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Migrating From WebLogic Commerce Server Version 3.5 to WebLogic Portal Version 4.0


This chapter addresses the 4.0 changes to Campaign Manager for WebLogic, and WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server.

This section includes the following topics. Read "Getting Started With the Migration Tool" thoroughly to determine what steps to follow and the information you need, then continue through this chapter as directed in the migration checklist.


Getting Started With the Migration Tool

This section covers the following:

Migration Checklist for 3.5 to 4.0

  1. Be sure you've already reviewed the information in Planning Your Migration, beginning on page 1-17.

  2. Check the support Web site for any updates to the migration process. The Web site is at You must have a valid support contract to get to this site.

    Follow the directions in that document, and download any associated files listed in that document.

Note: Be sure that you have the latest version; if you downloaded it when you received this guide, download the document again and review it immediately before you begin migrating.

  1. Go to and download or view the latest version of this document.

  2. We recommend that you review Migration Reference Information before you begin migration procedures. A topic within that section, How to Use This Information, describes why you need the information and how to put it to use.

  3. Review this section, Getting Started With the Migration Tool, to understand how the migration tool, new in this release, will migrate your files.

  4. Follow the instructions in Migrating Data From 3.5 to 4.0 to migrate your databases.

  5. Then continue to the Migrating Code From 3.5 to 4.0 for instructions on migrating code. This section contains detailed information about new items you might want to use, as well as changes to make to existing code.

  6. Follow the steps in Manual Migration Tasks for 3.5 to 4.0 to migrate aspects of your implementation that could not be migrated by the tool.

  7. Follow the steps in Verifying the Migration From 3.5 to 4.0 to verify that the migration has been completed correctly.

How the Migration Tool Works

Review this section for information about the new migration tool.

Migration Tool Overview

A migration tool is included in this release to assist in migrating your code and data to this release. It is not a J2EE application and does not need any connection to WebLogic Server; it is a stand-alone tool dealing with the file system.

Note: It is not a full migration application: it is a helper utility that evaluates code files and databases, migrates where possible, and copies the new data to a destination location. However, you will need to do a significant amount of updating yourself.

The tool has two components, a code migrator and a data migrator. Each migrates your code and data to a destination directory you specify.

Note: Migrate your data to a destination directory that is not associated with your 4.0 directory. Be sure that all migratable data is successfully migrated before copying it to your 4.0 directory. (Instructions for copying it to the appropriate directories are included in Moving New and Migrated Data Files to Your 4.0 Directory.)

Code Migration Process Overview

The code migrator analyzes .java files and either makes the appropriate change or flags the necessary portions for change, without updating the code. No matter what the change, a comment is added to the file. The code migrator assists you in the migration process, but you must still review all code files before you can consider the migration complete.

The amount of code it can migrate varies drastically from one implementation to another.

The changes and comments are put in a new copy of the files, created in a location you specify before beginning the migration.

You can migrate both standard .java files and JSPs, by compiling the JSPs, running the code migration tool, and making the appropriate updates to JSPs, tags, and any other dependent code.

The code migration tool focuses on the following:

At the beginning of code migration, you specify a source (3.5) directory and migration destination directory, which are typically your WLCS3.5 src directory and your Portal 4.0 src directory.

It is ultimately your responsibility to actually work through the comments in the migrated code and make some modifications yourself. In addition, if you want to incorporate new features in this release described in this section, you must write that code yourself, as well.

Data Migration Process Overview

The data migrator transfers your existing database data, including rulesets, to the new database schema and XML files. It will typically migrate a high percentage of your data, though this varies from one implementation to another.

The migration process performs a variety of tasks, including leaving some files as is, renaming files, creating new files, and so on. The database migration takes place on the 3.5 tables themselves; it does not create a new set of 4.0 tables without touching the 3.5 tables.

Before beginning, you specify a source (3.5) directory and a migration destination directory. The new XML files are created in the destination directory, shown in Figure 2-1, which you will later move to the Portal 4.0 directory.

Figure 2-1 Data Migration Destination Directory


What the Tool Migrates

The migration tool will make many of the changes for you; however, you must review all the changes to your code and data, and you will need to make some changes manually. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you review this section to be well informed when you review migrator tool changes and make manual changes. In addition, the tool does not migrate all aspects of your site. Table 2-1 lists main components of a typical implementation and what is and is not migrated.

Table 2-1 Components Migrated and Not Migrated




Java code, including JSP tags

Yes, to your data migration source directory

The migrator might not be able to migrate all code; it will flag all code it cannot migrate, and you need to make the necessary changes.


Not directly

However, we suggest that you generate files for the JSPs and run the code migrator on the results. Then update your JSPs accordingly.

Portals, including portlet colors, layouts, and so on4.0:JSPs, whether migrated

Partial, to the data destination directory.

Portlets are migrated. In addition, minimal HTML files are created defining each of your portals and its portlets. See Re-creating Portals and Portlets for information on manual migration steps.

Portals and portlets might be renamed during migration; see Naming and Renaming Rules for Placeholders and Other Items.

Database schemas and data

Yes, in the 3.5 database (databases) and to the data destination directory (XML files derived from database data).

Some tables have been removed in this release and the data is stored in XML files, instead.

Rules, campaigns, scenarios

Yes, in the 3.5 database (databases) and to the data destination directory (XML files derived from database data).

Rules are migrated first. Any rules that are not independent of scenarios and campaigns are assumed to be scenario rules. Next, campaigns and scenarios are migrated, and scenarios are embedded in their associated campaigns. The previously migrated scenario rules are then brought into the migrated campaigns, as well.

Rules might be renamed during migration; see Naming and Renaming Rules for Placeholders and Other Items.

Events that you can view in the EBCC that are defined using the property set schema, the .evt files.

Yes, to the data destination directory.

Events stored in the database (unlinked to the events defined and viewed through EBCC)


See Migrating Events for information on manual migration steps.

Webflow and Pipeline

Partial, in the 3.5 database (databases) and to the data destination directory (XML files derived from database data).

Code files and data are migrated; however, the structure has changed significantly in this release. See Migrating Webflow and Pipeline for information on manual migration steps.,

Yes, to data_dest_dir\ and main.pln

Yes; to two application.xml and application-config.xml

Entering Information Formerly Stored in

Deployment descriptors, web.xml, etc.


See Migrating Deployment Descriptors and Other Configuration Files.



Refer to the 4.0 installation documentation.


Yes, in the 3.5 database (databases) and to the data destination directory (XML files derived from database data).

Discounts are now stored in XML files, one file per discount.


Yes, in the 3.5 database (databases) and to the data destination directory (XML files derived from database data).

Placeholders are now stored as XML files, one file per placeholder. Placeholders are also likely to be renamed during migration according to the restrictions in Naming and Renaming Rules for Placeholders and Other Items.

Configurable entities and property sets

Yes, in the 3.5 database (databases) and to the data destination directory (XML files derived from database data).*

*Some user-defined configurable entity successor values must be migrated manually. See Migrating non-User and non-Group Configurable Entity Successor Property Values.

Helper Files in the Migration Directory

The migration directory contains the programs and support files for the migration process.

Migration Directory Structure

Figure shows the migration directory.

Figure 2-2 4.0 Migration Directory


Migration Log File

The tool writes information to a migration. log file in the migration directory, recording the actions that take place. The log file also includes system properties information such as tool versions, service packs installed, and other migration environment information, Use this file if you encounter difficulties or have questions while using the migration tool.

Reference Information Files for Code Changes in This Release

The key changes to code in this release, such as packages and whether code has been removed or deprecated, is documented in the migrinfo.html file, included in the doc directory within migration. The information in these files is used by the code migration tool to add comments to each file it migrates or flags for additional review. However, we recommend that you review this information now, particularly the information on classes or packages that are key to your site implementation.

Note: You can view, sort, and search the information using the Migration Viewer tool. See Viewing Code Changes Using the Migration Viewer Tool.

.SQL Files for Customized Database Conversion

All the SQL used in the data migration to migrate 3.5 databases to 4.0 databases, for each database and version, is included in the migration directory. There is one file for each type and version of database; for instance, one file is named oracle-817-v3_5to4_0.sql. If you made modifications to your databases, you will need to use these files to create the appropriate modified SQL statements and run them. Instructions are included in Migrating Databases You Have Changed.

Note: These files do not contain code that migrates 3.5 databases to 4.0 XML files.

Pre-Migration Steps

Complete these steps to ensure that your system is prepared correctly to begin the migration.

Check Release Notes for Main Release and Service Packs

The release notes for any released Service Packs provide important information. Review them before completing a migration.

Starting BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0

Follow the instructions in the Installation Guide and any other referenced documentation in that guide to get release 4.0 running on your system. Be sure that your installation environment and the software are running correctly before you continue.

Set up your 4.0 build environment system—creating .jar files, etc.—so that you will be able to modify, test, and deploy converted code files later in the migration process.

Making a Complete Backup

Completely back up your entire 3.5 system at least once.

Getting the Latest Migration Files

Check the support Web site for any updates to the migration process. The Web site is at You must have a valid support contract to get to this site.

Follow the directions in that document, and download any associated files listed in that document.

Note: Be sure that you have the latest version of the document and any associated files; if you downloaded them when you received this guide, download them and review them immediately before you begin migrating.

If you are not reading this online, download the latest version of this document now from

Checking Migration Environment

Be sure that the migration files were installed on a computer where WebLogic Server is installed. The migration requires access to the weblogic.jar and license files in the BEA directory.

Editing the 4.0 set-environment bat file and File

Before you begin, you need to enter configuration settings.

  1. Open the set-environment.bat file for your 4.0 installation. Comment out all databases you are not using, and remove comments in front of the database you are using.

  2. Open the PORTAL_HOME\migration\ file. Listing 2-1 following this procedure shows the file. Items you need to address are in bold.

  3. Set the line migration_start equal to true, instead of false.

  4. Enter the source and data destination directory for the migration. The source directory is your WLCS35 directory; the data destination directory should be in a different location, such as D:\\migration40 . (Use double slashes in the path.) The XML files for 4.0 will be created in a directory structure at that location.

  5. Specify the enterprise application name that will be applied to data that is application scoped in 4.0, on the line application_name = wlcsApp. You need to do this if you want your current data to be scoped to an application with another name. Do not change this property once you start migration.

