Configuring and Administering Network Components in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

Displaying Information About Profiles

Use the netadm command with the list subcommand to display information about any or all of the profiles that are on a system, including the current state of each profile.

The syntax for the list subcommand is as follows:

$ netadm list [ -p object-type ] [ -c ncu-class ] [ object-name ]

You would display all of the profiles on a system and the current state of each profile as follows:

$ netadm list
ncp 		 DefaultFixed  disabled
ncp 		 Automatic 	online
ncu:phys 	net0 		 online
ncu:phys 	net1 		 offline
ncu:ip 	  net0 		 online
ncu:ip 	  net1 		 offline
loc 		 Automatic 	online
loc 		 NoNet 		offline
loc 		 DefaultFixed  offline
enm		  test-enm	  disabled

Note that the list subcommand displays the enabled NCP and all of the NCUs that make up that particular NCP.

Displaying the Current State of a Profile

The profile type and NCU class can be included with the list subcommand to identify a specific profile. If only a profile type is provided, all of the profiles that are of that type are displayed. If a profile is specified by its name, the current state of that profile is displayed. If the profile name is not unique, all of the profiles with that name are listed.

Example 6-11  Displaying the Current State of a Specified Profile

The following example lists the current state of all of the profiles that are on the system with the name Automatic.

$ netadm list Automatic
TYPE         PROFILE        STATE
ncp          Automatic      online
ncu:ip       net1           offline
ncu:phys     net1           offline
ncu:ip       net0           online
ncu:phys     net0           online
loc          Automatic      online

In the following example, the list subcommand is used with the –p option to display all of the locations that are currently on the system. In the particular example, the Automatic Location is online (enabled).

$ netadm list -p loc
loc 	DefaultFixed  offline
loc 	NoNet 		offline
loc 	Automatic 	online

In the following example, the list subcommand is used with the –c option to display all of the interface NCUs in the active NCP.

$ netadm list -c ip
TYPE         PROFILE         STATE
ncu:ip       net0            online
ncu:ip       net1            offline

Displaying Auxiliary State Values of Profiles

The auxiliary state of a profile provides an explanation about why a given profile is online or offline (enabled or disabled). To list auxiliary state values, use the –x option with the list subcommand as follows:

$ netadm list -x
ncp         DefaultFixed   disabled       disabled by administrator
ncp         Automatic      online         active
ncu:phys    net0           online         interface/link is up
ncu:phys    net1           offline        interface/link is down
ncu:ip      net0           online         interface/link is up
ncu:ip      net1           offline        conditions for activation are unmet
loc         Automatic      offline        conditions for activation are unmet
loc         NoNet          offline        conditions for activation are unmet
enm		 test-enm	   disabled	   disabled by administrator
loc         DefaultFixed   offline        conditions for activation are unmet

Auxiliary state values vary, depending on the profile type. For detailed information about auxiliary states, see the nwamd(1M) man page.