Configuring and Administering Network Components in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

Obtaining Status Information for Datalink Properties

    To obtain information about datalink properties, you can use either of the following commands:

  • dladm show-linkprop –p property datalink

  • dladm show-ether datalink

Displaying Datalink Properties

To display a complete list of datalink properties, type the command without specifying a property, as shown in the following example:

# dladm show-linkprop net1
net1     speed           r-   0            0            0         --
net1     autopush        rw   --           --           --        --
net1     zone            rw   --           --           --        --
net1     duplex          r-   unknown      unknown      unknown   half,full
net1     state           r-   up           up           up        up,down
net1     adv_autoneg_cap --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     mtu             rw   1500         1500         1500      1500
net1     flowctrl        --   --           --           no        no,tx,rx,bi,
net1     adv_10gfdx_cap  r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_10gfdx_cap   --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     adv_1000fdx_cap r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_1000fdx_cap  --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     adv_1000hdx_cap r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_1000hdx_cap  --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     adv_100fdx_cap  r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_100fdx_cap   --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     adv_100hdx_cap  r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_100hdx_cap   --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     adv_10fdx_cap   r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_10fdx_cap    --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     adv_10hdx_cap   r-   --           --           0         1,0
net1     en_10hdx_cap    --   --           --           0         1,0
net1     maxbw           rw   --           --           --        --
net1     cpus            rw   --           --           --        --

Displaying Ethernet Property Values

If you do not specify any options with the dladm show-ether command, only the current Ethernet property values for the datalink are displayed. To obtain information beyond what is provided by default, use the –x option, as shown in the following example:

# dladm show-ether -x net1
net1     current     up       yes   1G-f                     both
--       capable     --       yes   1G-fh,100M-fh,10M-fh     both
--       adv         --       yes   100M-fh,10M-fh           both
--       peeradv     --       yes   100M-f,10M-f             both

With the –x option, the command also displays the built-in capabilities of the specified link, as well as the capabilities that are currently advertised between the host and the link partner.

    The following information is displayed in this example:

  • For the Ethernet device's current state, the link is up and functioning at 1 Gigabits per second at full duplex. Its auto-negotiation capability is enabled and has bidirectional flow control, in which both the host and link partner can send and receive pause frames. This information is displayed in the first row of the output.

  • Subsequent rows of the example's output display information about datalink speed capabilities, actual datalink speeds that are advertised, as well as information from the peer system as follows:

    • The capabilities of the Ethernet device are listed. The negotiation type can be set to automatic. In addition, the device can support speeds of 1 Gigabits per second, 100 megabits per second, and 10 megabits per second, at both full and half duplex. Likewise, pause frames can be received or sent in both directions between host and link partner.

    • The capabilities of net1 are advertised as follows: autonegotiation, speed-duplex, and flow control of pause frames.

    • Similarly, net1's link or peer partner advertises the following capabilities: autonegotiation, speed-duplex, and flow control of pause frames.