Case Management Implementation Checklist

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setups in Integrated Applications

This section provides guidelines for implementing integrated applications that are required to make your application work properly. References are provided to sections of this guide with additional setup details.

Implementation Tasks for Case Management

The table in this section provides you with a checklist of implementation steps for the Case Management module of Oracle TeleService. Use this checklist to determine which chapters and sections of this implementation guide are relevant to you.

Note: Case Management uses most of the same setups as the rest of Oracle TeleService. User interfaces used in these setups refer to service requests rather than to cases.

The steps are listed in suggested implementation order. Not all steps depend on previous steps, but many do.

Follow the references to detailed information and procedures in this and other guides.

Implementation Step Description References
Set up resources. You must set up agents as resources using Resource Manager before you can assign case ownership to them.
You must set up resource groups with the usage of "Support" to assign cases to groups.
  • Setting Up Resources

  • Resource Manager section of the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide

Set up business processes. To display the default response and resolution times for cases, you must set up the default service level agreement. This requires you to set up at least one business process.
A business process provides a general classification of the work performed.
You can set up different default response and resolution times by setting up multiple business processes.
Set up case statuses. Case statuses provide a classification system that makes it possible for your organization to track progress on a case. The setups are the same as for service request statuses.
Group the statuses into status groups. Status groups make it possible to assign different statuses to different case types and to create permissible status transitions. The setups are the same as for service request status groups.
Set up case types. Agents use case types to classify the case.
Different case types can capture different information and even generate tasks required for case resolution.
To set up case types, set up service request types.
Map case types to responsibilities. Mapping case types to responsibilities restricts their use to users logging in under those responsibilities. This mapping provides the basis of standard case security.
Case security is the same as service request security.
Set up case severities. Case severity reflects the support agent's perception of the case severity. Case severity is a mandatory field.
You must set up case severities.
Set up case urgencies. The Urgency field indicates how the external parties associated with the case perceive the urgency of the case. Urgency is an optional field in cases.
Set up issue types and map them to case types. Issue types standardize case descriptions. Mapping them to case types makes it possible to narrow an agent's choice to only those issue types appropriate to each case type.
To set up issue types, set up problem codes.
Set up resolution types and map them to specify where they are to be used. Resolution types provide a uniform way for agents to specify how a case is resolved.
You can specify which resolution types are relevant to which case by mapping resolution types to issue types and case types.
You must set up resolution types.
Set up case linking. You link cases to indicate that one case is a duplicate or the cause of another, for instance.
To set up case linking, set up service request linking.
Specify the valid languages for the case by setting up the Language Field. Agents can use this field to indicate a preferred language for communications regarding a case.
Set up task types and priorities. This step is required only if you are using tasks for case resolution.
Create additional note types. Note types classify the information your organization keeps on cases and tasks.
You can create note types in addition to those included with your application.
Set up case security. Case security (the same as Service Request Security) is built on top of the standard application security.
By mapping case types to responsibilities, you restrict by responsibility the ability of users to view and update cases and related objects.
Alternately, you can choose to implement your own case security.
Set up work assignment and distribution. Setting up assignment and distribution of cases and related tasks to groups and individuals involves setups of case territories and system profiles.
Set up associated party roles and role groups. Party roles describe the role parties (individuals or organizations) play in the case. For a smuggling case, the roles may include suspect, lawyer, investigator, and forensic specialist, for example. Social service agency cases may instead require case worker, teacher, and psychologist.
Party role groups classify the party roles and make it possible to display only a subset of the associated party roles at a time. The role group Investigative Team may include police officers, lawyers, and forensic specialists, for example.
Role groups are also useful to keep teams of people notified of the progress in a case using notifications.
Set up automatic notifications. By setting up automatic notifications, you can keep interested individuals or groups updated on the progress of a case.
Set up the capture of additional case information through extensible attributes or descriptive flexfields. You can capture additional case information using either extensible attributes or descriptive flexfields.
Using extensible attributes, you can:
  • Capture an unlimited number of additional attributes. (The number of descriptive flexfields is fixed.)

  • Extensible attributes permit multirow entries making it possible for agents to enter multiple items in the same case. (Descriptive flexfields permit only a single row.)

  • You can capture global attributes (visible in all cases) as well as attributes specific to a case type.

You can expose the descriptive flexfields using the Oracle Application Personalization Framework. Case Management does not support context-sensitive descriptive flexfields.
Set up the capture of additional information on associated parties using associated party extensible attributes. You can capture information about the parties you associate to a case using the same extensible attribute architecture that is used for capturing case information.
For example, an investigative agency can use attributes set up with this architecture to capture charges against a suspect in a case. A social services agency can use it to capture eligibility information for benefits.
Set up automatic task generation. You can have the application automatically generate tasks for newly-created cases based on the case and issue type.
Set up automatic closure of cases and tasks. You can set up the application to automatically:
  • Close cases when all their tasks are closed

  • Prevent the closure of cases when tasks are still open

  • Close tasks that have not been worked on

The closing of case tasks is independent of the case status.
If you do not implement closure automation, agents must remember to close all tasks when they close a case and remember to close the case after all tasks are completed.
Set up the default response and resolution times. Set up a default service level agreement to display the default due dates on cases.
Enable case reports. You can print case information in HTML, PDF, RTF, and XSL formats via integration with Oracle XML Publisher.
Set up electronic approvals and records. You can set up cases to require electronic approvals and to generate electronic audit records whenever an agent sets the case to a specific status.
You set up the approval rules in Oracle Approvals Management and the e-record templates in Oracle E-Records.
Set up indexing of text in case summaries and notes for searches. You must run the Service Request Synchronize Index concurrent program to make it possible for agents to search for text in the summary and note fields.
Set up any additional system profiles and lookups. You can use the Functional Administrator responsibility to obtain a list of all system profiles and lookups relevant to your implementation by searching by application. You can search for system profiles and lookups beginning with "Service" to find those related to cases.
Configure and personalize the application. Personalizing the application involves:
  • Specifying the Case Management template for the responsibility you are creating.

  • Choosing the Agent Dashboard variations depending on the work assignment and distribution model you have implemented.

  • Modifying what appears in the user interface by modifying lookups and using Oracle Application Framework Personalization.

Modify the definition of jeopardy. The application considers cases and tasks with expected response or resolution dates prior to the current date (or within a defined period prior to the current date) as in jeopardy.
You can extend the range of cases that are considered by the application as in jeopardy by extending the time period.
Modify notes. By default, the application does not permit anyone, including the author, to edit a note after it is saved. However, you can modify notes by adding functions.
Set up the default customer Case Management hides customer information by default, but each case still requires a customer entry.
If agents do not enter the customer, you must specify a default customer in the system profile Service: Default Customer Name.
If you do want to expose customer information, then do not specify any value for this system profile and use Oracle Applications Personalization to expose the hidden customer regions. See Configuring Case Management for Social Services.
Set up unknown parties. If you want to capture information about parties whose identities are not known, such as perpetrators in a crime, you can do so by setting up one or more unknown parties.
Change wording of error and other informational messages. All messages (error, warning, informational) as well as notification templates use the term "service request". As an implementation step, you may want to replace messages beginning with "CS" with the proper term, such as "case" or "matter".
  • Oracle Applications Developer's Guide

Purge cases as required. You can permanently purge cases and related information from your database by running the Service Request Data Purge concurrent program.