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Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Deleting VNICs

This section describes how to delete a VNIC.

How to Delete a VNIC

Before You Begin

Ensure that your role has the appropriate rights profile to perform this procedure. See Using Rights Profiles to Perform Network Configuration.

  1. (Optional) Check whether the VNIC is busy.

    You can delete a VNIC only when it is not busy. A VNIC can be busy for multiple reasons. You need to perform the following steps to check whether the VNIC busy:

    • Check whether the VNIC is plumbed and associated with an IP address.
      $ ipadm show-if
      $ ipadm show-addr

      If the VNIC is plumbed and associated with IP addresses, remove the IP interface.

      $ ipadm delete-ip interface
    • Check whether there are any flows configured over the VNIC.
      $ flowadm

      If flows are configured over the VNIC, remove the flow.

      $ flowadm remove-flow flowname
    • Check whether the VNIC is assigned to a zone.
      $ dladm show-link -Z

      For more information about how to delete a VNIC that is attached to a zone, see How to Delete a VNIC Attached to a Zone.

    • Check whether the VNIC is created by the system.
      $ dladm show-vnic

      Only a system-created VNIC contains a hyphen (-), which helps you to differentiate between a system-created VNIC and a user-created VNIC. You cannot modify, rename, plumb, or delete system-created VNICs.

    • Check whether the VNIC is snooped.
      $ snoop
      $ tshark

      If the VNIC is snooped by using the snoop command, terminate the process.

      $ pkill snoop

      If the VNIC is snooped by using the tshark command, terminate the process.

      $ pkill tshark
  2. Delete the VNIC.
    $ dladm delete-vnic VNIC

How to Delete a VNIC Attached to a Zone

This procedure assumes that the VNIC is attached to a zone. You must be in the global zone to perform this procedure.

  1. Halt the zone.
    global$ zoneadm -z zone halt

    Note -  To determine the links used by a zone, use the dladm show-link command.
  2. Remove or detach the VNIC from the zone.
    global$ zonecfg -z zone remove net physical=VNIC
  3. Delete the VNIC from the system.
    global$ dladm delete-vnic VNIC
  4. Reboot the zone.
    global$ zoneadm -z zone boot
Example 26  Deleting a VNIC Attached to a Zone

In this example, vnic1 is removed from zoneB and from the system.

global$ dladm show-link
LINK            CLASS   MTU    STATE   OVER
net0            phys    1500   up      --
net2            phys    1500   up      --
net1            phys    1500   up      --
net3            phys    1500   up      --
zoneA/net0      vnic    1500   up      net0
zoneB/net0      vnic    1500   up      net0
vnic0           vnic    1500   up      net1
zoneA/vnic0     vnic    1500   up      net1
vnic1           vnic    1500   up      net1
zoneB/vnic1     vnic    1500   up      net1

global$ zoneadm -z zoneB halt
global$ zonecfg -z zoneB remove net physical=vnic1
global$ dladm delete-vnic vnic1
global$ zoneadm -z zoneB boot