Solstice Enterprise Manager 4.1 Customizing Guide Doc Set ContentsPreviousNextIndex


This Guide provides procedures, guidelines, and examples for setting up, customizing, and using Solstice Enterprise ManagerTM, hereafter referred to as Solstice EM, to accomplish your network management objectives. This guide also provides reference information on the Solstice EM SNMP trap daemon, Nerve Center, Request Designer, and Log Manager tools.

Our goal in writing this document was to anticipate what you, our customers, would want to customize using Solstice EM. Inevitably, we will not have thought of everything. Our hope is that we have described enough tasks, of enough variety, that you can extrapolate from what we have provided to figure out how to perform those tasks that we had not covered.

Who Should Use This Book

This document is intended for network administrators who are responsible for customizing, setting up, and maintaining a Solstice EM network management installation. Users who want information on using Solstice EM tools (other than Request Designer and Log Manager) should refer to Managing Your Network.

Before You Read This Book

If you have just acquired the Solstice EM product, you should read Chapter 2 "Network Management and the Solstice EM Architecture" for an overview of the Solstice EM architecture and possible scenarios for deploying Solstice EM. The Management Information Server (MIS) Guide also contains an overview of the Solstice EM product functions, features, and components. Read the Release Notes for information on installing and starting, compatibility and minimum machine and software requirements, known problems, an inventory of the product components, and late breaking information about the Solstice EM product.

How This Book Is Organized

This document is organized as follows:

Part 1 -- Overview

Chapter 1 Introducing Solstice Enterprise Manager gives a complete overview of Solstice Enterprise Manager.

Chapter 2 Network Management and the Solstice EM Architecture describes the basic structure or architecture of Solstice Enterprise Manager and how that structure works to meet your network management needs.

Part 2 -- Customizing Fault Management

Chapter 3 Using Solstice EM for Fault Management provides procedures and examples for using Solstice EM to perform fault and performance management tasks.

Chapter 4 Using the Alarm Service describes the Solstice EM MIS Alarm Service, which controls fault status indication in the Viewer.

Chapter 5 Using the Event Logs Tool provides guidance on using the Log Manager to create and modify event logs.

Part 3 -- Network Management Protocol Support

Chapter 6 Managing Devices Using RPC Agents provides procedures and examples for using SunNet Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) agents with Solstice EM.

Chapter 7 Using Cooperative Consoles with Solstice EM describes the use of Cooperative Consoles to forward management information from Site/SunNet/Domain Manager Consoles to the Solstice EM MIS.

Chapter 8 SunNet Manager Application Support describes Solstice EM support for Site/SunNet/Domain Manager applications.

Chapter 9 SNMP Management provides an overview of the Solstice EM components that support Simple Network Management Protocol, and information on configuring the SNMP Management Protocol Adapter.

Chapter 10 SunNet Manager SNMP Proxy Agents describes the configuration and operation of Solstice Site/SunNet/Domain Manager SNMP proxy agents for managing SNMP devices with Solstice EM.

Chapter 11 Mapping SNMP Traps to CMIP Event Notifications describes the SNMP trap handling capabilities of the Solstice EM SNMP trap daemon, em_snmp-trap, and the procedure for customizing conversion of SNMP traps to CMIP event notifications.

Chapter 12 Configuring Communication With CMIP Agents provides information on setting up communication between Solstice EM and CMIP Agents. It includes examples on how to configure a CMIP MPA, SunLink OSI, and SunLink CMIP.

Part 4 -- Nerve Center

Chapter 14 Nerve Center Overview provides an overview of the operation of Solstice EM Nerve Center.

Chapter 15 Requesting Data in Solstice EM provides guidance and examples for using the Request Designer tool and Request Condition Language to build Nerve Center request templates.

Chapter 16 Debugging Request Templates describes the Solstice EM facilities for debugging Nerve Center request templates.

Chapter 17 Building Templates for SunNet Manager Event Requests provides information and examples for using the Nerve Center's SunNet Manager event request capability.

Chapter 18 Building Advanced Requests provides information on using the Request Designer tool to create and modify Nerve Center request templates.

Chapter 19 Nerve Center Utilities describes the command-line utilities for importing and exporting Nerve Center request templates.

Chapter 20 Request Condition Language provides information on the Request Condition Language (RCL) used in building conditions used in Nerve Center request templates.

Chapter 21 Using RCL System Variables describes the Nerve Center system variables for building Nerve Center request templates.

Chapter 22 RCL Functions describes the built-in functions for using construct conditions as components in Nerve Center request templates.

Conventions Used in This Book

This section describes the conventions used in this book.

What Typographic Changes and Symbols Mean

The following table describes the type changes and symbols used in this book:

TABLE P-1   Typographic Conventions
Typeface or Symbol Meaning Example
The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
machine_name% You have mail.
What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output
machine_name% su
Command-line placeholder:
replace with a real name or value
To delete a file, type rm <filename>
Book titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasized
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide. These are called class options.
You must be root to do this.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

All command line examples in this guide use the C-shell environment. If you use either the Bourne or Korn shells, refer to sh(1) and ksh(1) man pages for command equivalents to the C-shell.

The following table shows the default system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.

TABLE P-2   Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell prompt
C shell superuser prompt
Bourne shell and Korn shell prompt
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser prompt

User Interface Conventions

The following subsections discuss conventions that apply to the descriptions of the Solstice EM tools.

Mouse/Menu Interactions

We have pursued a minimalist approach in describing a user's interactions with the graphical-based tools in Solstice EM. That is, rather than write:

To exit, press the right mouse button on the File icon. In the pull-down menu that you receive, move the mouse pointer down to Exit and release the right mouse button.

We write:

To exit, select File \xd4 Exit.

The symbol \xd4 indicates moving down a level, from a button or icon to a menu, or from one menu to another.

The interface to the Solstice EM tools is, with the exception of the Object Editor, standard Motif. Selections are made in the identical way they are made for Motif applications that run on Sun and non-Sun machines.

The following table compares the exhaustive description of a user interaction with the way we have chosen to describe that interaction in this manual:

TABLE P-3   User Interaction Equivalents
Complete Description As Described in this Document
Select an item by clicking once with the left mouse button.
Select an item.
Activate an item by double-clicking with the left mouse button.
Activate an item.
Press left on the slider in the scrollbar move the slider so that the item comes into view.
Scroll until the item comes into view.
Press right on the icon to obtain the icon pulldown menu. Move the mouse pointer over the item in the menu and release the mouse button.
Select icon -> item.
Invoke icon -> item.
Press and hold middle mouse button on the icon. Move the mouse pointer to the target location and release the mouse button.
Drag and drop.

Tear-off Menus

The top-level menus in the Solstice EM tools--those tools accessible through the Application Launcher, plus others--have a type of menu known as a "tear-off" menu. When you select a button, you receive a menu with a dotted line at the top. If you click left on that dotted line, the menu "tears off," like a sheet of paper from a tablet, and positions itself in a separate window. If you are running the tool in a Motif environment, the title displays as "<menu title>--Tear-off." If you are not in a Motif environment, the title displays as "No Name."

To dismiss a tear-off menu, select the menu title bar to obtain a menu of options. In that menu, select Dismiss. Alternatively, you can press Esc while your mouse pointer is in the tear-off menu window.

Accessing Sun Documentation Online

The docs.sun.comsm web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation on the Web. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject at

Also, you can view the online documentation by pointing your browser to the following URL, file:/opt/SUNWconn/em/docs/SEMDOCHP/index.html

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can send your comments by email to

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