For all installations, before you use Web pages generated by ACI, you must configure your Web server by setting up virtual directories, also known as Web aliases, for the directories that contain the HTML and Web files for ACI. You must also set the content expiration for the images directory in your Web server so that the Web browser does not check image status after the first access.

On UNIX and Linux, the account under which the Web server runs must have read access to the cogstartup.xml file in the <ATG9dir>/ACI9.3/c8/configuration directory. By default, the cogstartup.xml file has read permission for others. If you run your Web server under a specific group, you can change the cogstartup.xml file permissions to ensure that it belongs to the same group as the Web server. You can then remove the read permission for others.

  1. Create the following virtual directories:










    For Apache Web Server, ensure that you define the <ATG9dir>\ACI9.3\c8\cgi-bin alias before the arc alias in the httpd.conf file located in the \conf directory of your Apache installation. The <ATG9dir>\ACI9.3\c8\cgi-bin alias must be defined as a ScriptAlias.

    For Java System Web Server, ensure that you define the <ATG9dir>\ACI9.3>\c8\cgi-bin alias before the arc alias. Note: Java System Web Server was formerly named Sun ONE Web Server or iPlanet Web Server.

  2. If you want to use the Report Studio’s image browser, enable Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) on your Web server.

    If you use the Apache Web Server, specify a directory in which to enable WebDAV. For information about configuring WebDAV, see your Web server documentation.

    Note: Java System Web Server/Sun ONE/iPlanet does not support WebDAV.

  3. Set the content expiration on the <ATG9dir>\ACI9.3\c8\webcontent\pat\images virtual directory in your Web server.

    Each time a user opens the Report Studio, their Web browser checks with the Web server to determine if images are current. Because there are over 600 images, this can result in excess network traffic. You can postpone this check until a specified date by using the content expiry feature of the Web server.

    For information on setting content expiry, see the documentation for your Web server.

    Note: When you upgrade, Report Studio users must clear their Web browser cache to get the latest images.

Note: If you use Web aliases other than arc, or your Web server is on another computer, or you are using Microsoft Internet Application Interface (ISAPI), apache_mod or a servlet gateway, change the Gateway URI when you configure Cognos components. See the Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide for information.

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