Oracle® Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2015

How to Boot a Cluster

This procedure explains how to start a global cluster or zone cluster whose nodes have been shut down. For global-cluster nodes, the system displays the ok prompt on SPARC systems or the Press any key to continue message on the GRUB based x86 systems.

The phys-schost# prompt reflects a global-cluster prompt. Perform this procedure on a global cluster.

This procedure provides the long forms of the Oracle Solaris Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identical.

Note -  To create a zone cluster, follow the instructions in Creating and Configuring a Zone Cluster in Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide or use the GUI to create the zone cluster.
  1. Boot each node into cluster mode.

    Perform all steps in this procedure from a node of the global cluster.

    • On SPARC based systems, run the following command.
      ok boot
    • On x86 based systems, run the following commands.

      When the GRUB menu is displayed, select the appropriate Oracle Solaris entry and press Enter.

      For more information about GRUB based booting, see Booting a System in Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11.2 Systems .

      Note -  Nodes must have a working connection to the cluster interconnect to attain cluster membership.
    • If you have a zone cluster, you can boot the entire zone cluster.
      phys-schost# clzonecluster boot zoneclustername
    • If you have more than one zone cluster, you can boot all zone clusters. Use + instead of the zoneclustername.
  2. Verify that the nodes booted without error and are online.

    The cluster status command reports the global-cluster nodes' status.

    phys-schost# cluster status -t node

    When you run the clzonecluster status status command from a global-cluster node, the command reports the state of the zone-cluster node.

    phys-schost# clzonecluster status

    Note -  If a node's /var file system fills up, Oracle Solaris Cluster might not be able to restart on that node. If this problem arises, see How to Repair a Full /var File System. For more information, see the clzonecluster(1CL) man page.
Example 3-4  SPARC: Booting a Global Cluster

The following example shows the console output when node phys-schost-1 is booted into the global cluster. Similar messages appear on the consoles of the other nodes in the global cluster. When the autoboot property of a zone cluster is set to true, the system automatically boots the zone-cluster node after booting the global-cluster node on that machine.

When a global-cluster node reboots, all zone cluster nodes on that machine halt. Any zone-cluster node on that same machine with the autoboot property set to true boots after the global-cluster node restarts.

ok boot
Rebooting with command: boot
Hostname: phys-schost-1
Booting as part of a cluster
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-1 with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-2 with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-3 with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-1: attempting to join cluster
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-2 (incarnation # 937690106) has become reachable.
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-3 (incarnation # 937690290) has become reachable.
NOTICE: cluster has reached quorum.
NOTICE: node phys-schost-1 is up; new incarnation number = 937846227.
NOTICE: node phys-schost-2 is up; new incarnation number = 937690106.
NOTICE: node phys-schost-3 is up; new incarnation number = 937690290.
NOTICE: Cluster members: phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2 phys-schost-3.
Example 3-5  x86: Booting a Cluster

The following example shows the console output when node phys-schost-1 is booted into the cluster. Similar messages appear on the consoles of the other nodes in the cluster.

ATI RAGE SDRAM BIOS P/N GR-xlint.007-4.330
*   BIOS Lan-Console 2.0
Copyright (C) 1999-2001  Intel Corporation
MAC ADDR: 00 02 47 31 38 3C
AMIBIOS (C)1985-2002 American Megatrends Inc.,
Copyright 1996-2002 Intel Corporation
SCB2 Production BIOS Version 2.08
BIOS Build 1064
2 X Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU family      1400MHz
Testing system memory, memory size=2048MB
2048MB Extended Memory Passed
512K L2 Cache SRAM Passed

Press <F2> to enter SETUP, <F12> Network

Adaptec AIC-7899 SCSI BIOS v2.57S4
(c) 2000 Adaptec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Press <Ctrl><A> for SCSISelect(TM) Utility!

Ch B,  SCSI ID: 0 SEAGATE  ST336605LC        160
SCSI ID: 1 SEAGATE  ST336605LC        160
Ch A,  SCSI ID: 2 SUN      StorEdge 3310     160
SCSI ID: 3 SUN      StorEdge 3310     160

AMIBIOS (C)1985-2002 American Megatrends Inc.,
Copyright 1996-2002 Intel Corporation
SCB2 Production BIOS Version 2.08
BIOS Build 1064

2 X Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU family      1400MHz
Testing system memory, memory size=2048MB
2048MB Extended Memory Passed
512K L2 Cache SRAM Passed

SunOS - Intel Platform Edition             Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0

Current Disk Partition Information

Part#   Status    Type      Start       Length
1     Active   X86 BOOT     2428       21852
2              SOLARIS     24280     71662420
3              <unused> 
4              <unused>
Please select the partition you wish to boot: *       *

Solaris DCB

loading /solaris/boot.bin

SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00

Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System

Autobooting from bootpath: /pci@0,0/pci8086,2545@3/pci8086,1460@1d/

If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different
device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC.
Press ESCape to interrupt autoboot in 2 seconds.
Initializing system
Please wait...
Warning: Resource Conflict - both devices are added

NON-ACPI device: ISY0050
Port: 3F0-3F5, 3F7; IRQ: 6; DMA: 2
ACPI device: ISY0050
Port: 3F2-3F3, 3F4-3F5, 3F7; IRQ: 6; DMA: 2

<<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci8086,2545@3/pci8086,1460@1d/pci8086,341a@7,1/
Boot args:

Type    b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER>  to boot with options
or      i <ENTER>                           to enter boot interpreter
or      <ENTER>                             to boot with defaults

<<< timeout in 5 seconds >>>

Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter:
Size: 275683 + 22092 + 150244 Bytes
/platform/i86pc/kernel/unix loaded - 0xac000 bytes used
SunOS Release 5.9 Version Generic_112234-07 32-bit
Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
configuring IPv4 interfaces: e1000g2.
Hostname: phys-schost-1
Booting as part of a cluster
NOTICE: CMM: Node phys-schost-1 (nodeid = 1) with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: CMM: Node phys-schost-2 (nodeid = 2) with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: CMM: Quorum device 1 (/dev/did/rdsk/d1s2) added; votecount = 1, bitmask
of nodes with configured paths = 0x3.
NOTICE: clcomm: Adapter e1000g3 constructed
NOTICE: clcomm: Path phys-schost-1:e1000g3 - phys-schost-2:e1000g3 being constructed
NOTICE: clcomm: Path phys-schost-1:e1000g3 - phys-schost-2:e1000g3 being initiated
NOTICE: clcomm: Path phys-schost-1:e1000g3 - phys-schost-2:e1000g3 online
NOTICE: clcomm: Adapter e1000g0 constructed
NOTICE: clcomm: Path phys-schost-1:e1000g0 - phys-schost-2:e1000g0 being constructed
NOTICE: CMM: Node phys-schost-1: attempting to join cluster.
NOTICE: clcomm: Path phys-schost-1:e1000g0 - phys-schost-2:e1000g0 being initiated
NOTICE: CMM: Quorum device /dev/did/rdsk/d1s2: owner set to node 1.
NOTICE: CMM: Cluster has reached quorum.
NOTICE: CMM: Node phys-schost-1 (nodeid = 1) is up; new incarnation number = 1068496374.
NOTICE: CMM: Node phys-schost-2 (nodeid = 2) is up; new incarnation number = 1068496374.
NOTICE: CMM: Cluster members: phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2.
NOTICE: CMM: node reconfiguration #1 completed.
NOTICE: CMM: Node phys-schost-1: joined cluster.