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Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

Exit Print View

Updated: November 2020



links to an external bridgeindex iconAdding Links to an Existing Bridge
administering VLANs on bridged networksindex iconAdministering VLANs on Bridged Networks
application priority configurationsindex iconApplication Priority Configurations
application TLV units
index iconApplication Priority Configurations
  See Alsoindex iconPFC
assigning a PVLAN to a zoneindex iconAssigning a PVLAN to a Zone
auto-enable-agentsindex iconEnabling LLDP on the System


basic-tlvindex iconOptional TLV Units for an LLDP Agent
bridged network ringindex iconBridged Network Ring
bridged networks
index iconOverview of Bridged Networks
index iconAdministering Bridging Features
adding links to an existing bridgeindex iconAdding Links to an Existing Bridge
administering VLANs on bridgesindex iconAdministering VLANs on Bridged Networks
bridged network ringindex iconBridged Network Ring
creating a bridgeindex iconCreating a Bridge
debugging bridgesindex iconDebugging Bridges
deleting a bridgeindex iconDeleting a Bridge From the System
displaying configuration informationindex iconDisplaying Bridge Configuration Information
displaying configuration information about bridge linksindex iconDisplaying Configuration Information About Bridge Links
example of creating a bridgeindex iconCreating a Bridge
example of deleting a bridge from the systemindex iconDeleting a Bridge From the System
example of displaying bridge informationindex iconDisplaying Bridge Information
example of modifying the protection type for a bridgeindex iconModifying the Protection Type for a Bridge
how a bridge network worksindex iconHow a Bridged Network Works
modifying the protection typeindex iconModifying the Protection Type for a Bridge
network stackindex iconHow Oracle Solaris Bridges Are Implemented in the Network Stack
overviewindex iconOverview of Bridged Networks
protocolsindex iconBridging Protocols
removing linksindex iconRemoving Links From a Bridge
setting link propertiesindex iconSetting Link Properties for a Bridge
simple bridged networkindex iconSimple Bridged Network
STP daemonindex iconSTP Daemon
TRILL daemonindex iconTRILL Daemon
VLANs and STP and TRILL protocolsindex iconVLANs and the STP and TRILL Protocols
adding links to an existing bridgeindex iconAdding Links to an Existing Bridge
configuring a VLAN over a link that is part of a bridgeindex iconHow to Configure VLANs Over a Datalink That Is Part of a Bridge
creatingindex iconCreating a Bridge
deletingindex iconDeleting a Bridge From the System
naming bridgesindex iconCreating a Bridge
removing links fromindex iconRemoving Links From a Bridge
bridging protocolsindex iconBridging Protocols


class of service  Seeindex iconCoS
community VLANindex iconOverview of Private VLANs
PVLANindex iconConfiguring a Private VLAN
priority definitionsindex iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
bridgesindex iconCreating a Bridge
link aggregationsindex iconCreating a Link Aggregation
PVLANindex iconConfiguring a Private VLAN
VLAN over a link that is part of a bridgeindex iconHow to Configure VLANs Over a Datalink That Is Part of a Bridge
VLANsindex iconHow to Configure a VLAN
VLANs over a link aggregationindex iconHow to Configure VLANs Over a Link Aggregation
PFC for DCBindex iconHow to Customize Priority-Based Flow Control for DCB


