Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Guide


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Setting Up

Overview of Oracle Warehouse Management Setup
Setting Up a Warehouse Organization
Setting Up Subinventory Parameters
Setting Up Locator Parameters
Setting Up Locator Zones
Material Setup
Defining Shipping Parameters
Implementing Profile Options

Lot and Serial Control

Lot and Serial Attributes
Functional Business Flow Description
Types of Attributes
Attribute Functionality
Context Setup
Set Up Lot and Serial Attributes
Lot Transactions
      Lot Split and Merge
      Lot Splitting Features
      Lot Merging Features
      Lot Translate Features
      Lot Genealogy
Lot Transaction Setup
      Lot Split Merge and Translate Setup
      Lot Genealogy Setup
Lot Transaction Examples
      Lot Split
      Lot Merge
Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions

Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine

System Rules Engine
      Directed Picking and Putaway
      Task Type Assignment
      Cost Group Assignment
      Label Format Assignment
      Operation Plan Assignment
      Crossdock Criteria
Rules Engine Methodology
      Execution for Rules with Strategies
      Task Type, Label Format and Operation Plan Selection Rules
Top Down Approach
      Grouping Similar Instances
      Effective Dates
      Rules Assignment
Implementation Considerations
      Staging Lane Put away Rule
      Manual Reservations
      Lot and Serial Attributes
      Performance Impact of Serial Attributes
      Custom Expressions
      Custom Rule Definition
      Custom Selection Process
      Custom Capacity Calculation
      Rule and Strategy of Transaction
      Rule Where Used
Common Problems
Runtime Execution Trace
Debug Message from the Rules Engine
Frequently Asked Questions

Cost Groups

Cost Groups
      Process Overview
      Business Cases
      Receiving Item of Different Grade to Same Zone
Setting Up Cost Groups
Common Problems
Debugging Notes
Frequently Asked Questions

Advanced Task Framework

Advanced Task Framework Concepts
      Receiving Locators
      Putaway Rules
      Operation Plan
      Operation Plan Selection Rules
Advanced Task Framework Setup Considerations
Common Problems

Inbound Process

System Inbound Process Overview
Functional Business Flow Description
      Functional Area
      Returns and Corrections
      Receipt Routings
      Receiving Other Items
      Direct Receiving and Put Away Issues
      Locator Capacity
      QA Inspection
      Shortages and Opportunistic Crossdocking
      Special Rule Considerations
      Lot and Serial Numbers
      Receiving Tolerances
      Matching Algorithm
      Transaction Processing
Common Problems
Debugging Notes
Frequently Asked Questions


Overview of Crossdocking
Crossdock Criteria
Crossdocking and Advanced Task Framework
Crossdocking and Consolidation
Crossdocking Setup
Frequently Asked Questions

Label Printing Integration Kit

Label Printing Integration Kit
Implementing Label Printing
      Label Printing Profile Options
      Creating Printers
      Assigning Printers
      Defining Label Formats
      Defining Label Formats with Multiple Records
      Custom Label Fields
      Assigning Label Types to Business Flows
      Creating Label Format Rules
      Completion of Setup
XML Formatting
Sample XML
Synchronous API Specification
Troubleshooting Label Printing
Common Label Printing Problems
Debugging Notes
Frequently Asked Questions

System Task Management

Functional Flow
      Task Creation Process
      System Task Type
      Pick Methodology
      Paper Assisted Picking
      Task Type Assignment
      Task Split
      Task Dispatch
      Task Load
      Task Drop
Defining Pick Methodologies
Operation Plans
Task Planning
Warehouse Control Board
Task Management Setup
      Define Employees
      Associate Employees to Users
      Define Equipment Items
      Define Equipment Instances
      Define Resources
      Define Departments
      Define Task Types
      Define Task Type Rules
      Define Default Task Types
Transaction Reasons
Transaction Reason Functional Business Flow Description
      Setup Example
Testing the Transaction Reason Workflow
      Picking Process
      Task Menu
      Task Exceptions
      License Plate Matching
      Pick to LPN (Transfer / Into LPN)
      Drop LPN
      LPN Contexts
      Warehouse Control Board
Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions
Debugging Tools
Debugging Notes
Task Type Rules


Overview of Cycle Counting
      Functional Business Flow Description
      Cycle Count Functionality
Cycle Counting Setup
Assigning Cycle Count Task Types
Setting Up Opportunistic Cycle Counting
LPN Related Counts
LPN Discrepancies
Serial Counts
Overview of Physical Inventory
      Physical Inventory Functional/Business Flow Description
LPN Related Physical Inventory Counts
Common Problems
Debugging Notes
Frequently Asked Questions

Warehouse Management Transactions

Mobile Inventory Transactions
      Supported Transactions
      LPN Transactions
      Transaction Features
      LPN Controlled Subinventory
Form Function Parameters
Transaction Processing Mode
Customizing Hot Keys and Prompts
Transaction Manager Stub
Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions


Warehouse Management Cartonization
      Cartonization Process
Setting up Cartonization
      Contained Items
      Container Items
      Subinventory and Organization Setup
Cartonization Setup Steps
LPN Controlled and Cartonization Enabled
Bulk Pack API
Packing Workbench
Common Problems
Debugging Notes
      Category Assignments
      Bulk Pack Verification
Frequently Asked Questions

Dock Management

Functional/Business Flow Description
      Dock Scheduling and Trip Planning
      Dock Scheduling and trip planning