#application_name = wlcsApp

Note: Most data in this release, such as campaigns and placeholders, is enterprise application scoped. It is common to all Web applications within the enterprise application. If you have two or more enterprise applications, you will be prompted to address this issue later in Moving New and Migrated Data Files to Your 4.0 Directory.

  1. Change the bold values in Listing 2-1, such as your ID, password, database, and database driver, to the appropriate values for your system.

    For the value server=YOURSERVER, enter the name of the database server. For instance, for Oracle, enter the Oracle SID.

  2. Comment out (add # ) the databases you are not using, and remove the comment mark in front of the database you are using.

  3. The database.continue.despite.failure setting is primarily useful if you encounter errors during the data migration and need to run it again. Setting the value to true will allow you to continue past errors and get more information about the error.

  4. If you are using SQL Server or Sybase, set to true a line in the file that controls whether you can use java.sql.Clob objects for CLOB (character large object) database column retrieval. This is because some databases don't support using ResultSet.getString() for CLOB retrieval, which is the default behavior.

    The line is as follows: if false, the database is using getClob() and setClob() methods. If true, the database is using getString() and SetString() methods.

Listing 2-1 Partial File

# --------------------------------------------------------------
##       When you have set the properties you need, set the
#       following flag to 'true' so the migrator tool will start.
#       Otherwise, the Migrator will assume you have NOT set
#       any property and will refuse to run. 
## --------------------------------------------------------------
start_migrator=false   (Set this to true.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
##      Moving Data from 'data_src_dir' if not from database
#       (for and in 3.5),
#       to 'migr_dst_dir', where 4.0 files will be created, 
#       such as .usr, .pln, etc.
## --------------------------------------------------------------
# General migration settings
# The directory separator is \\ (espaced \). For instance, 
# data_src_dir = d:\\thisdir\\thatdir\\srcdir
data_src_dir = d:\\bea\\WLCS35     (Your 3.5 root directory)
migr_dst_dir = d:\\40migration     (A separate directory.)
# The application name that will be applied to data that is 
# application scoped in 4.0
# Edit this default name if you want your current data
# to be scoped to an application with another name.
# This property should not be changed once migration has started.
application_name = wlcsApp      (The name of your enterprise application.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
## Database Properties
## --------------------------------------------------------------
# Database connection properties
# These are some hardcoded WebLogic jDriver for Oracle 8.1.5 settings
# until this file can be generated at build / install time
database.connection.driver = weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver
database.connection.url = jdbc:weblogic:oracle
database.connection.props = user=YOURUSER;password=YOURPASSWORD;server=YOURSERVER;weblogic.t3.waitForConnection=true;weblogic.t3.waitSecondsForConnection=999999999999;weblogic.jts.waitSecondsForConnectionSecs=999999999999
# Database and version
#    (Comment out the versions you do not use.)
# This is used to continue a task even if required statements fail.
# Use it to get a longer list of failed actions
# (You might want to set it to true if you have already solved, but cannot
# implement the solution yet, for the error that is halting migration.)
database.continue.despite.failure=false  (Set to true to continue past errors.)
# Uncomment this and set to true to use java.sql.Clob objects for CLOB
# database column retrieval. Some databases don't support using
# ResultSet.getString() for CLOB retrieval, which is the default behavior.
# (Set to true to allow use of 


Migrating Data From 3.5 to 4.0

This section covers information on how the migrator tool works and how to complete the migration tasks.

Before You Begin

Review this information and complete tasks, if necessary, before using the migration tool.

How the Data Migration Works

Note: For an overview of what data is converted during migration, see Data Migration Process Overview. For a list of the table changes between 3.5 and 4.0, see Database Changes. The separate migration tasks and corresponding descriptions are included later in this section in Descriptions of Data Migration Tool Tasks.

The data migration process relies primarily on the following properties files, at and multiple versions of The files are stored in the PORTAL_HOME\migration\lib\migration.jar file and unjarred at the appropriate time during migration.

Examples are shown as Table 2-2 and Table 2-3.

Table 2-2 Example of entries in file

Task number

Name of SQL statement



Table 2-3 Example of entries in file

Name of SQL statement

SQL statement


(SQL code)

The migration process iterates through the tasks and runs the associated SQL. The tasks are listed in Descriptions of Data Migration Tool Tasks.

Information about the data migration is written to the migration.log file in the PORTAL_HOME\migration directory and is displayed in the migration tool window.

No 3.5 tables are dropped during the process, to ensure the greatest possible data integrity. Once you have verified that the migration is successful and you have been running on the new version for a week or more, you might choose to drop unused 3.5 tables. Use your SQL tools to do so.

Descriptions of Data Migration Tool Tasks

This section describes the tasks that the tool completes and what is involved in each. You do not have to read this section before you migrate data, but you will need to refer to it if any of the tasks are not run successfully.

Note: Pay particular attention to the dependencies among these tasks, and to whether they can be repeated without restoring from a backup.

Webflow Migration

In release 3.5, a Webflow is defined by a property file,, and is system scoped. That means that all applications relying on a Webflow, such a commerce applications, get one configuration. Editing the file is done via a JSP-based tree structure.

In release 4.0, a Webflow is Web application scoped, defined in a .wf file. In fact, many .wf files may compose a Webflow. These files do not reside under the root directory as in release 4.0; they reside under the Web application's EBCC directory structure, so as to be deployed with the Web application, via Data Sync. These .wf files are XML files, not properties files.

The role of migration of Webflow is to read the under the root directory of a release 3.5 installation, transform it (twice) using XSL to create an XML file that can be used to start a Web application-specific Webflow using the EBCC Webflow Editor.

Validation is done after both transformation steps to verify the final file follows the Webflow XSD definition.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Pipeline Migration

The Pipeline migration follows closely the Webflow migration, at least conceptually. The release 3.5 root directory, system-scoped file is transformed into a .pln file, main.pln, after two transformations are applied via XSL.

Do Webflow and Pipeline migration together, or not at all.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Property Set/Schema Migration

In release 3.5, a set of tables represents the schema/property sets:

The migration of Schema/Property Sets takes the data in these tables, transforms the data into XML files following the EBCC directory structure, using XSL as the main engine to create the structure of the XML files. These files' extensions also follow the EBCC file naming conventions.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Design Details

To migrate the Schema/Property sets, the migration executes the following SQL statements:

  1. select * from WLCS_SCHEMA ; this statement provides the list of all files to create, and their name, directory structure, and extensions. Using the result set from 1, the migration will execute:

  2. select * from WLCS_PROP_MD where SCHEMA_ID='?'; this statement provides the list of properties to fill in for each selected schema. Based on the PROPERTY_TYPE value of this result set, the migration will execute a statement:

  3. select * from WLCS_PROP_MD_TEXT WHERE PROPERTY_META_DATA_ID = '?'; this statement provides the list of restricted properties values to fill in for each selected property, as well as the default value based on the "IS_DEFAULT' value.

As the result sets become available, the migration builds the XML file directly, using Strings, writes it to the appropriate location, and validates it. There is no XSL needed with this approach.

The migration also tracks the number of file types written and to what location, in order to show that information as the localized message at the end of the processing.


This table is used to derive the overall <ps:propertyset> "header", with <ps:name>, <ps:description>, and <ps:type>


This table is used to derive the overall <ps:property> list under each <ps:propertyset>, together with most of the values for the sub-nodes <ps-name>, <ps-description>, <ps-ismultivalued>, <ps:is-restricted>, <ps:datatype>

Portal Reports

The migration process generates reports about portal data that you can use to re-create your portals after the data migration process is complete. The reports are created in the following directory: migration_dest_dir\data\PortalReport

Note: The file uses 0 and 1 to indicate whether an item is included in a portal; 0 is no, 1 is yes.

That location is also displayed in the migration tool window, when you perform the Portal Reports data migration task. You will be prompted to use the portal reports to re-create your portals in Re-creating Portals and Portlets. Instructions for using the portal reports to re-create your portals are included in Re-creating Portals and Portlets.


Creates new 4.0 WEBLOGIC_IS_ALIVE tables. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 SEQUENCER table and loads it with 3.5 WLCS_SEQUENCER data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 ENTITY tables and migrates 3.5 WLCS_ENTITY data where the JNDI_HOME_NAME is either "" or "". Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 PROPERTY_KEY and PROPERTY_VALUE tables and loads them with transformed 3.5 WLCS_PROPERTY table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 CATALOG_PROPERTY_KEY and CATALOG_PROPERTY_VALUE tables and loads them with transformed 3.5 WLCS_CATALOG_PROPERTY table data.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 USER_SECURITY loads it with the transformed 3.5 WLCS_USER and WLCS_ENTITY table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 GROUP_SECURITY table and loads it with transformed 3.5 WLCS_GROUP and WLCS_ENTITY_ID table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 USER_GROUP_CACHE table and loads it with 3.5 WLCS_USER_GOUP_CACHE table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 GROUP_HIERARCHY table and loads it with transformed 3.5 WLCS_GROUP_HIERARCHY table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 USER_GROUP_HIERARCHY table and loads it with transformed 3.5 WLCS_USER_GROUP_HIERARCHY table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 DOCUMENT and DOCUMENT_METADATA tables and loads them with transformed 3.5 WLCS_DOCUMENT and WLCS_DOCUMENT_METADATA table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 DISCOUNT table in preparation for Discount Migration. Includes the following steps:

Note: This task is not repeatable without first restoring 3.5 tables from backup.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 SCENARIO_END_STATE table and loads it with transformed 3.5 SCENARIO_END_STATE table data.

Three columns have been renamed:

Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 USER_PROFILE table and loads it with transformed 3.5 WLCS_USER_PROFILE table data. Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 AD_BUCKET table in preparation for Campaign / Placeholder Clean Up. Includes the following steps:


Note: This task is not repeatable without first restoring 3.5 tables from backup.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 AD_COUNT table in preparation for Campaign / Placeholder Clean Up.

Table modifications.

Includes the following steps:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Creates new 4.0 MAIL_BATCH table and loads it with 3.5 MAIL_BATCH data.

Note: This task is not repeatable without first restoring 3.5 tables from backup.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.


Modify 3.5 ORDER_LINE_ADJUSTMENT table to 4.0 format.