data center bridging
  Seeindex iconDCB
  Seeindex iconDCB
datalink multipathing aggregations  Seeindex iconDLMP aggregations
DCBindex iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
configuring ETSindex iconCustomizing Enhanced Transmission Selection for DCB
considerationsindex iconConsiderations When Using DCB
cos propertyindex iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
customizing PFCindex iconCustomizing Priority-Based Flow Control for DCB
enabling DCBXindex iconHow to Enable the Data Center Bridging Exchange Feature Manually
enhanced transmission selection (ETS)index iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
overviewindex iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
priority-based flow control (PFC)
index iconPriority-Based Flow Control
index iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
DCBX protocol
index iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
index iconOverview of LLDP
LLDP TLVindex iconHow to Define TLV Units
bridgeindex iconDeleting a Bridge From the System
PVLANindex iconDeleting a Private VLAN
VLANsindex iconDeleting a VLAN
LLDPindex iconDisabling LLDP
aggregated port informationindex iconDisplaying Detailed Information About the Aggregated Port
bridge configuration informationindex iconDisplaying Bridge Configuration Information
datalink properties
index iconDisplaying ETS-Related Datalink Properties
index iconDisplaying Datalink Properties
ETS configuration informationindex iconDisplaying ETS Configuration Information
IP address state of aggregationindex iconDisplaying the IP Address and the State of the Aggregation
LLDP advertised informationindex iconDisplaying the Advertised Information
LLDP statisticsindex iconDisplaying LLDP Statistics
PFC configuration informationindex iconDisplaying PFC Configuration Information
PFC mapping informationindex iconDisplaying PFC Mapping Information Between Host and Peer
PFC synchronization statusindex iconDisplaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize PFC Information
priority definitionsindex iconDisplaying Priority Definitions
probe-ip property valuesindex iconDisplaying probe-ip Property Values
probe-related informationindex iconDisplaying Probe-Related Information
state of the aggregated portindex iconDisplaying the State of the Aggregated Ports
synchronization statusindex iconDisplaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize ETS Information
VLAN informationindex iconDisplaying VLAN Information
willing property value
index iconDisplaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize ETS Information
index iconDisplaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize PFC Information
dladm command
add-aggrindex iconHow to Add a Link to an Aggregation
add-bridgeindex iconAdding Links to an Existing Bridge
create-aggrindex iconHow to Create a Link Aggregation
create-bridgeindex iconCreating a Bridge
index iconConfiguring a Private VLAN
index iconHow to Configure a VLAN
delete-aggrindex iconHow to Delete a Link Aggregation
delete-bridgeindex iconDeleting a Bridge From the System
index iconDeleting a Private VLAN
index iconDeleting a VLAN
modify-aggrindex iconModifying a Trunk Aggregation Attributes
modify-bridgeindex iconModifying the Protection Type for a Bridge
index iconModifying Private VLANs
index iconModifying VLANs
remove-bridgeindex iconRemoving Links From a Bridge
show-aggrindex iconHow to Create a Link Aggregation
show-bridgeindex iconDisplaying Information About Configured Bridges
show-linkpropindex iconDisplaying PFC Configuration Information
show-vlanindex iconDisplaying VLAN Information
DLMP aggregationsindex iconDatalink Multipathing Aggregations
configuring probe-based failure detectionindex iconHow to Configure Probe-Based Failure Detection
example of configuring probe-based failure detectionindex iconConfiguring Probe-Based Failure Detection
example of creating DLMP aggregationindex iconCreating a DLMP Aggregation and Configuring an IP Interface on Top of the Aggregation
failure detectionindex iconFailure Detection in DLMP Aggregation
how DLMP aggregation worksindex iconHow DLMP Aggregation Works
link-based failure detectionindex iconLink-Based Failure Detection
monitoring probe-based failure detectionindex iconMonitoring Probe-Based Failure Detection
port failureindex iconDLMP Aggregation When a Port Fails
probe-based failure detectionindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection
topologyindex iconHow DLMP Aggregation Works
dot1-tlvindex iconOptional TLV Units for an LLDP Agent
dot3-tlvindex iconOptional TLV Units for an LLDP Agent


DCBXindex iconHow to Enable the Data Center Bridging Exchange Feature Manually
LLDP for specific portsindex iconHow to Enable LLDP for Specific Ports
LLDP globallyindex iconHow to Enable LLDP Globally
synchronization of PFC informationindex iconEnabling Synchronization Between the Host and the Peer
enhanced transmission selection
  Seeindex iconETS
  Seeindex iconETS
index iconEnhanced Transmission Selection
index iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
bandwidth shareindex iconSetting the ETS-Related Datalink Properties
configuringindex iconCustomizing Enhanced Transmission Selection for DCB
displaying informationindex iconDisplaying ETS Configuration Information
ETS TLV unitsindex iconSetting ETS TLV Units
example of displaying ETS-related datalink propertiesindex iconDisplaying ETS-Related Datalink Properties
example of displaying the capability to synchronize ETS informationindex iconDisplaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize ETS Information
example of recommending ETS configuration to the peerindex iconRecommending an ETS Configuration to the Peer
local and remote informationindex iconSetting the ETS-Related Datalink Properties
propertiesindex iconSetting the ETS-Related Datalink Properties
recommending ETS configuration to the peerindex iconRecommending ETS Configuration to the Peer
setting ETS-related datalink propertiesindex iconSetting the ETS-Related Datalink Properties
creating a VLANindex iconCreating a VLAN
creating multiple VLANs over a link aggregationindex iconConfiguring Multiple VLANs Over a Link Aggregation
deleting a VLAN configuration
index iconDeleting a VLAN Configuration
index iconDeleting a VLAN Configuration
migrating multiple VLANsindex iconSelective Migration


failure detection in DLMP aggregationindex iconFailure Detection in DLMP Aggregation
link-based failure detectionindex iconLink-Based Failure Detection
probe-based failure detectionindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection


global TLV unitsindex iconGlobal TLV Units and Their Properties


DLMP aggregationsindex iconDatalink Multipathing Aggregations


ICMP probingindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection
LLDP packageindex iconHow to Install the LLDP Package
link aggregations, comparison withindex iconLink Aggregations and IPMP: Feature Comparison
isolated VLANindex iconOverview of Private VLANs


definition ofindex iconUsing a Switch With the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
LACPDUindex iconUsing a Switch With the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
modesindex iconUsing a Switch With the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
using a switch withindex iconUsing a Switch With the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
link aggregation
example of adding a link to an aggregationindex iconAdding a Link to an Aggregation
example of deleting a link aggregationindex iconDeleting a Link Aggregation
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)  Seeindex iconLACP
link aggregationsindex iconOverview of Link Aggregations
adding datalinksindex iconHow to Add a Link to an Aggregation
combined use with VLANsindex iconUse Cases in of VLAN Deployments
creatingindex iconHow to Create a Link Aggregation
deletingindex iconHow to Delete a Link Aggregation
deployment possibilitiesindex iconOverview of Link Aggregations
DLMP aggregationsindex iconDatalink Multipathing Aggregations
example of removing a link from an aggregationindex iconRemoving a Link From an Aggregation
IPMP, comparison withindex iconLink Aggregations and IPMP: Feature Comparison
overviewindex iconOverview of Link Aggregations
removingindex iconRemoving a Link From an Aggregation
requirementsindex iconRequirements for Link Aggregations
trunk aggregationsindex iconTrunk Aggregations
Link Layer Discovery Protocol  Seeindex iconLLDP
link layer discovery protocol  Seeindex iconLLDP
link properties
setting for a bridgeindex iconSetting Link Properties for a Bridge
link state notificationindex iconRequirements for Link Aggregations
link-based failure detectionindex iconLink-Based Failure Detection
index iconOverview of LLDP
index iconOverview of LLDP
agent modesindex iconLLDP Agent Modes
agentsindex iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent
auto-enable-agentsindex iconEnabling LLDP on the System
components in Oracle Solarisindex iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
defining TLV valuesindex iconHow to Define TLV Units
disablingindex iconDisabling LLDP
displaying advertised informationindex iconDisplaying the Advertised Information
displaying statisticsindex iconDisplaying LLDP Statistics
enablingindex iconEnabling LLDP on the System
enabling for specific portsindex iconHow to Enable LLDP for Specific Ports
enabling globallyindex iconHow to Enable LLDP Globally
example of adding optional TLV unitsindex iconAdding Optional TLV Units to an LLDP Packet
example of customizing the auto-enable-agents SMF propertyindex iconCustomizing the auto-enable-agents SMF Property
example of defining TLV valuesindex iconDefining TLV Values for the syscapab and mgmtaddr TLV Units
example of displaying advertised informationindex iconDisplaying Advertised LLDP Agent Information
example of displaying selected statisticsindex iconDisplaying Selected LLDP Packet Statistics
example of displaying statisticsindex iconDisplaying LLDP Packet Statistics
example of displaying the chassis ID and port IDindex iconDisplaying the Chassis ID and Port ID
example of enabling LLDP on multiple datalinksindex iconEnabling LLDP on Multiple Datalinks
global TLV units
index iconTLV Unit Properties
index iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
installingindex iconHow to Install the LLDP Package
lldpd daemonindex iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
management information base (MIB)index iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent
monitoring agentsindex iconMonitoring LLDP Agents
optional TLV unitsindex iconOptional TLV Units
packageindex iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
per-agent TLV units
index iconTLV Unit Properties
index iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
SMF property forindex iconEnabling LLDP on the System
specifying agent TLV unitsindex iconHow to Specify TLV Units for the LLDP Packet of an Agent
TLV units
index iconTLV Unit Properties
index iconInformation the LLDP Agent Advertises
LLDP SMF serviceindex iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
lldpadm commandindex iconComponents of an LLDP Implementation
reset-agentpropindex iconDisabling LLDP
index iconDisabling LLDP
index iconHow to Enable LLDP for Specific Ports
index iconApplication Priority Configurations
index iconSetting the PFC TLV Units
index iconCustomizing Priority-Based Flow Control for DCB
index iconHow to Define TLV Units
index iconHow to Enable LLDP for Specific Ports
index iconHow to Define TLV Units
index iconHow to Enable LLDP Globally
index iconDisplaying LLDP Statistics
index iconMonitoring LLDP Agents
index iconDisplaying PFC Configuration Information
index iconHow to Define TLV Units
show-tlvpropindex iconHow to Define TLV Units
LLDPDUsindex iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent
load balancing
trunk aggregationsindex iconDefining Aggregation Policies for Load Balancing
local MIBindex iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent


management information base (MIB)index iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent
managing network datalinks
bridged networksindex iconOverview of Bridged Networks
DCBindex iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
features and componentsindex iconDatalink Technologies for Improving the Network
introductionindex iconIntroduction to Managing Network Datalinks
link aggregationsindex iconOverview of Link Aggregations
LLDPindex iconOverview of LLDP
VLANsindex iconDeploying VLANs
mandatory TLV unitsindex iconInformation the LLDP Agent Advertises
VLANindex iconMigrating a VLAN to Another Underlying Link
mode of operation for DCB
settingindex iconSetting the Mode of Operation for DCB
protection type of a bridgeindex iconModifying the Protection Type for a Bridge
PVLANindex iconModifying Private VLANs
trunk aggregationindex iconModifying a Trunk Aggregation Attributes
VLAN ID of a VLANindex iconModifying the VLAN ID of a VLAN
LLDP agentsindex iconMonitoring LLDP Agents


Network Management profileindex iconUsing Rights Profiles to Perform Network Configuration
network stack
bridge implementationindex iconHow Oracle Solaris Bridges Are Implemented in the Network Stack


optional TLV unitsindex iconOptional TLV Units


PAUSE framesindex iconPriority-Based Flow Control
per-agent TLV unitsindex iconPer-Agent TLV Units and Their Properties
pfbash shellindex iconUsing Rights Profiles to Perform Network Configuration
index iconPriority-Based Flow Control
index iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
CoS priority mappingsindex iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
customizingindex iconCustomizing Priority-Based Flow Control for DCB
customizing PFC for DCBindex iconHow to Customize Priority-Based Flow Control for DCB
datalink properties, relatedindex iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
displaying datalink propertiesindex iconDisplaying Datalink Properties
displaying informationindex iconDisplaying PFC Configuration Information
example of displaying capability to synchronize PFC informationindex iconDisplaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize PFC Information
example of displaying CoS priority definitionsindex iconDisplaying CoS Priority Definitions
example of displaying PFC-related datalink propertiesindex iconDisplaying PFC-Related Datalink Properties
example of enabling synchronization between host and the peerindex iconEnabling Synchronization Between the Host and the Peer
example of verifying symmetry of PFC informationindex iconVerifying Symmetry of PFC Information Between Host and Peer
local and remote informationindex iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
PAUSE framesindex iconPriority-Based Flow Control
pfcmap-remoteindex iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
index iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
index iconPriority-Based Flow Control
synchronized informationindex iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
VNIC clientsindex iconDisplaying CoS Priority Definitions
PFC mappingindex iconPriority-Based Flow Control
PFC TLV unitsindex iconSetting the PFC TLV Units
priority-based flow control
  Seeindex iconPFC
  Seeindex iconPFC
private virtual local area networkindex iconConfiguring Private Virtual Local Area Networks
private VLAN
configuringindex iconConfiguring a Private VLAN
deletingindex iconDeleting a Private VLAN
modifyingindex iconModifying Private VLANs
private VLANsindex iconConfiguring Private Virtual Local Area Networks
privileges, network configurationindex iconUsing Rights Profiles to Perform Network Configuration
probe-based failure detectionindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection
configuringindex iconConfiguring Probe-Based Failure Detection for DLMP Aggregation
displaying aggregated port informationindex iconDisplaying Detailed Information About the Aggregated Port
displaying probe-ip property valuesindex iconDisplaying probe-ip Property Values
displaying probe-related informationindex iconDisplaying Probe-Related Information
displaying the IP address state of aggregationindex iconDisplaying the IP Address and the State of the Aggregation
displaying the state of the aggregated portindex iconDisplaying the State of the Aggregated Ports
example of configuring probe-based failure detectionindex iconConfiguring Probe-Based Failure Detection
ICMP probingindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection
monitoringindex iconMonitoring Probe-Based Failure Detection
transitive probingindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection
promiscuous trunk portindex iconPVLAN Ports
protocol data units (PDUs)index iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent
DCBXindex iconOverview of Data Center Bridging
LLDPindex iconExchanging Network Connectivity Information With Link Layer Discovery Protocol
index iconBridging Protocols
index iconBridged Network Ring
index iconBridging Protocols
index iconBridged Network Ring
assigning to a zoneindex iconAssigning a PVLAN to a Zone
community VLANindex iconOverview of Private VLANs
configuration requirementsindex iconPVLAN Configuration Requirements
configuringindex iconConfiguring a Private VLAN
deletingindex iconDeleting a Private VLAN
isolated VLANindex iconOverview of Private VLANs
modifyingindex iconModifying Private VLANs
overviewindex iconOverview of Private VLANs
portsindex iconPVLAN Ports
promiscuous trunk portindex iconPVLAN Ports
secondary trunk portindex iconPVLAN Ports
with zoneindex iconPVLANs With Zones
PVLAN portsindex iconPVLAN Ports
PVLAN secondary trunk portindex iconPVLAN Ports
PVLANsindex iconConfiguring Private Virtual Local Area Networks