Warehouse Management Picking for Manufacturing

Manufacturing Picking
      Pick Release Process
      Supply Types
      Allocation Rules
      Task Type Rules
      Loading Tasks
      Dropping Tasks
      Pick Methodologies
      Job Cancellation
      Change Management
      Manual Material Issue
      Unloading Tasks
      Backordered Requirement
      Crossdock Support
      Paper Assisted Picking
      Label Printing
      Updating Allocation
      Updating Tasks
      Retain Dispatched Tasks
      Prioritize Dispatched Tasks
      Pull Requirements
      Supply Subinventory
      Allocation Rules
      Task Setup
      Pick Methodologies
Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions

Logistics Service Provider (LSP) Management in Oracle Warehouse Management

Overview of LSP Management
Features of Logistics Service Providers Management
Understanding the LSP Management Process Flow
Setting Up LSP Management Services
Defining Client Parameters
Setting Up LSP Billing

Distributed Warehouse Management System

Overview of the Distributed Warehouse Management System

Warehouse Management Shipping Transactions

Overview of Shipping Transactions
      Shipment Confirmation
      Shipment Types
      Dock Door Ship
      Direct Ship
      Shipping Process Flow
      Verification Mode
Setting Up Windows
Advanced Catch Weight Entry
Setting Up the Advanced Catch Weight Feature
Assign Re-pricing Workflow to Order Type
Transaction Processing Modes
Scale Integration for Weight
Common Problems
Debugging Notes
      Trip Verification
      All staged LPNs
      View Loaded LPNs
Frequently Asked Questions

Directed Put Away on WIP Completion

      Supported Features
Prepack Request
Completion Using Prepacked LPNs
Generating New LPNs at Completion
Setting Up Completion Windows
Setting Up Putaway Windows
Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions

Warehouse Management-Project Manufacturing Integration

Implementation Setup
      Organization Setup
      Subinventories and Locators
Inbound Logistics
Cross Docking
Outbound Logistics
Multiple Projects Consolidation
LPN transactions: Commingling
      Cost Groups Overview
Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions
Debugging Tips

Labor Management

Overview of Labor Management
Labor Management Prerequisites
Labor Management Setup
Setting Up Labor Management Parameters
Managing Non-Tracked Users
Defining Labor Standards
Implementation Considerations

Mobile Personalization

Personalization Framework Architecture
Personalizing Mobile Pages

Using Barcode Standards with Oracle Mobile Applications

      Out-of-Order Scanning
Oracle Mobile Applications DFI Flow
      Necessary Elements for DFI Support
      Setup for DFI Support
      Navigating the AK Dictionary
      Entering the DFI String
      Seeded Data Field Identifiers
Customized Barcode Scanning
      Data Field Identifier String Setup for UCC/EAN-128 Application Identifiers
      Sample Java Code

Oracle EDI Inbound ASN Enhancement for Warehouse Management

      License Plate Data (Line Detail)
ASNI Record Hierarchy
Necessary e-Commerce Gateway Setup Steps for Warehouse Management Enhancement
      Seed Date Reconciliation
EDI Import Process
Interface Table Definition
Process Trace
Troubleshooting Tips

Material Handling Device Integration

Functional Process Overview
Defining Devices
Assigning Devices to Business Events
Device Sign On
Response Messages
Carousel Bridge
PL/SQL API Specification
Table Structure
Device Response API Support
      PL/SQL Specification
      Process Flow for Calling the Device Response API
      API Exceptions
Using the Device History Window to Simulate API Responses
Debug Mode
Debugging Notes
Frequently Asked Questions

RFID Implementation

RFID Platform Architecture
Functional Process
Setting Up RFID
Business Flow Description
      Automating the Outbound Process
      Inbound Process
Debugging Tips
Frequently Asked Questions

Oracle Warehouse Management Planning for High Availability and Performance

      Warehouse Management Architecture
Warehouse Management Availability
      System Failures
      Data Failures
      Human Error
      Planned Downtime
      RF Network Availability
      Printer Availability
      Effect Of Failures On Warehouse Management Availability
      Configuration and Control Functions
      Warehouse Operator Functions
      MWA Application Server
      Wide Area Network
      Network Traffic
      Character vs. Block Mode
      Network Traffic Priority
      Network Performance Summary

Global Trade Item Numbers

      Advantages of Global Trade Item Numbers
Global Trade Item Number Data Structures
Modeling of GTIN in Warehouse Management
Global Trade Item Number Configuration
      Transactions Involving Global Trade Item Numbers
Label Printing and GTIN
Frequently Asked Questions

Label Type Fields

Label Type Fields

Rules Engine

Date Types
Selected Parameters
Seeded Rules
Seeded Strategies

Task Management

Business Example

LPN Contexts

LPN Contexts
Definitions of Context Values

Warehouse Management Case Study

      Application Landscape
      Product Profile
      Customer Profile
      Vendor Profile
Inbound Process
Outbound Process
Retail Picking:
      New Store Orders:
      International Orders:
      Online Customers:
      Super Markets and Hotels:
Accuracy and Counting
Major Challenges
Facility Map
Sample As-Is Process Maps
Using Warehouse Management in Conjunction with Business Process Re-engineering to Address Current Challenges
      Maintaining Information
      Inventory Accuracy
      Inventory Obsolescence
      Space Utilization
      Best-of-Breed Attempted Implementation
Sample Warehouse to be Process Maps

Migrating to Oracle Warehouse Management

Migrating to LPNs
Migrating to Material Statuses
Migrating to Cost Groups
Migrating to Locator Control
Migrating to Setting Up Item Dimension and Locator Capacities
Migrating to Lot & Serial Attributes
Migrating to Rules Engine

Form Function Parameters

Form Function Parameters Overview