Note: This task is not repeatable without first restoring 3.5 tables from backup.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Create New Tables

Creates new 4.0 tables:

No changes to the following:

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Discount Migration

The release 3.5 discount set XML documents are retrieved from the DISCOUNT_SET table. The documents are then XSL-transformed into the release 4.0 format using discounts.xsl. In release 4.0, the EBCC expects discounts to be stored one discount per file. The XML tag <discountSet> is no longer supported. After the original discount set documents have been transformed to the new format, the document(s) are split into individual Discount documents. The discount documents are then validated against the discount new schema and any validation failures are reported to the user. Whether validation succeeds or not, the resulting discount documents are saved to:


Documents that failed validation are saved to aid in trouble shooting the problem. Each discount file has an encoded version of the value from the original discount's <name> tag and a .dis file extension. The discount's <name> tag is updated to match the file name.

Finally the DISCOUNT_NAME and APPLICATION_NAME fields of the release 4.0 version of the DISCOUNT table are updated. An earlier task should have partially migrated the data already.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: The final part of this task, the update of records in the DISCOUNT table, depends on the successful completion of the DISCOUNT RDBMS Migration task. The first part of the task, where the XML definitions of the discounts are generated will execute correctly even if the DISCOUNT RDBMS Migration task has not been run.

Rules Migration

The release 3.5 rule set documents are retrieved from the RULESET table. The default/GlobalCatalogSelectors set is ignored if it is still in the database. This rule set was part of the release 3.5 sample data but is was never documented or used by any services or samples in release 3.5. Each Rule Set document is then XSL transformed into the release 4.0 format using ruleSet.xsl. The transformed documents are validated against the release 4.0 schemas.

The EBCC in release 4.0 expects rules to be stored one rule per document so the rule sets are split apart. Each rule file name is an encoded version of the original rule's <name> tag value. The rule's <name> tag is updated to match the file name. This applies to the "default/GlobalClassifications" and "default/GlobalContentSelectors" rule sets only. The only other rule sets supported by the release 3.5 EBCC were rule sets used in scenarios. Therefore any rule sets other the "default/GlobalClassifications" and "default/GlobalContentSelectors" sets found in the RULESET table are assumed to be for scenarios and are stored as rule sets in a temporary location for use during Campaign migration.

The new rule sets are saved to the following locations:

Note that the rule set documents will be saved even if they fail to validate to aid in troubleshooting.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Campaign Migration

The release 3.5 campaign documents are retrieved from the CAMPAIGN table and the release 3.5 Scenario documents from the SCENARIO table. The Campaign document(s) are XSL transformed into the release 4.0 format using "campaign.xsl". Likewise, the scenario document(s) are XSL transformed into the release 4.0 format using "scenario.xsl".

In release 4.0 the EBCC expects campaign documents to be a single compound document. That is, each campaign has its own XML document. Each campaign contains one or more scenarios. The scenarios were stored as separate documents in release 3.5 and specified by a link node in the campaign. In release 4.0 scenario(s) are merged into the campaign. In turn, each scenario contains one or more rule sets. Release 4.0 still uses a link node to specify the GlobalClassifications rule set but scenario specific rules (the ones saved to the temporary location in the rule set migration task) are merged into the scenario.

Data from the CAMPAIGN_SCENARIO table, along with the campaign scenario link tags, are used to determine which scenarios get merged into which campaigns and where. The CAMPAIGN_SCENARIO table data is used to identify the scenarios used by a given campaign. The release 3.5 campaign documents specify linked scenarios using the <scenario-link > tag. For example:

<scenario-link scenario-id="TourCampaign1_scenario1" />

The value of the scenario-id attribute is the SCENARIO_UID column entry in the SCENARIO table. This tag is used to determine which scenario is placed at a particular location in the campaign document.

Next, rule sets are merged into the campaign documents; that is, into the scenarios that use them. In release 3.5 rule sets were linked to scenarios using the scenario-ruleset-link tag. For example:

<scenario-ruleset-link ruleset-id="TourCampaign2_scenario1_rules" />.

The value of the ruleset-id attribute matches the name of a scenario rule set from the RULESET table (it actually matches the part of the name after the "default/" prefix). Note that these rules were converted to the release 4.0 format, then stored as rule sets in the temporary location (<migr_dst_dir>/data/temp/CampaignScenarioRules) during the Rule Migration task.

Once the complete compound campaign documents have been generated, a final xsl transformation is performed to clean up a few things in the documents. At this point, the campaign documents are in their final form so they are then validated against the release 4.0 campaign schema. Finally, they are saved to the file system at the following location:


using the original CAMPAIGN_UID from the CAMPAIGN table and a .cam extension. Note that the campaign documents will be saved even if they fail to validate to aid in troubleshooting.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: The Rules Migration task; it migrates the scenario rule documents that are then used in the campaign documents.

Placeholder Migration

The release 3.5 placeholder documents are retrieved from the PLACEHOLDER table. They already exist as individual documents and remain so in release 4.0. The documents are then updated to the release 4.0 format using an XSL transformation; the xsl file is called placeholder.xsl. The transformed documents are then validated against the release 4.0 schema. Placeholders are saved to:


The Placeholder's file name is generated by encoding the value in the PLACEHOLDER_NAME column in the PLACEHOLDER table. The Placeholder document's <name> tag is updated to match the generated file name. Placeholder files have a .pla extension. Note that the placeholder documents will be saved even if they fail to validate to aid in troubleshooting.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Campaign / Placeholder Clean Up

This task performs data updates only on the AD_BUCKET, AD_COUNT, and SCENARIO_END_STATE tables. These tables have already been created and temporary copies of them populated with some version of their data by an earlier "RDBMS" task. When this task begins it expects to find the partially migrated data for each table in a temporary table with the release 4.0 schema. These tables have a _TEMP40 suffix on their names, that is AD_BUCKET_TEMP40, AD_COUNT_TEMP40, and SCENARIO_END_STATE_TEMP40. Then for each table the following operations are performed.

  1. DELETE FROM <release 4.0 production table> - In case the task has already been run and the target production table already has data.

  2. INSERT INTO <release 4.0 production table> SELECT FROM <_TEMP40 table> - To move the partially migrated data into the production table.

  3. An update statement specific to the table. See the following for details for each table.

The AD_COUNT table references to campaigns (the CONTAINER_REF column's values) are updated so the values are the URL of the campaigns. The AD_BUCKET table references to campaigns, the CONTAINER_REF column's values, Scenarios, the CONTEXT_REF column's values and placeholders, the PLACEHOLDER_XML_REF column's values are updated so each is a URL to the document. The SCENARIO_END_STATE table references to campaigns are the CONTAINER_REF column's values and scenarios. The SCENARIO_XML_REF column's values are updated so each is a URL to the document. Also, for each table the APPLICATION_NAME column is updated with a user-definable default enterprise application name. The default name is wlcsApp, which is defined in the file by the property named application_name.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: SCENARIO_END_STATE RDBMS Migration, AD_BUCKET RDBMS Migration, and AD_COUNT RDBMS Migration. These tasks step up the tables and data that this task operates on.

Successor Property Value Migration

This is the final step in property migration. Successor property values had to be handled separate from the rest of property migration because of the way the successor property value is stored. In release 3.5 a Configurable Entity could have a property named _successor\u007e whose value is a BLOB. In release 4.0 the value of a successor property is a long; that is, the ENTITY_ID of the entity that is the successor. The BLOB is a serialized instance of a class called PersistableHandle. The PersistableHandle is de-serialized into a runtime object and contains the SmartKey and a String, the JNDI home name, of the successor. The SmartKey is cast to a specific type of entity bean primary key class and an identifier is obtained. The identifier and the JNDI home name are used to lookup the ENTITY_ID of the successor in the ENTITY table. The PROPERTY_VALUE table is then updated, replacing the BLOB value of the successor with the long value.

Note: The migration tool can only support entities with JNDI home names of and The migrator only knows the primary key classes for these types, you would have defined any others.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: PROPERTY RDBMS Migration task. It performs the migration of all other properties and copies the successor property values into the PROPERTY_VALUE_TEMP40 table where this task expects to find them. Again the _TEMP40 table is used to allow this task to be repeated. Values are obtained from the PROPERTY_VALUE_TEMP40 table and updates are made to the PROPERTY_VALUE table.

Portal / Portlet Migration

Due to the extensive changes to portals from the release 3.5 to the 4.0 releases, the portal migration is a partial migration that requires the user to take the migration output files and complete the migration using the EBCC to create a new portal layout. Portlets are, however, completed migrated. The XML definition files created from the existing portlet data are complete and can be used without further alteration.

Note: See also Webflow Migration.

First, portlet data is retrieved from the WLCS_PORTLET_DEFINITION table and a generic XML representation of the data is created. The document structure is a simple representation of the rows returned from the table. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
     <column name="NAME" value="Defined Portlets" /> 
     <column name="CONTENT_URL" value="portlets/definedportlets.jsp" /> 
     <column name="HEADER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="ALTERNATE_HEADER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="FOOTER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="ALTERNATE_FOOTER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="TITLEBAR_URL" value="titlebar.jsp" /> 
     <column name="BANNER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="EDITABLE" value="0" /> 
     <column name="EDIT_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="HELP" value="0" /> 
     <column name="HELP_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="ICON_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="MINIMIZEABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="MAXIMIZEABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="MAXIMIZED_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="MANDATORY" value="0" /> 
     <column name="MOVEABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="FLOATABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="MINIMIZED" value="0" /> 
     <column name="LOGIN_REQUIRED" value="0" /> 
 any number of more rows

Note that this is strictly internal representation of the portlet data. This file is never written to the file system. It is shown here strictly to help you understand the XSL transformation file used to produce the final document.

Next, the generic portlet document is XSL transformed into the new release 4.0 format using "portletGenToCompound.xsl". The transformed document is split so each portlet is in its own document. The portlet documents are validated against the new schema.

Finally, they are saved to <migr_dst_dir>/data/application-sync/portlets/

The portlet file name is an encoded version of the value of the portlet-name tag and the file has a .portlet extension. The portlet's portlet-name tag value is updated to match the file name.