RBACindex iconUsing Rights Profiles to Perform Network Configuration
ETS configuration to the peerindex iconRecommending ETS Configuration to the Peer
remote MIBindex iconInformation Sources of the LLDP Agent
link from an aggregationindex iconRemoving a Link From an Aggregation
links from a bridgeindex iconRemoving Links From a Bridge


ETS TLV unitsindex iconSetting ETS TLV Units
ETS-related datalink propertiesindex iconSetting the ETS-Related Datalink Properties
mode of operation for DCBindex iconSetting the Mode of Operation for DCB
PFC TLV unitsindex iconSetting the PFC TLV Units
PFC-related datalink propertiesindex iconSetting the PFC-Related Datalink Properties
tag-modeindex iconSetting the Tag Mode for a PVLAN
simple bridged networkindex iconSimple Bridged Network
TLV units for LLDP packet of an agentindex iconHow to Specify TLV Units for the LLDP Packet of an Agent
setting as bridge protection typeindex iconModifying the Protection Type for a Bridge
STP daemonindex iconSTP Daemon
STP protocolindex iconBridging Protocols
contrasted with TRILLindex iconBridging Protocols


tag modeindex iconSetting the Tag Mode for a PVLAN
TLV property
willingindex iconSetting the PFC TLV Units
topology discovery
with LLDPindex iconOverview of LLDP
transitive probingindex iconProbe-Based Failure Detection
TRILLindex iconBridging Protocols
setting as bridge protection typeindex iconModifying the Protection Type for a Bridge
TRILL daemonindex iconTRILL Daemon
TRILL protocol
contrasted with STPindex iconBridging Protocols
trunk aggregationsindex iconTrunk Aggregations
back-to-backindex iconBack-to-Back Trunk Aggregation Configuration
example of creating trunk aggregationindex iconCreating a Trunk Aggregation
example of modifying a trunk aggregationindex iconModifying a Trunk Aggregation
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)index iconUsing a Switch With the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
load balancing policyindex iconDefining Aggregation Policies for Load Balancing
modifyingindex iconModifying a Trunk Aggregation Attributes
prerequisitesindex iconHow to Create a Link Aggregation
unique featuresindex iconUsing a Switch
using a switchindex iconTrunk Aggregation Using a Switch
when to useindex iconTrunk Aggregations
type -length-value (TLV) unitsindex iconInformation the LLDP Agent Advertises


virt-tlvindex iconOptional TLV Units for an LLDP Agent
virtual local area networks
  Seeindex iconVLANs
  Seeindex iconVLANs
index iconDeploying VLANs
index iconConfiguring Virtual Networks by Using Virtual Local Area Networks
combined use with link aggregationsindex iconUse Cases in of VLAN Deployments
configurationindex iconHow to Configure a VLAN
creating over link aggregationsindex iconHow to Configure VLANs Over a Link Aggregation
deletingindex iconDeleting a VLAN
displaying informationindex iconDisplaying VLAN Information
example to create a VLANindex iconCreating a VLAN
example to create a VLAN with zones
index iconConfiguring VNICs as VLANs for Zones
index iconConfiguring VLANs With Zone's anet Resource
example to create multiple VLANs over a link aggregationindex iconConfiguring Multiple VLANs Over a Link Aggregation
example to delete a VLAN configuration
index iconDeleting a VLAN Configuration
index iconDeleting a VLAN Configuration
MAC addresses onindex iconMigrating a VLAN to Another Underlying Link
migratingindex iconModifying VLANs
modifying VLAN IDsindex iconModifying VLANs
overviewindex iconDeploying VLANs
planning a VLAN configurationindex iconPlanning a VLAN Configuration
STP and TRILL protocolsindex iconVLANs and the STP and TRILL Protocols
topologiesindex iconVLAN Topology
used with zonesindex iconUsing VLANs With Virtualization
VLAN namesindex iconAbout VLAN IDs
when to use VLANsindex iconWhen to Use VLANs
workgroupsindex iconWhen to Use VLANs