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Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Modifying the VLAN IDs of VNICs

VNICs can be configured as VLANs. You need to modify the VLAN IDs of VNICs on a datalink when you want the VNICs to host a specific VLAN's traffic.

The dladm subcommand that you use depends on whether you are modifying VLANs or VNICs configured as VLANs:

  • For VLANs that are created with the dladm create-vlan command, use the dladm modify-vlan command. To display these VLANs, use the dladm show-vlan command.

  • For VLANs that are created with the dladm create-vnic command, use the dladm modify-vnic command. To display these VNICs, including those with VLAN IDs, use the dladm show-vnic command.

You can modify the VLAN ID of a single VNIC or multiple VNICs that are configured on the datalink. You can also modify the VLAN IDs of VNICs as a group by configuring all the VNICs with the same VLAN ID.

If only one VNIC is configured on the datalink, use the following command syntax to modify the VLAN ID of the VNIC:

$ dladm modify-vnic –v vid –L link

where vid is the new VLAN ID that you assign to the VNIC.

Example 15  Modifying the VLAN ID of a VNIC on a Datalink

In this example, the VLAN ID of vnic0 that is configured over the datalink net0 is modified.

$ dladm modify-vnic -v 123 -L net0
$ dladm show-vnic
LINK      OVER     SPEED         MACADDRESS          MACADDRTYPE        IDS 
vnic0     net0     1000          2:8:20:c2:39:38     random             VID:123

If multiple VNICs are configured on the datalink, use the following command syntax to modify the VLAN IDs of the VNICs:

$ dladm modify-vnic –v vid VNIC

You must change the VLAN IDs one at a time because each VLAN ID is unique for VNICs on the same datalink.

Example 16  Modifying the VLAN ID of Multiple VNICs on a Datalink

In this example, the VLAN IDs of vnic0, vnic1, and vnic2 are modified.

$ dladm modify-vnic -v 123 vnic0
$ dladm modify-vnic -v 456 vnic1
$ dladm modify-vnic -v 789 vnic2
$ dladm show-vnic
LINK      OVER     SPEED         MACADDRESS         MACADDRTYPE         IDS 
vnic0     net0     1000          2:8:20:c2:39:38    random              VID:123
vnic1     net0     1000          2:8:20:5f:84:ff    random              VID:456  
vnic2     net0     1000          2:8:20:5f:84:ff    random              VID:789 

If each VNIC is configured on a different datalink, use the following command syntax to modify the VLAN ID of VNICs as a group:

$ dladm modify-vnic –v vid VNIC,VNIC,[...]
Example 17  Modifying the VLAN IDs of VNICs as a Group

In this example, the VLAN IDs of vnic0, vnic1, and vnic2 are modified as a group. These VNICs are configured over the datalinks net0, net1, and net2 respectively.

$ dladm modify-vnic -v 123 vnic0,vnic1,vnic2
$ dladm show-vnic
LINK      OVER     SPEED         MACADDRESS          MACADDRTYPE        IDS 
vnic0     net0     1000          2:8:20:c2:39:38     random             VID:123
vnic1     net1     1000          2:8:20:5f:84:ff     random             VID:123  
vnic2     net2     1000          2:8:20:5f:84:ff     random             VID:123