Next, portals are migrated. Portal data is retrieved from the WLCS_PORTAL_DEFINITION table and into a generic XML format, the same structure as defined above for portlets. Again, this file is never written to the file system. The generic portal document is transformed into the new release 4.0 format using portalGenToCompund.xsl. References to the portlet(s) that each portal contains based on data from WLCS_PORTAL_HIERARCHY table are then added to each portal document. The portal documents are split so each portal is in its own document. They are saved to:


The portal file name is an encoded version of the value of the NAME column of the WLCS_PORTAL_DEFINITION and the file has a .portal extension. The portal files are templates that can be used as a starting point to create a new version of the portal using the EBCC. They cannot be validated against the schema at this point.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Drop Existing Constraints

Drops 3.5 constraints.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: If you are using a database other than Oracle, you must manually drop anonymous constraints after the Portal / Portlet Migration task and immediately before you complete this task, Drop Existing Constraints. Use the database tool of your choice to check your database for anonymous constraints and remove them.

Create New Constraints

Creates new 4.0 constraints.

Dependencies on earlier tasks: None.

Specifying Unneeded Migration Tasks

By default, all migration tasks are required, or "non-skippable." This is to ensure that all the elements that a migration task depends on have been completed. For example, if task B only works if task A has created a new 4.0 table, task A needs to be done for task B to work. You cannot select a task in the migrator window unless all of the migration tasks above it in the list have been completed.

We recommend that you complete all tasks. However, if you have not implemented some features, you can make them skippable. For instance, if you do not use have any existing portals, you do not need to run related tasks, including the portal reports.

Making the task skippable means that you do not have to complete it before you complete other tasks below it in the list of tasks in the migration window.

To make a task skippable, follow these steps.

  1. Refer to the previous section, Descriptions of Data Migration Tool Tasks to determine the name of the task you want to make skippable.

  2. Locate the PORTAL_HOME\migration\lib\migration.jar file and unjar it. The file is one of the files that will result, in the PORTAL_HOME\migration\lib\com\bea\commerce\migration\tools directory. Open it for edit. The file contains each task and corresponding information; the placeholders task is shown in the following example.

    Listing 2-2 Partial Contents of file

    # The placeholders task
    placeholders_title=Placeholder Migration
    placeholders_description=Moves the placeholder definitions out of the data base,from the PLACEHOLDER table in the 3.5 format, to the new 4.0 format. 
    You must perform this task for proper migration.

  3. For each task, locate the *_skippable property at the end of the task information and change its value from false to true. Save the file and close it.

Removing Anonymous Constraints

If you are using Oracle, skip this section.

If you are using a database other than Oracle, you must manually drop anonymous constraints after the Portal / Portlet Migration task and immediately before you complete the task Drop Existing Constraints. . Use the database tool of your choice to check your database for anonymous constraints and remove them.

Migrating Your Data

Follow the steps in this section to complete data migration steps with the migration tool.

For an overview of the process, see Data Migration Process Overview.

Be sure you have edited the file in the PORTAL_HOME\migration directory. If you have not entered the appropriate information, an error message will appear when you attempt to run the migrator.

You might want too use a database viewing/editing tool to check the data migration process as it progresses. After each task that affects databases, you can view your 3.5 database and the changes that took place.

  1. Shut down WebLogic Commerce Server and Personalization Server.

  2. Make two complete backups of your data, including both the databases and your properties files. Include the behavior tracking/events database, if it is being used.

  3. Start the migration tool by double-clicking or using the command line to run the migrator.bat or file in the PORTAL_HOME\migration\bin directory.

Note: If you encounter problems, edit the file and be sure all settings are correct.

Listing 2-4 shows the migrator.bat file.

Listing 2-3 Example migrator.bat File

set JDK_1-3_BIN=%BEA_HOME%\jdk131\bin
set MIG_CLASSPATH=%BEA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\migration.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\wlcs3_5classes.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\apache\xerces-1_3_1\xerces.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\apache\xalan-j_2_0_1\xalan.jar;%WEBLOGIC_HOME%\lib\weblogic.jar;%BEA_HOME%
%JDK_1-3_BIN%\java -cp %MIG_CLASSPATH%  -DMIGRATION_DIR=%migration_dir% 
echo on

  1. Click the tab labeled Data Migrator, if it is not already on top, as shown in Figure 2-3.

    Figure 2-3 Data Migration Window


  2. Select the first task in the list and click Execute Task. Status messages will appear, showing the progress of the migration.

    Note on messages in the data migration window: Many of the messages are extremely detailed, and contain valuable information, sometimes indicating the directory where a migrated or new file was created. Tables affected by the migration task are listed. At the bottom of each set of comments for the task, a message states whether the migration was successful. For some tasks, messages will state that a task could not be completed; this is typically not an issue because of service packs that you have installed that have already completed the task, or because the task is optional. The migration.log file also contains all messages displayed in the window.

    If any other message appears stating that there were problems migrating, use the error messages onscreen to address the problem, then run the task again. (Some tasks require that you restore the database from a backup, then fix the problem and run the task again. If this is the case, the description in the window says so.) If the problem stems from modifications you have made to the database, see Migrating Databases You Have Changed.

    Note on the Drop Existing Constraints task: If you are using Oracle, skip this section. If you are using a database other than Oracle, you must manually drop anonymous constraints after the Portal / Portlet Migration task and before you complete the task Drop Existing Constraints. Use the database tool of your choice to check your database for anonymous constraints and remove them.

    Figure 2-4 shows the comments for successful migration of the Webflow Migration task.

    Figure 2-4 Data Migration Completion and Comments


  3. When it has completed successfully, click the Next Task button, and continue until all tasks are completed. (If you have made a task skippable, you can skip it in the list; otherwise, you must migrate every task in sequence.)

Manual Migration for Previously Customized Items

If you have modified databases, or modified or extended JNDI_HOME_NAME or PROPERTY_SET, complete the appropriate tasks in this section.

Migrating Databases You Have Changed

If you changed the definition of any of your 3.5 databases, such as adding a column or changing a column name, you need to run those migrations manually. Use the appropriate .sql file in the PORTAL_HOME\migration directory to get the SQL you need to modify. There is one file for each type and version of database.

Follow these steps to migrate your changed databases.

  1. List all the database changes you have made.

  2. Read the data migration descriptions and dependencies in the Descriptions of Data Migration Tool Tasks to determine which tasks are affected by your database changes.

  3. Locate the appropriate .sql file for your database; they are stored in the PORTAL_HOME\migration directory.

  4. Locate the tasks you identified previously. Each set of SQL is preceded by a commented line and the task name, as shown. The SQL contains everything you need except for terminate statements. You will need to add the appropriate termination, such as a semicolon, when you run the SQL yourself.
    #  ---------------------
    # SEQUENCER RDBMS Migration

  5. For each identified migration task, create new SQL statements, editing the SQL as appropriate for your database changes.

  6. Run the SQL statements on the database using the SQL tool of your choice, such as SQLPlus.


If you created your own JNDI_HOME_NAME, PROPERTY_SET, or both, you will need to run the tasks referencing those values again, to convert the items you created. The rows for the migrated information will be added to the 4.0 tables or files. The affected tables are ENTITY, PROPERTY_KEY, CATALOG_ENTITY, CATALOG_PROPERTY_KEY, CATALOG_PROPERTY_VALUE, and PROPERTY_VALUE.

Complete the following steps for each of the tasks listed here.

  1. Locate the *.sql file in the PORTAL_HOME\migration directory for your database and database version, such as oracle-817-v3_5to4_0.sql.

  2. Locate the first task, ENTITY RDBMS Migration, in the .sql file. Partial code for that task is shown in Figure 2-5.

    Figure 2-5 Partial SQL File for Task Containing JNDI_HOME_NAME

    -- ENTITY RDBMS Migration

  3. In the SQL for that task, find the items in Table 2-6and modify the values appropriately wherever they occur.

    You need to supply the appropriate entity type, JNDI_HOME_NAME, and property set type for each new version you have created. Locate the values you need to change in the SQL for each task by searching for all of the following and making the appropriate replacement.

  4. Run the SQL statement once for each new entity type you have created.

Note: You can modify the SQL to create all new entity types at once; however, you will need to modify the SQL appropriately to do so. If you run the SQL with the references to home names as is, the entity type and JNDI home name must be exactly the same.

When to Drop 3.5 Tables

The migration process does not drop 3.5 tables when it creates 4.0 table and XML files. We strongly recommend that you not drop any 3.5 tables until you have been running your site successfully in 4.0 for at least a week. See Verifying the Migration From 3.5 to 4.0 for suggestions on how to verify that the migration was successful.


Migrating Code From 3.5 to 4.0

Use the information in this section to migrate the code. The information in this section is organized as follows:

Before You Begin

This section provides helpful information about steps to complete before migrating.

Excluding Unmodified BEA Example Files From the Migration Process

You do not need to migrate any unmodified example files from WebLogic Commerce Server and Personalization Server. "Unmodified" means you made absolutely no changes to the files, including no name changes. Instead of migrating the files, you can substitute the new versions of those example files by copying them to the appropriate location in your 4.0 directory.

Excluding these files from the migration provides two benefits:

Follow these steps as you migrate:

Figure 2-6 provides an example.

Figure 2-6 Example of Implementation Using Unmodified Example Files

Team Migration Guidelines

To speed up the migration process, multiple people can run the migration simultaneously. For instance, if you use a source code control system, one developer could check out and migrate each of the main subdirectories within your main release 3.5 directory.

To prevent one person's changes overwriting another's, be sure that no one is migrating a subdirectory of code that another person is migrating. This is demonstrated in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 Correct and Incorrect Strategies for Simultaneous Multi-person Code Migration

Migrating Code

This section contains the steps for using the utility to migrate your code to 4.0.

For an overview of the process, see Code Migration Process Overview.

  1. If the migration utility is not already running, start it by double-clicking the migrator.bat or file at \migration\bin.

  2. Select the Code Migrator tab, if it is not already on top, as shown in Figure 2-8.

    Figure 2-8 Code Migrator Tab


  3. Specify a source directory and a destination directory, as shown in Figure 2-9. The source directory is typically the src directory in your WLCS 3.5 directory.

Note: The most efficient approach is to migrate the code to a src directory within your Portal 4.0 directory. If you do not migrate the data there, you must move it there once the code migration process is over, before you begin reviewing and making changes to your migrated code files.

Figure 2-9 Entering Source and Destination Directories


If your implementation contains unmodified BEA example files, follow the guidelines in Excluding Unmodified BEA Example Files From the Migration Process.

If more than one person is migrating code, be sure to follow the guidelines in Team Migration Guidelines.

  1. Enter the path to the executable file for the editor that you want to use to view and edit code files. This is shown in Figure 2-10. (After the migration, you will be able to open any of your code files by double-clicking a file in the list at the bottom of the code migrator window.)

