to use request-level inteceptors in CORBA applications and documents the request-level interceptor API. Using request-level interceptors is an advanced CORBA programming feature.



 Creating CORBA Client Applications

CORBA Client Application Development Concepts

Creating CORBA Client Applications

Creating ActiveX Client Applications

Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface

Handling Exceptions



 Creating CORBA Server Applications

CORBA Server Application Concepts

Steps for Creating a BEA Tuxedo CORBA Server Application

Designing and Implementing a Basic CORBA Server Application

Creating Multithreaded CORBA Server Applications

Security and CORBA Server Applications

Integrating Transactions into a CORBA Server Application

Wrappering a BEA Tuxedo Server in a CORBA Object

Scaling a BEA Tuxedo CORBA Server Application



 Using Security in CORBA Applications

Overview of the CORBA Security Features

Introduction to the SSL Technology

Fundamentals of CORBA Security

Managing Public Key Security

Configuring Link-Level Encryption

Configuring the SSL Protocol

Configuring Authentication

Configuring Single Sign-On

Configuring Security Plug-Ins

Writing a CORBA Application That Implements Security

Building and Running the CORBA Sample Applications


CORBA Security APIs

Security Modules

C++ Security Reference

Java Security Reference

Automation Security Reference



 Using CORBA Transactions

Introducing Transactions

Transaction Service

Transactions in CORBA Server Applications

Transactions in CORBA Client Applications

Administering Transactions



 Using the CORBA Notification Service


CORBA Notification Service API Reference

Using the BEA Simple Events API

Using the CosNotification Service API

Building the Introductory Sample Application

Building the Advanced Sample Application

CORBA Notification Service Administration



 Using the CORBA Name Service

Overview of the CORBA Name Service

CORBA Name Service Reference

Managing a BEA Tuxedo Namespace

Developing an Application That Uses the CORBA Name Service

Using the CORBA Name Service Sample Application



 Using CORBA Server-to-Server Communication

Understanding CORBA Server-to-Server Communication

Developing C++ Joint Client/Server Applications

Developing Java Joint Client/Server Applications



 Using the CORBA idltojava Compiler

Overview of Idltojava Compiler

Using the idltojava Command

Java IDL Examples

Java IDL Programming Concepts

IDL-to-Java Mappings Used by the idltojava Compiler



 Using CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

Introduction to CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

Developing CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

Deploying CORBA Request-Level Interceptors

PersonQuery Sample Application

InterceptorSimp Sample Interceptors

InterceptorSec Sample Interceptors

InterceptorData Sample Interceptors

Request-Level Interceptor API

Starter Request-Level Interceptor Files