Once the ATG Outreach server is running, you can log into the ATG Business Control Center at the URL shown below.

http://<ATG Outreach-server-machine>:<port>/atg/bcc

The default port numbers for the various application servers are as follows:

ATG Outreach includes one demo user account, Campaigns Administrator, to help you get started.

For information about setting up additional user accounts, see the Creating ATG Outreach User Accounts chapter. To learn more about the ATG Business Control Center, see the ATG Outreach Guide for Business Users.

Microsoft Internet Explorer users: Internet Explorer 5.5sp2 through 6.x may format form posts incorrectly, resulting in a “This page cannot be displayed” error. You can work around this problem by making a change to your Windows registry. For detailed instructions, point your browser to the following URL:

where <port> is as follows:

In addition, new projects may not appear in the To Do list on the Home page after you create them. The problem is caused by Internet Explorer’s automatic page caching behavior. To resolve it, in Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options > General > Settings. Change the Check for Newer Versions of Stored Pages option from Automatically to Every Visit to the Page.

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