    Figure 2-10 Entering Path to External Viewer


Note: You must retain the space and %f% at the end of the path; this is the placeholder for the code file that you will be editing.

  1. When the migration has run, the migrated files will be listed in the bottom half of the window. You can open the files in your preferred editor by double-clicking them in the window, instead of going to your file system.

  2. The migration process will migrate all the code in the source directory in one process; you do not need to migrate one file at a time. Status messages and the migrated file names will appear during the process.

    When you are ready to migrate the entire source directory, click Start Code Migration Helper.

    If errors occur, refer to the migration.log file in the PORTAL_HOME\migration directory, the status messages displayed onscreen, and the migration notes added to the migrated code files.

  3. When the migration process is complete, the files will be displayed with information about what issues the migration utility encountered, whether the file was changed, and so on. This is shown in Figure 2-11

    Figure 2-11 List of Migrated Files and Status


    The effect of the migration on each file is indicated by the level 0 through 3, with 3 being most in need of review and additional changes.

  4. In your destination directory, review each of the migrated files to see what notes were added, and make additional changes to the files according to the migration notes.

Note: The migrated code files need to be in your PORTAL_HOME\src directory before you begin making changes.

An example of a migrated file and migration notes is shown in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 Migrated Code File


  1. Mark the Reviewed box in the migrator utility window after you have completely finished with each file, as shown in Figure 2-13

    Figure 2-13 Reviewed Box for Migrated Code Files


Migrating JSPs

This section covers the changes to JSPs in this release, and what you need to accommodate those changes.

Note: Do not migrate JSPs associated with portals; portals have changed dramatically in this release and it is more efficient to re-create them in 4.0. You will be prompted to do so in Re-creating Portals and Portlets.

  1. Create .java files for each of your JSPs. (For two ways to do this, see Generating .java Files for JSPs after these steps.)

    The .java files will be created in a path starting at your WEB-INF directory for the application. For instance, if the JSPs are at mywebapp\myJSPs\JSPfilenames.JSP, the generated .java files would be created at WEB-INF\_tmp*\jsp_compiled\_myJSPs\*

  2. Complete the steps in the previous section, Migrating Code, to run the code migrator on the generated .java files. For a destination directory, select a location that is not in your PORTAL_HOME directory.

    Before you can begin reviewing and making changes to the JSPs, move the JSPs the appropriate directory in the PORTAL_HOME directory. They need to be in the 4.0 environment for you to verify whether the changes were effective. Typically this should be PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp-project\webappdir\.

  3. Review each migrated generated .java file and the comments and changes in each. The relevant line number in the JSP is referenced in the migration note in the .java file, and the corresponding JSP filename and path is added to the top of each .java file.

  4. Make the necessary changes in your JSPs.

Repeat these steps until no more conversions or warnings show up in the code migrator.

Generating .java Files for JSPs

You can do this in a number of ways:


Manual Migration Tasks for 3.5 to 4.0

This section covers how to manually migrate items not migrated by the migration utility. You might not to complete all tasks, depending upon your implementation.

We recommend that you complete the tasks in the order shown.

Moving New and Migrated Data Files to Your 4.0 Directory

New XML files and other files were created in your data migration destination directory Figure 2-14 is an example; your directory will vary depending on what features you use and the names you applied to some items.

Figure 2-14 Data Migration Destination Directory

Move all items from the destination directory to the appropriate directory in your PORTAL_HOME directory. The complexity of this process will vary, depending upon your implementation. Keep in mind the following guidelines.

Names Might Be Different

Keep in mind that many elements of your implementation will not only be in a different directory structure, but might be renamed. (For instance, see Naming and Renaming Rules for Placeholders and Other Items and Significant Webflow and Pipeline Changes.)

Copy Configuration Files to PORTAL_HOME

The configuration files control your system, your enterprise application, or Web application. Copy config.xml from your 3.5 system to PORTAL_HOME\config\domain. Copy application.xml and application-config.xml from the data_dest_dir to PORTAL_HOME\applications\domain]META-INF. Copy your web.xml and weblogic.xml files to the appropriate stored in each WEB-INF in your 4.0 system.

Copy *.wf and *.pln Files to Each Web Application Directory

The information formerly in the and was converted and stored in the data_dest_dir directory. These files contain all the information for your implementation. In 4.0, you can break this information down according to the namespace it belongs to, so you will need to do editing of this file at a later time. For now, copy the files to each of your Web application directories, in PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp-project\application-sync\webapps. Once migration is complete, follow the instructions in the Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline to set up your Webflows and Pipelines.

Integrate Files from Repository Directory

The Portal Repository directory is not included in this release. Follow these steps to incorporate any 3.5 files stored in a repository directory. Be sure to perform the steps in the order shown.

  1. Copy the contents of the 3.5 repository directory to a different directory, like D:\repository.

  2. Copy the contents of your portal Web application into the new repository directory, allowing files with the same name to replace the existing ones.

  3. According to your implementation, determine where the contents of the new repository directory should go in your 4.0 implementation

Copy JSPs to Appropriate Web Application Directory

Copy migrated JSPs, if you have not already done so, to PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp-project\webappdir\.

Copy the Entire application-sync Directory to PORTAL_HOME

An application-sync directory was created at data_dest_dir\data\. Copy that directory to PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp-project and let it replace the application-sync directory that was installed there.

Migration Recognizes Only One Enterprise Application

If you have more than one enterprise application, copy the data_dest_dir\data\application-sync directory to PORTAL_HOME\applications\other_enterprise_app_dir. Once you start using Portal 4.0, set each one up appropriately if you want any of the enterprise-application-scoped items in that application-sync directory to be different between enterprise applications.

Copy 4.0 Versions of Stock Files at This Time

Also keep in mind that if you followed the instructions in Excluding Unmodified BEA Example Files From the Migration Process, you should copy the new 4.0 example files to their appropriate spot in your own 4.0 implementation. Example files are documented in the following. Commerce templates are covered in In addition to the templates available in the Guide to Registering Customers and Managing Customer Services. For information related to the product catalog, see the Guide to Building a Product Catalog. For information on services related to order and purchase processing, see the Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.

Migrating Deployment Descriptors and Other Configuration Files

Deployment descriptors are not migrated by the migration tool. Examine your deployment descriptors and other XML configuration files, keeping in mind any customizations you have made to accommodate additional Enterprise JavaBeans or other items, and update the files as needed.

For more information, refer to the Deployment Guide.

Entering Information Formerly Stored in

The file contained several entries that now are stored in two new XML files, application-config.xml and application.xml. Some of the data was migrated, but you need to verify it and reenter some data at this point, using the WebLogic Server Administration Console. (See the Architectural Overview for more information.) Default values are provided for some properties, which might not be appropriate for your system.

Print or open a copy of your 3.5 file and follow the instructions in the Deployment Guideto ensure that all information is correct.

Warning: Do not directly edit any of the XML files created through the migration; always edit them through the console. It is extremely likely that editing the files directly will cause significant problems for your site.

Updating Integrations With CyberCash and TAXWARE

The previous payment model and tax model were tightly coupled with Cybercash/TAXWARE native libraries. The models provided a solution out of the box. The 4.0 implementation introduces a different payment and tax model, based on Web services. This model has a generic payment and tax API, instead of one that is tightly coupled with Cybercash/TAXWARE native libraries. This new generic model allows payment and tax support from other potential service providers.

However, you must replace the sample Web services supplied out of the box with this new model with real, production-grade services.

In addition, evaluation copies of Cybercash and TAXWARE are no longer included with BEA WebLogic Portal.

Refer to "Integrating With a Payment Service" and "Integrating With a Tax Service" in the Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders for more information about the APIs in this release.

The original payment EJB (CreditCardService) called native Cybercash libraries. In this release, this EJB invokes a placeholder payment Web service that you must enhance to provide real backend payment functionality. The same requirement applies to tax services.

For information about creating a Web service, see "Programming WebLogic Server Web Services".

All payment and tax properties have been moved to Mbeans in the application-config.xml file, and some default properties may have replaced the values in your 3.5 implementation. Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to set up the correct properties.

Note: Consider changing only the host:port portion of the WSDL URL, i.e. localhost:7501, for these Web services. Although these properties are now in Mbeans, you should still consider refraining from changing any of these properties without restarting WebLogic Portal. The nature and use of these properties are not intended to be dynamic. They were moved to Mbeans only to facilitate server management and configuration.

Migrating Webflow and Pipeline

This section covers the additional migration necessary for Webflow and Pipeline.

Setting up Webflow

The structure for Webflow has undergone significant, complex changes in this release to introduce new features such as allowing multiple namespaces within a Webflow. Refer to the Webflow and Pipeline if you have not read it already for an overview of the changes, and Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline for information on how to write code for a 4.0 implementation.

Check the and main.pln by opening them in the Webflow Editor and Pipeline Editor, and making any necessary changes.

Migrating to the New Webflow Editor

The old Webflow Editor has been replaced by a new one. To ensure that the new editor is running correctly, follow this checklist.

  1. Verify that you have run the Data Migration Webflow and Pipeline tasks. They take the old files and create new files that reflect the new file structure.

  2. In your 4.0 directory, run the Webflow Editor and verify that it is functioning correctly. (For more information, see the Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline.)

  3. Synchronize the file when you are satisfied that the editor is working correctly. (You can do this now or later once all other EBCC data is set up; see Syncing Data to the Server.) Once the 4.0 WebApp is ready on the server side through the sync, you are using the 4.0 Webflow Editor and Webflow.

Migrating non-User and non-Group Configurable Entity Successor Property Values

Configurable entities have successors, which allow you to specify what group or user to use in case a customer does not have a group or user of his or her own. WebLogic Portal 4.0 recognizes Group and User as possible values for successors. If you created any other types of successors, you must migrate them yourself. This section describes the data and code structure of the items you need to modify, and how the migration works for Group and User successors. Use this information to determine what steps you need to take to migrate your additional successors.

Configurable Entity Successors

In release 3.5, a Configurable Entity could have a property named _successor\u007e whose value is a BLOB. In release 4.0, the value of a successor property is a long, which is the ENTITY_ID of the entity that is the successor. The BLOB is a serialized instance of a class called PersistableHandle. The PersistableHandle is deserialized into a runtime object and contains the SmartKey and a String, the JNDI home name of the successor. The SmartKey is cast to a specific type of entity bean primary key class and an identifier is obtained. The identifier and the JNDI home name are used to look up the ENTITY_ID of the successor in the ENTITY table. The PROPERTY_VALUE table is then updated, replacing the BLOB value of the successor with the long value.

