The ATG Outreach server relies on the database instance configured for the underlying ATG Content Administration system. (This database stores the “versioned” campaign assets checked in to the ATG Content Administration system. It also stores the profiles of ATG Content Administration and ATG Outreach users.) Initially, the ATG Content Administration system uses the default ATG data source, which points to the SOLID evaluation database. If you haven’t already done so, you need to reconfigure this data source so it points to a production-quality database. For more information, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

If you have not done so already, configure the data sources used by the profile repositories on the management (ATG Content Administration) server. For ATG Outreach, it is important to set these data sources correctly so that the segment count and Profile Browser features reference external profiles. See Configuring Profile Repository Data Sources in the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide for detailed information.

ATG Outreach includes an additional data source for connecting to the ATG Outreach reporting log tables used in older versions of the product. Its Nucleus path is /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/BCRFakeXADataSource. (Note: The ATG Outreach Production/Staging module includes a BCRFakeXADataSource as well. See the Configuring the Production/Staging Data Sources section for more information.) This data source points to the SOLID evaluation database by default:


These log tables are still required for ATG Outreach 2007.3 to support migration from older versions of the product. Reconfigure the BCRFakeXADataSource so it points to the database used to store the reporting log data. Note: The BCRFakeXADataSource on the ATG Outreach server and the BCRFakeXADataSource on each ATG Outreach Production/Staging instance must point to the same database.

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