This section describes the steps required to install and configure ATG Customer Intelligence components for use with ATG Outreach.

  1. Install and configure ATG Customer Intelligence 2007.3 as described in the ATG Customer Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.

    Note: The Security/Roles section of the installation chapter describes how to import the roles needed to allow access to the Reporting Center. For ATG Outreach, make sure you import the reporting user profiles into the profile repository that you use to store the profiles of your ATG Business Control Center users (normally the ProfileAdapterRepository instance on the ATG Outreach server, which points to the ATG Content Administration database). The profiles are located in the following XML file:<ATG2007.3dir\ARF\BIZUI\data\arf-profile.xml. To import them, enter the following command:

    <ATG2007.3dir>\home\bin\startSQLRepository -m BIZUI -import <ATG2007.3dir>\ARF\BIZUI\data\arf-profile.xml

  2. If you have not done so already as part of the ATG Customer Intelligence configuration, create the base ATG Data Warehouse database tables by running these scripts:


  3. Load the ATG Outreach report table data into the ATG Data Warehouse. If you are running ATG Outreach without ATG Commerce, use the following script:

       <db vendor>\data_warehouse_ddl.sql

    If you are running ATG Outreach with ATG Commerce, run the following scripts as well as the one just listed:

    <ATG2007.3dir>\DCS\DW\sql\db_components\<db vendor>\arf_dcs_ddl.sql
    <ATG2007.3dir>\DCS\DW\sql\db_components\<db vendor>\arf_dcs_init.sql

  4. Use the Reporting Center (accessed at http://<hostname>:<port>/arc/) to import the contents of the following files into ATG Customer Intelligence:


    Copy these files into the <ACI2007.3dir>\c8\deployment directory so that the Reporting Center import process can locate them. Then, in the Reporting Center, select Tools > Content Administration, click the New Import icon, and follow the instructions.

    Note that this step corresponds to the Import Reports and Metadata requirement in the installation procedure described in the ATG Customer Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.

  5. If you use ATG Commerce, locate the /atg/campaign/communication/reporting/DatasetRecorderManager component on the ATG Outreach server. Change the repositoryGroupListIds property to CommerceReporting. (This setting determines the segments that are monitored for reporting purposes.)

  6. On the ATG Outreach server, set the enabled property of the /atg/dynamo/service/DeploymentDWDataCollectionConfig component to true. (This setting enables the logging of reporting dimension changes from deployment events, such as a campaign deployment.)

  7. On the ATG Production/Staging module, set the enabled property of the /atg/dynamo/service/DWDataCollectionConfig component to true. (This setting enables the logging of reporting facts.)

For information on the database tables and metadata model used by ATG Outreach reports, refer to the ATG Customer Intelligence Data Warehouse Guide.

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