This section describes the custom ATG Outreach tags available through the Outreach menu in the ATG Business Control Center’s HTML editor.

For more information about using these tags in campaign e-mail templates, see the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.


The aco:landing tag (atg.campaign.runtime.taglib.LandingTag) inserts a landing page link that, when clicked, triggers a “landing page visited” event. As shown in the following example, it includes two required attributes, page (the target of the link) and id (the mailing ID from the request).

<aco:landing page=""
   id="lp1002">link text</aco:landing>

The aco:profile tag (atg.campaign.runtime.taglib.ProfileTag) renders the value of a selected user profile property. It includes one required attribute, property. For example:

<aco:profile property="firstName"/>

The aco:trackOpenEmail tag (atg.campaign.runtime.taglib.TrackOpenEmailTag) inserts a link to a 1x1 pixel image, which is used to track whether the email is opened. Note: This tag will not work if the recipient’s e-mail program does not display images.


The aco:img tag (atg.campaign.runtime.taglib.CampaignsImgTag) inserts the specified image:

<aco:img page="OutreachCommon:/logo.jpg"/>

For information on additional attributes you can use with the aco:img tag, refer to the tag library definition file campaignRuntimeTaglib1_0.tld.

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