The Content Store is a database that contains ACI operational data such as report specifications, published models, and the packages that contain them. See the Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Architecture and Planning Guide for information.

In this step, create a database. The tables and data in the Content Store are created by the Cognos Service when it first starts up (you will configure this service in the next step, see Configuring the Reporting Server); you do not need to create these.

A Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle database can use UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding. A DB2 database must use UTF-8 encoding. All database types must use the TCP/IP protocol, which is required by ACI to access data.

Note that ACI uses a single sort order that specifies the rules used by the database to interpret, collect, compare, and present character data. For example, a sort order defines whether the letter A is less than, equal to, or greater than the letter B; whether the collation is case sensitive; and whether the collation is accent sensitive. For more information about collation and collation sequences, see your database vendor documentation.

Your database administrator should back up your ACI databases regularly and protect them from unauthorized or inappropriate access.

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