This section covers the some of the key terms and concepts related to ATG Outreach. It includes ATG Content Administration terms where these are relevant for ATG Outreach.


An ATG Outreach campaign is a planned sequence of marketing-related interactions with a particular group of people (defined as segments) within a specific timeframe. ATG Outreach supports both e-mail and web-based campaigns, which are created in the ATG Business Control Center and carried out by auto-generated scenarios. For more information, see the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.


Segments are used to define the target audience for a campaign (Gender is Female or Age is > 20, for example). ATG Outreach users can create new segments through the segment editor or by importing a list of contacts (see the List Import Process Workflow section for details). To learn more about creating segments, see the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.

Opt-in segments include users who explicitly subscribe to a particular e-mail category. Opt-out segments, on the other hand, exclude customers who specifically opt out of a certain e-mail category. For information on creating new opt-in and opt-out segments, see the Creating Opt-in and Opt-out Segments chapter. To learn about using opt-in and opt-out segments in a campaign, see Using Opt-In and Opt-Out Segments in the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.


An event defines the visitor behavior you want to identify and use as a trigger for the next stage in a campaign. ATG Outreach supports the following events:

A form is submitted
An email is received
Logs in
Logs out
Profile property updated by user
User opted out
Views item
Visits (a page)

ATG Commerce adds the following events:

Abandoned Order Converted
Abandoned Order Lost
Abandoned Order Reanimated
Gift Purchased
Item Added to Order
Item Quantity Changed in Order
Item Removed from Order
Order Abandoned
Order Saved
Order Submitted
Promotion Closeness Disqualification
Promotion Closeness Qualification
Promotion Offered
Promotion Revoked
Uses Promotion

For information on using these events in a campaign, see the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.

Note that you can control which events appear in the campaign editing UI through the bcc-expert flag in the scenarioManager.xml file where the event is registered. If an event does not appear in the default list defined for ATG Outreach, and you would like it to, remove the bcc-expert flag for that event. You can use the same mechanism to show or hide custom events. Individual parameters for events can also be shown or hidden in this way.


An action defines the action you want a campaign to take in response to an event (visitor behavior). ATG Outreach supports the following actions:

Send Email Communication
Wait for Timer
Wait for Event
Publish Web Content
Exit Campaign
Perform Action (Add items to slot, Change, Redirect to Page)

ATG Commerce adds its own actions, for example actions you can use to give or revoke a promotion.

For information on using these actions in a campaign, see the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.

As you can for events, you can show or hide actions in the campaign editing UI by setting the bcc-expert tag in the scenarioManager.xml file where the action is registered. See the description of events in the previous section. Note that for actions, unlike events, you cannot typically configure individual parameters this way.


Each campaign is created as a project within the ATG Content Administration system. Each project is associated with an underlying workflow, which determines the tasks in the project and the order in which they can be performed. Tasks typically include authoring and reviewing content and deployment. To learn more about projects, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.


A process is the parent object of a project. ATG Outreach adds three process types to the Content Administration system: a campaign process, a campaign template process, and a list import process. Each process has its own workflow. To learn more about processes, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.


An asset is a persistent object used within the context of a campaign. Some campaign assets, like segments, JSP e-mail templates, and targeters, for example, are created in the ATG Business Control Center; slots and scenarios are created in the ACC. To learn more about assets, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.


ATG Outreach uses the version control mechanism in the underlying Content Administration system to keep track of campaign assets. To learn more about the versioning system, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.


ATG Outreach uses ATG Adaptive Scenario Engine workflows to define the campaign development tasks that appear in the ATG Business Control Center, and to control how campaigns are deployed. See the Managing Campaign Workflows chapter for more information.


The ATG Outreach server uses the underlying Content Administration system to deploy campaign assets to the ATG Outreach Production/Staging module. For more information, see the Defining the Deployment Topology topic for more information.

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