The migration tool can only support entities with JNDI home names of and The primary key cannot be known for any other types that you created yourself.

The PROPERTY RDBMS Migration task performs the migration of all other properties and copies the successor property values into the PROPERTY_VALUE_TEMP40 table where this task expects to find them. The _TEMP40 table is used to allow this task to be repeated. Values are obtained from the PROPERTY_VALUE_TEMP40 table and updates are made to the PROPERTY_VALUE table.

Migrating Events

If you are not using events in 3.5, ignore this section.

Note: The events discussed here are the events that are stored in your database. They are not the events that you can view in the EBCC that are defined using the property set schema, the .evt files. These are fully migrated through the migration utility's data migration process.

Events are actions taken by users, such as clicking on a particular option in your site. You can choose to track events in a database, and analyze them with the tool of your choice, such as Broadbase. (WebLogic Portal does not provide analysis tools for events.)

The way in which events are stored in this release has changed somewhat. The table and columns are the same, but one column containing definition information has changed. This column stores information about the event such as the name of the event and the data. The data in that column is stored, not as a standard string of text, but in XML, so the column data type is a CLOB (character large object).

The way that these categories are stored in the XML file has changed: for instance event_date has changed to event-date.

You need to complete one or more of the following tasks:

  1. Decide whether to migrate any of your events to the 4.0 format, and if so what portion of the data.

  2. If you decide to migrate, migrate the appropriate amount of data to the 4.0 format

  3. If you decide to migrate, adapt your event data analysis tool, such as Broadbase, to read the new format.

  4. Verify that your events that are set up in the EBCC correspond appropriately to your migrated events.

Deciding Whether to Migrate Events

You do not need to migrate your 3.5 events. You need to migrate them only if you want to simultaneously analyze 3.5 and 4.0 events data using the same events analysis tool. For example, if you want to analyze all the events from September through December 2001, analyzing data collected prior to and after migration, they must all be in 4.0 format.

You also must address how much of your events data you want to migrate. If you have been tracking events for some time, the database can become extremely large. If any of your events data is currently in backed-up databases not connected to your system, you must restore that data, run the migration, and presumably return the migrated events data to its original backed-up state. How you manage that process of restoring is up to you.

Migrating Events Data

If you are going to migrate some or all of your 3.5 events data, follow these steps. The steps will create a new empty set of tables, using the 4.0 format, in the database where your 3.5 events are stored. You will then convert the 3.5 events to 4.0 format, and update your event tracking configuration information to log events in the 4.0 tables.

Figure 2-15 Migrating Events Data


  1. In your 3.5 events database, create a new database account. It must have a different name than the current account you use to access events.

  2. Using that account, run the Behavior Tracking and Events DDL scripts that are used to create the new empty 4.0 events table. See "Persisting Behavior Tracking Data" for instructions. This chapter includes information on the scripts, as well as associated database setup and WebLogic Server Console configuration.

  3. In WebLogic Portal, change the connection pool information to point to the new database. Be sure to update the host, port, database, and account information. This will change event logging so that all events are now logged in the new empty 4.0 tables.

  4. Update the new events database to comply with the new 4.0 format.

    To transform the data to the new format, you will be using an XSL file, event.xsl, that converts the data to the format; and a Java class EventXSLTest that runs the XSL template. (The fully qualified name of the class is

    The following code shows an example of how to create a .bat or .sh file using the XSL file and the Java class. The exact entries are up to you to determine, based on the variables in your system; the lines you need to set are in bold text. The event.xsl file was installed on your system within the PORTAL_HOME\src\commerce\migration\data\version\v3_5to4_0\xsl\ directory.

    Listing 2-5 Example .bat or .sh file to convert events CLOB to new 4.0 format

    CALL ..\..\bin\win32\set-environment.bat
    set JDK_1-3_BIN=%BEA_HOME%\jdk131\bin
    set MIG_CLASSPATH=%BEA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\migration.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\apache\xerces-1_3_1\xerces.jar;%MIGRATION_LIB%\apache\xalan-j_2_0_1\xalan.jar;%BEA_HOME%\wlserver6.1\lib\weblogic.jar;%BEA_HOME%
    echo on
    set XSL_FILE=[path_to_event.xsl_file]\event.xsl
    %JDK_1-3_BIN%\java -cp %MIG_CLASSPATH%  -DMIGRATION_DIR=%migration_dir% %XML_FILE% %XSL_FILE% 

    When you have created the file, run it from the command line or by double-clicking it.

  5. If you have backed-up databases that you also need to migrate, restore them one by one and repeat all the steps in this section.

Migrating Your Event Data Analysis Tool

If you want to use your event data analysis tool with 4.0 events, you must update it to comply with all the XSD files in the PORTAL_HOME\migrationlib\schema\4.0 directory of the 4.0 installation. If you have not migrated all your events to 4.0 format, keep a version of your analysis tool that works with the 3.5 event data format.

Compare EBCC .evt Property Set Files to Migrated Events

Ensure that your .evt files are set up appropriately in the EBCC for the way you are using events. See the Guide to Using the E-Business Control Center for more information.

Re-creating Portals and Portlets

Portlets were partially migrated. Only a template file was created for each portal, with minimal information, because of the significant changes and new features in this release. The portal file name is an encoded version of the value of the NAME column of the WLCS_PORTAL_DEFINITION and the file has a .portal extension. The file for each portal is created in <miration_dest_dir>/data/application-sync/webapps/<portal_name>/

The creation of the portal report is described in Webflow Migration, the migration of the portals and portlets themselves is described in Portal / Portlet Migration.

  1. Open the portal report file, created at migration_dest_dir\data\PortalReport.txt

  2. Refer to the instructions in the Getting Started with Portals and Portlets to use the new BEA Portal 4.0 EBCC, and choose new skins, layouts, set up groups, and complete any additional tasks for each of your portals.

Listing 2-6 shows an example migrated portal file. This is provided only to give you an idea of what data is migrated; do not edit any of your portal files directly.

Listing 2-6 Example Migrated Portal XML File

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
     <column name="NAME" value="Defined Portlets" /> 
     <column name="CONTENT_URL" value="portlets/definedportlets.jsp" /> 
     <column name="HEADER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="ALTERNATE_HEADER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="FOOTER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="ALTERNATE_FOOTER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="TITLEBAR_URL" value="titlebar.jsp" /> 
     <column name="BANNER_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="EDITABLE" value="0" /> 
     <column name="EDIT_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="HELP" value="0" /> 
     <column name="HELP_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="ICON_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="MINIMIZEABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="MAXIMIZEABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="MAXIMIZED_URL" value="##NULL##" /> 
     <column name="MANDATORY" value="0" /> 
     <column name="MOVEABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="FLOATABLE" value="1" /> 
     <column name="MINIMIZED" value="0" /> 
     <column name="LOGIN_REQUIRED" value="0" /> 
 any number of more rows

Checking for Additional Migration Steps

Review Migration Reference Information again and make any additional changes at this time that are necessary for your implementation. This could include changes based on the information in User Group Hierarchy, Caching, Cybercash and TAXWARE, LDAP Entity Property Manager, and so on. Each section contains references to where you can find the information you need in the BEA documentation set.

Syncing Data to the Server

In this release, you set up items like campaigns and portlets using the E-Business Control Center, then implement them by using the data sync feature. When you are ready to lynch EBCC data to the server, refer to the Guide to Using the E-Business Control Center to complete this task.


Verifying the Migration From 3.5 to 4.0

The migration is a complex task, which might involve hundreds or thousands of separate files, depending on your implementation. We strongly recommend that you thoroughly verify the migrated 4.0 version of your software using the topics in this section, and any other steps you deem appropriate.

General Verification

In a test environment, run a typical selection of common user and administrator tasks to be sure your system was migrated correctly. Suggested tasks include the following:

Refer to the appropriate section of the referenced documentation and this guide if you encounter errors.

EBCC Data Verification

To verify that all your EBCC data from the previous version was migrated correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the EBCC without the WebLogic Portal server running. (See Guide to Using the E-Business Control Center for more information.)

  2. In the menu, choose File > Open Application.

  3. In the Select an Application Directory window. locate and single-click the application folder. For example, to open the sample application, single-click the sample_app folder.

  4. Click Open. Date for the application is loaded into the E-Business Control Center. When an application is loaded, you can select a tool icon in the Explorer window and see its files.

Final Verification

The key indicators of whether all aspects of the migration have fully succeeded are whether the following tasks run correctly:

We strongly recommend that you run exhaustive real-world tests like these, and others appropriate for your business, before considering the migration complete.


What's Next: Getting Started With BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0

Now that you have successfully completed migration, use the following information to get started using BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0.


There is a license conversion when you migrate from WebLogic Server 6.0 to 6.1; if you will be doing this at the same time you migrate from WebLogic Personalization Server 3.5 to 4.0, see "Upgrading Licenses from WebLogic Server 6.0" at

Getting Started

Use the online documentation site to locate the documentation you need for additional learning.

You might also want to review the following guides:


Migration Reference Information

Use the following throughout the migration to enhance your knowledge of 4.0 changes.

This section covers the notable changes to this release. Be sure to review all of them, and make any changes necessary, based on how the changes affect your implementation.

For an overview of the features in the new migration tool, see Getting Started With the Migration Tool. Be sure to also read the "What's New" page at for a preview of the new features in this release.

The information is organized as follows:

How to Use This Information

This section covers, at a high level, the changes in this release. You need to read this section to be aware of all the changes that have occurred, so that you can implement new features, understand the extent of changes for features you have implemented, and so on.

As you review this section, make a list of items that affect your implementation. You will need to be aware of them when you review each code file during code migration.

Once you have finished the migration process, you will be directed to check your list in Checking for Additional Migration Steps. At that point, if you have not already made the necessary changes through the migration utility, subsequent reviews and changes, and the manual migration steps later, make the necessary changes. Each change in this section contains a reference to the information you will need.

You can also use the list you create as a tool for verification, in Verifying the Migration From 3.5 to 4.0.

