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Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Administering VLANs on Bridged Networks

By default, VLANs that are configured on the system forward packets among all the ports on a bridge instance. When you invoke the dladm create-vlan or dladm create-vnic -v command and the underlying link is a part of a bridge, the command also enables packet forwarding of the specified VLAN on that bridge link. For more information about VLANs, see Configuring Virtual Networks by Using Virtual Local Area Networks.

To configure a VLAN on a link and disable packet forwarding to or from other links on the bridge, you must disable forwarding by setting the forward property for the VLAN with the dladm set-linkprop command. For more information, see Setting Link Properties for a Bridge.