Oracle® VM

Getting Started Guide for Release 3.0.3

Oracle Legal Notices


June 2012


This tutorial describes how to get started with Oracle VM, and walks you through discovering Oracle VM Servers, registering storage, setting up networking, setting up a storage repository and importing resources into it, creating a server pool and creating virtual machines.

You should read and follow this tutorial if you are new to Oracle VM and want to quickly get up and running.

Table of Contents

1. Audience
2. Documentation Accessibility
3. Related Documents
4. Command Syntax
5. Conventions
1. Getting Started with Oracle VM
2. Discover Oracle VM Servers
2.1. Discover Oracle VM Servers
3. Register Storage
3.1. Register NFS file server
4. Create a Virtual Machine Network
4.1. Create a Virtual Machine Network
5. Create VNICs
5.1. Generating VNICs
6. Create a Server Pool
6.1. Create a server pool
7. Create a Storage Repository
7.1. Create a storage repository
8. Add Resources to Storage Repository
8.1. Import a virtual machine template
8.2. Import an ISO file
9. Create Virtual Machines
9.1. Create a virtual machine from a template
9.2. Create a virtual machine from an ISO file
9.3. Starting a virtual machine and connecting to the console