Enhancements in This Release

The numerous changes in this release make the migration somewhat more time consuming. However, the changes are necessary to provide significant enhancements, including the following:

Database Changes

Finding Information on 4.0 Schemas

The Database Schemas at is a central point from which you can easily find any of the 4.0 schemas you want to look at.

Each 4.0 guide on a feature that uses databases also has a schemas chapter:

Transition From Databases to XML File Data Storage

Much of the data that was stored in standard databases in the previous release will be stored in individual XML files after you migrate. You will not access and edit the data directly in the XML files, but through the E-Business Control Center.

Warning: Do not directly edit any of the XML files created through the migration; always edit them through the EBCC. The XML files are extremely sensitive and editing them directly could cause significant problems for your site.

We recommend that you store the files in a source control system, and make frequent backups.

The subsequent sections provide more information about what data is affected and where it is now stored.

Selected Descriptions of Data Converted to XML

The following items were stored in databases in 3.5, and are stored in XML files in 4.0; additional changes took place, where noted. See also Naming and Renaming Rules for Placeholders and Other Items for information on changes to the items' names.

3.5 and 4.0 Data Storage

The following information shows these changes, as well as changes to standard tables. Refer to the schema information in the following locations for more information on how data is stored in this release:

The subsequent tables list the tables for the previous release and where that data is stored in this release.

New Requirement for DBLoader and Product/Category Database Records

When you use DBLoader to add products to your catalog, you must ensure that for every record in WLCS_PRODUCT and WLCS_CATEGORY, there is a corresponding record in the CATALOG_ENTITY table. This was not a requirement in release 3.5, but is a requirement for release 4.0.

For more information about using DBLoader, see "Using the Product Catalog Database Loader" in the Guide to Building a Product Catalog.

New Tables in 4.0

New tables (no data to migrate):

3.5 Tables and Corresponding 4.0 Tables or Files

4.0 data converted directly from a specified 3.5 table are shown in Table 2-7

Table 2-7 3.5 Tables Converted or Carried Over to 4.0

3.5 Table

Corresponding 4.0 Table or File




SEQUENCER (Consolidates information from the 3.5 table WLCS_UID, as well. WLCS_UIDS is used by Portal only in release 3.5, and is not used in 4.0.)


XML based


XML based


XML based


XML based


XML based


XML based


XML based


XML based




























No longer used


No longer used


No longer used


XML based


XML based


XML based


XML based


















XML based








Consolidated with WLCS_SEQUENCER into SEQUENCER. No longer used.

3.5 Portal Tables and 4.0 Portal Tables and Files

3.5 Portal tables that are no longer used are shown in the following list:

New 4.0 tables are shown in the following list:

Data Setup and Deployment Through EBCC

The structure and processes for EBCC use and data deployment have changed significantly. The following sections outline key changes; please see the Guide to Using the E-Business Control Center for more information.

Coordinating Client and Server Data

A new data deployment mechanism is provided in this release. The data that you manage through the E-Business Control Center, such as information about placeholders and campaigns, is now managed (viewed and edited) locally on a client, rather than on the same computer as the server. To make apply your changes to an application, you must complete a data synchronization process, sending the data to the server.

It also means that you must include the DataSync Web application in your enterprise applications. Without it, you cannot deploy campaigns or similar items to your Web applications.

New Client and Server Directory Structures

Figure 2-16 shows a 3.5 directory structure; Figure 2-17 shows the structure for 4.0. After code and data migration, you will be instructed to move the files to the appropriate locations in your implementation's 4.0 directory structure.

Figure 2-16 WebLogic Commerce Server 3.5 sample directory structure


The directory structure in this release is different; there is a client directory structure and a server directory structure.

Figure 2-17 Sample directory structure for a valid 4.0 application


Deploying Rule Sets

Rules sets are represented as XML files that you can view and edit using the E-Business Control Center. In order to make your application use the rule set changes you have made in the EBCC, you need to complete a procedure that synchronizes the rule set XML documents with the appropriate target application (the application you want affected by the rule set changes). The procedure uses the Personalization Server's Data Synchronization Framework (for more information, see the Deployment Guide).

When you perform this synchronization process, the following occur:

Note: The rule set XML documents, which are managed by a particular instance of the Rules Manager, are scoped to that application. That is, changes to rule sets are seen only by the target application, and not by any other application. It is also important to note that changes to rule sets are immediate, and, unlike previous releases' functionality, the Rules Manager no longer relies upon a time-to-live in order to propagate rule set changes throughout a cluster.

Code Changes

The changes to code in this release are described in the migrinfo.html file, included in the PORTAL_HOME\migration\doc directory. For more information, see Reference Information Files for Code Changes in This Release in the "Getting Started With the Migration Tool" section, and the 4.0 JavaDocs.

Note: Some items have been removed, rather than being deprecated. The migrinfo.html file states whether this has occurred.

Note: To search and sort the information, use the Migration Viewer tool. See Viewing Code Changes Using the Migration Viewer Tool for more information.

JSP Tags

You can easily locate all information on 4.0 JSP tags from this location:

The following information highlights key changes, in the following sections:

Location of .tld Files for Example Templates

The provided .tld files are now located at PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp\wlcs\WEB-INF

JSP Tag <ph:placeholder> and name Attribute

The name attribute for <ph:placeholder> now needs to be the URI of the deployed placeholder document.

Example of old format:

<ph:placeholder name="Main Page Banner"/>

Main Page Banner came from the <name></name>attribute in the placeholder XML file of old format.

Example of new format:

<ph:placeholder name="/placeholders/Main_Page_Banner.pla"/>

/placeholders/Main_Page_Banner.pla is the URI of the data deployed placeholder.

General Changed and New JSP Tags

Changed Tags

getPipelineProperty is now getProperty.

Deprecated Tags


Removed Tags

The following tags have been removed; suggestions for what to use instead, where applicable, are provided.

es:preparedStatement - The tag has no replacement or similar functionality in this release.

um:changeGroupName - The tag has no replacement or similar functionality in this release.

um:getChildGroups - um:getChildGroupNames has the same functionality.

Webflow Tags

The JSP tags for Webflow and Pipeline have changed drastically. See Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline [for more information.

Personalization Tags

Note: This tag should only be invoked when the class is defined as the active security realm. This can be verified in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

The note has been changed to read:

Note: This tag should only be invoked when the current realm is an implementation of This interface is implemented by the default WebLogic Personalization Server realm (

Example JSP Templates

The appearance and functionality of the templates included in the product have not changed significantly.

The templates are documented in the Guide to Registering Customers and Managing Customer Services, as well as in the Webflow diagrams at

Application Scoping

Application scoping is new in this release; most configuration data is applicable to the entire enterprise application.

Naming and Renaming Rules for Placeholders and Other Items

Names of your rules, discounts, portals, portlets, and placeholders might change because of naming restrictions in this release. In previous releases, you could apply any name to a rule, campaign, or placeholder. In 4.0, however, names must conform to the following rules:

Any name not conforming to those restrictions will be converted during the data migration by the migration utility using the following formula.

Cybercash and TAXWARE

Cybercash and TAXWARE are no longer used with this release. The tax and payment APIs have been updated to allow you to connect to different tax and payment services.

All payment and tax properties have been moved to Mbeans in the application-config.xml file. You can modify it using the WLS Administration Console.

You will be prompted to update any relevant code in your implementation, in Updating Integrations With CyberCash and TAXWARE.

Refer to "Integrating With a Payment Service" and "Integrating With a Tax Service" in Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders for more information.

Behavior Tracking

The following changes were made to behavior tracking functionality for this release:

User Group Hierarchy

Significant changes were made in this release to the User Group hierarchy. This affects the personalization services and portals, since they share the hierarchy.

Time Lag in Entitlements Updating

A user's association to a list of entitlement segments is cached and updated every hour, or earlier if you restart the server. If you change a user's profile property values to alter his or her segment association—for instance, upgrading a user from Developer to Experienced Java Developer—the changes will not appear until an hour has passed or you have restarted the server.

This happens only when you change a change a user's profile property values, or any other activity that qualifies him or her for a different number of entitlement segments.

If you instead use the "add/remove entitlement segments" link, this actually creates entitlement definitions for that resource, for that segment, for that user. (All three are needed for an entitlement definition). Entitlement definitions are not cached; only the association of a user with all segments that he or she qualifies for (sometimes called the "Roles"). If you add/remove entitlement segments, you are actually adding/removing entitlement definitions. Doing this does not require waiting an hour or rebooting the server.

The User Group Hierarchy Changes

Key changes include the following; a diagram of the new hierarchy is shown in Figure 2-18 later in this section.

Regarding anonymous users, this release uses the term "everyone" to refer to users who do not belong to a user group or have not logged in yet. This is because they are implicitly members of the Everyone group.

Figure 2-18 Release 4.0 User Group Hierarchy


Refer to Getting Started with Portals and Portlets for more information, and to the Security Guide for release 3.5 to compare this information with how user groups worked in the previous release.

Notes on Managing the User Group Hierarchy Changes

A significant number of .java, .jsp, and XML files are affected by this change; the migration tool will attempt to migrate or flag all changes, but you are as always strongly encouraged to review all affected files yourself. You will need to make sure that the changes are configured correctly in your underlying concrete realm implementation.

If after migration, strange behavior occurs in your site when you log in as an admin, it is likely that all necessary changes regarding these user group updates have not been made. Review the migration log file and all migration notes in migrated code.

Effect on LDAP Configuration

The new administrative hierarchy means you need to change your LDAP configuration. See the Guide to Building Personalized Applications, and the topic "Creating and Managing Users for more information.

Changes to User Management

The Commerce services use User and Group profile data to provide personalized content and behavior. This data is stored and accessed through the User and Group profile managers, which use implementations of the EntityPropertyManager. Additionally, a Unified Profile Type framework is provided to allow application developers to create custom EntityPropertyManager implementations and have transparent access to properties that are stored in other data stores, such as a legacy system.

Change to UserManagement Components User, Group, and UserManager

Any services that use the UserManagement components (User, Group, and UserManager) must now use the new UserManagement components (com.bea.p13n.usermgmt and com.bea.p13n.profile instead of

Separation of Authentication and Authorization

In previous releases, the user/group profile information and user/group security information were combined in the database. In this release, they are separated to better support third-party realm implementation. The design in this release also replaces entity beans with stateless session beans.

See the Guide to Creating and Managing Users for more information about user management in this release.

CachedProfileBean Has Been Removed

CachedProfileBean has been removed in this release. ProfileWrapper is used instead, using either the new session attribute name to retrieve it, or using the ProfileFactory to create a new one.

User/Group Profile Managers

The UserProfileManager and GroupProfileManager stateless session beans provide a ConfigurableEntity-like interface without the need for instantiating an entity bean. This provides significantly improved performance. UserProfileManager and GroupProfileManager are responsible for setting and retrieving property values, following the successor hierarchy when searching for properties, and mapping properties to various datasources (accessed by EntityPropertyManager implementations).

Support for different user profile types is achieved by re-deploying the UserProfileManager with different property-to-datasource mappings. The UserManager session bean is responsible for retrieving the correct UserProfileManager, given a username.

User/Group Manager Session Beans

The User and Group Manager session beans provides a way to create, access, and delete User and Group profiles, and manipulate User/Group relationships. Within the scope of User/Group Profiles, it also handles the logic of creating users of a specific profile type, and making sure that when those users are retrieved and deleted, they continue to be treated as that type so that everything will stay synchronized.

These session beans are also meant to be used whenever programmatic access to the realm is required. When a user or group is created through the session bean, it will create both a realm entry and a profile.

Realm Integration

WebLogic Server is currently using the concept of a Realm to provide authentication and authorization. When a user is authenticated anywhere in the system, the request eventually makes its way to an implementation of the WebLogic Server realm interface. WebLogic Server provides a BasicRealm, which allows a client to simply access user and group records by name:

The default Personalization Server realm, an adaptation of the RDBMSRealm, is an implementation of ManageableRealm.

WebLogic Personalization Server will take advantage of the supplied RDBMSRealmMBean to provide database configuration. When this Mbean is active, corresponding configuration screens will be shown in the WLS console. These screens are shipped out-of-the-box with WLS. The WebLogic Personalization Server realm will not use the "schema" property of the Mbean; it will instead externalize SQL statements in a properties file.

Unified Profile Types

Unified Profile Types provide a mechanism for using different types of user profiles within an application. Each different type of user profile might get its properties from different datasources. For example, the UserProfileManager session bean may be deployed once in the default manner, with no property mappings; and again as a CustomerProfileManager, with mappings set up so that any properties in the Customer property set will be handled by a Customer implementation of EntityPropertyManager.

When a user is created through the UserManager session bean, a profile type can be provided to associate with the user. Later, when the user profile is retrieved through the UserManager, it will ensure that the correct profile manager is used based on the user's profile type.

LDAP Entity Property Manager

The LDAP Entity Property Manager is an implementation of the Entity Property Manager interface that retrieves profile data from an LDAP server. The LDAP Entity Property Manager will get its LDAP connection settings from its deployment descriptor so that it will be de-coupled from the realm. In previous releases, the LDAP Entity Property Manager used the LDAP realm settings. This change will allow properties to be read from multiple LDAP servers, or from an LDAP server when the LDAP realm is not being used.

To use the LDAPEntityPropertyManager, a mapping must be created in the UserProfileManager's and GroupProfileManager's deployment descriptor so that certain properties, or entire property sets, will be handled by the LDAPEntityPropertyManager.

Realm Configuration Session Bean

The Realm Configuration session bean acts as a synchronization point between the WebLogic realm and the WebLogic Personalization Server database. When a user profile is requested, and it is not found in the database but the username does exist in the realm, a new profile will be created for that user (see section 6.1.1 for details). However, the realm may change, and these users may be deleted. Because WebLogic Server authenticates against the realm, this does not pose a security risk, but the database should be cleaned up periodically. This session bean provides reporting capabilities to show how the database is out of sync with the realm, as well as clean-up functionality to bring things back into order.

User/Group Profile Tags

The User Management tag library includes tags to manage users and groups, as well as tags to access user and group profiles. The user and group profile tags will be addressed here. In previous releases, these included a tag (getProfile) that placed a lightweight object (CachedProfileTag) representing a profile in the session; and after this was called, other tags could be used to access this profile (getProperty, setProperty, etc). For this release, it is the responsibility of a Webflow component to place a ProfileWrapper object in the session with a well-known variable name (defined in a constants file). When this component is called for the first time, if no user is currently authenticated, it will create an empty ProfileWrapper, which will default to a lightweight "anonymous" profile. When a customer logs in, this event will be caught and a new ProfileWrapper will be created with that customer's profile, and will replace the anonymous profile in the session.

The ProfileWrapper object itself is a façade to hide either a lightweight anonymous profile, or some combination of User and Group ProfileManagers, depending on how it is initialized. Its purpose is to give access to User and Group profile data in a way that can be easily modified if performance is poor, and in a way that can be identified by the rules engine.

This is an improvement on the former implementation, because it gives better performance and is simpler.

How Changes Are Migrated

The User and Group tables will be updated by adding new unique IDs. Code that uses the components described in this section will be migrated to point to the new package structures. The JSP tag interfaces remain the same.

Any code that directly uses a CachedProfileBean will be updated to use a ProfileWrapper, and to either use the new session attribute name (BEA_personalization.ProfileWrapper) to retrieve it, or use the ProfileFactory to create a new one. The session attribute is defined as a constant in com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.SessionHelper.PROFILE_WRAPPER. There are also methods in SessionHelper to retrieve a profile from the session so you do not have to do the lookup yourself: SessionHelper.getProfile( HttpRequest request ) and SessionHelper.getProfile(HttpSession session ).

Code that uses a User or Group entity bean will be updated to use the ProfileFactory and ProfileWrapper objects. Code that uses the UserManager for group manipulation will use the new GroupManager instead.

HttpSession Timeouts and PipelineSession Input Processor

Release 3.5 of Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server, provided a way to detect when the HttpSession timed out while trying to get the PipelineSession Input Processor. Release 4.0 of WebLogic Portal does not provide this functionality.

To address this issue, add the following scriptlet to your JSPs:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session.isNew())
        throw new InvalidSessionStateException(..);

Changes to File

Almost all properties from have been moved to the following files:

In this release, instead of editing the files directly, you will use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to modify properties stored there.

Warning: Do not directly edit any of the XML files created through the migration; always edit them through the console. The XML files are extremely sensitive and it is extremely likely that editing them directly will cause significant problems for your site.

Some properties are still stored in; see "Viewing and Modifying Properties in" in the Deployment Guide for more information. You will be instructed later in this process to verify and if necessary reenter information stored there. These instructions are in Entering Information Formerly Stored in


The entries in for caching have moved to application-config.xml. The entries are migrated during the data migration process.

Key changes to the caching process are listed here; see the Performance Tuning Guide for more information.

Webflow and Pipeline

Webflow and Pipeline architecture have changed drastically in this release. Refer to the Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline for more information on how Webflow works in this release.

You will also need to evaluate your Webflow once you have completed using the migration tool, to make additional changes to take advantage of the new architecture and features. (See Migrating Webflow and Pipeline.)

Pipeline has been removed; all functions are now in Webflow.

New Webflow Features

Webflow in this release has the following features:

Significant Webflow and Pipeline Changes

Changes include the following.

Webflow and Pipeline Editor

The new version of the Webflow and Pipeline Editor is called Webflow Editor. The old version is not included in this release. See Migrating to the New Webflow Editor for more information.


If you are using events, you might need to migrate them manually. See Migrating Events for more information about migrating events stored in the database.

Content Management Link on Tools Administration Site

The Content Management link on the main tools administration site will not be displayed in this release if there are no Content Management links in the file.

WebLogic Portal 4.0

The portal features in release 4.0 are significantly different and new documentation exists for them. See Guide to Creating Portals and Portlets for more information.

Message Catalog Framework

BEA Portal 4.0 has adopted the new message catalog framework from WebLogic Server. Please see for complete documentation and usage guides. We strongly recommend that you adopt this framework.


Viewing Code Changes Using the Migration Viewer Tool

The Migration Viewer tool, available on the BEA Developer Center Web site, provides quick, easy access to information about API changes in WebLogic Portal 4.0. The Viewer is shown in Figure 2-19

Figure 2-19 Migration Viewer Tool


This enables you to see more easily at a glance how many of the changes affect your implementation, and how much work will be involved in your migration efforts.

This information was provided in an HTML file (migrinfo.html) in release 4.0; the Migration Viewer allows you to find information more easily in a GUI environment. The tool is installed with Service Pack 1 and is also available on the BEA Developer Center Web site (

The Migration Viewer includes the following key features:

Installation Instructions

Note: The Migration Viewer requires the migration/lib/migration.jar file and a JAXP1.1-compliant XML parser in the CLASSPATH. The viewer.bat and scripts automatically set this up, if installed into a standard BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 installation.

The Migration Viewer tool is available at the BEA Developer Center, at

Unzip the file to your PORTAL_HOME root directory (for instance, D:\bea\wlportal4.0, or /opt/bea/wlportal4.0). Be sure to maintain directory names.

The zip file contains the following files:

Starting the Migration Viewer

Locate the PORTAL_HOME\migration\bin\viewer.bat (Windows) or PORTAL_HOME/migration/bin/ (UNIX) file. Run the file to start the Migration Viewer.

Using the Migration Viewer

You can perform two main types of tasks in the viewer:

Viewing Information in the Main Window

  1. If you have not done so already, start the Migration Viewer.

    The Viewer should appear as shown in Figure 2-20:

    Figure 2-20 Migration Viewer Tool — Initial View


  2. Click in the left panel on the key icon next to "Migrate from 3.5 to 4.0". The packages for this migration will appear in the left panel, and information about the selected item will appear in the right panel.

  3. Expand the icons and select the packages, classes, fields, and methods you want information about, as shown in Figure 2-21.

    Figure 2-21 Migration Viewer Tool: Subsequent View After Selecting


Legend for cues in the left panel:

Searching by Keyword in the Find Window

If you want to find a particular keyword anywhere in the API change descriptions, use the Find function.

  1. From the Migration Viewer Find menu, choose Find.

    The Find window appears, as shown in Figure 2-22.

    Figure 2-22 Migration Viewer Tool: Finding, Step 1


  2. Type the keyword in the Find field.

  3. Unmark any types or locations where you do not want to search for the keyword.

  4. Click Search; the results will appear in the Results window, as shown in Listing 2-23.

    Figure 2-23 Migration Viewer Tool: Finding, Step 2


  5. Double-click any item in the Results window; the item will be displayed in the main Migration Viewer window.


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